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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Thats great, let us know what you think of the game. I only started playing it last week, still learning the ropes, since this is my first ever MMORPG, still not sure what I'm actually doing apart from levelling up by killing monsters. Theres something called a chip war, not sure how to take part either.

    During chip war, go to the mines. RF is a grinding game, both level and skill.

  2. :angry: I just spent three days downloading RF online, only for it to not install on my PC, my computer just freezes when I launch the installer. :angry:

    I must have downloaded a corrupt installer, Looks like I have to download it again :(

    Try this one:

    Wink Having Problems Playing RF Because It Won't Update?? Check This Out

    Well this is how i did first you download winrar so extracting will be easier because others will extract 75% and freeze. Okay download winrar and if you don't have it the link is down there. when done with that download the following files:Game Client,Update 1 & 2.when done extracting it all then install all of the files. when you finished installing everything you should open the game client and it should be patching around 112 more files then when it is done you should be able to play.Welcome everyone.If it doesn't work sorry.. if works then yea haha if you wanna say thanks to me or sumthing my name on rf online is Chinaman with a cap C in beginning see ya on RF =]



    Game Client:


    Update 1:


    Update 2:


    Codemaster RF have some serious problem with their update server. However this is one of the MMORPG with great graphics (especially the coras :D)

  3. Why did they ban IP from asia?

    Reply from their admin:

    Originally Posted by ClouDMechA

    Thank you for submitting your recent request to Codemasters Customer Services concerning RF Online.

    Due to high levels of fraud and player support for illegal activity in the game, we have had to take significant measures to maintain the integrity of the RF Online service.

    We have blocked a number of IP addresses that fall outside of our operating territory. We have also blocked IPs associated with suspicious activity. If you are unable to connect to the game and are trying to connect from outside our operating territory, you will no longer be able to play the game, unfortunately.

    This changes will remain in place for the foreseeable future, and we will not respond to any appeal emails I'm afraid, as these changes are not reversable.

    We are very sorry to have been forced into this action, but this action is absolutely necessary. The in-game economy and the commercial viability of the game are both threatened and action has to be taken to protect the future operation of RF Online.

    If you need further assistance, please reply to this email and INCLUDE THIS LINE IN YOUR REPLY:-


    Or include the entire text of this email.

    Kind regards


    Codemasters Customer Services

    I say those freakin gold seller makes them pull this stunt, but that doesn't prove that asian countries is the source of those gold seller.

  4. I prefer the plot pacing in 00 than in Seed Destiny.

    I guess it'll go down that Celestial Being's Veda becomes batshit crazy and wants to eliminate the whole world or something and creates autonomous gundams! The whole world is forced to rally against this new threat. ;)

    Sounds like SRW:OG OVA plot :lol:

    Somehow I lost interest on this series :mellow:

  5. Here's the clay rendering. I'm still trying to figure out the angle deck structure, I'm putting the elevator to the lower deck and now working on the lower deck itself.

    Well, Wings does have its limitation, I'll split up the model when it started to slow down :D



  6. Well it looks like that you have a good grasp on the basic shapes right now. Other than telling you to get as many close references of the ships so you can plan out your small details and figure out what is and what is not paint and surface equipment... I can't suggest much. But if you want to add more detail than the references give you I suggest looking at the other designs that do have close references.

    Well, I'm planning to do that, maybe by taking real aircraft carrier or Promotheus for reference.

    A small update on the flightdeck, the angle deck is a bit difficult to model due to lack of references, I'll try to improvise it ^_^


  7. Morpheus, what detail level are you aiming for? Game level or static render quality(aka hi poly)?

    Well, I'm trying for a high poly version since I'm not good at texturing except procedural texturing. I'm currently working on the Uraga carrier.

  8. Just started this WIP several months ago, run out of idea so maybe some of you could give some hint on what part I should do next B))

    Some info: Modelled using Wings3D and rendered using Blender.






  9. The bug reminds me of Neo-Bahamuth from FF7 Advent Children (mouth piece), EVA-02 (eyes). The energy cannon reminds me of this mecha from VFX-2:


    Seems like the bug is equipped with a machine gun/cannon on its forearm (or is it energy based). Makes me wonder if its using machine gun, where the ammo came from :lol:

    I wonder when they will released the art of this series? My wish list for the lineart:

    - VF-171 (all mode)

    - Algenicus look alike

    - Bugs biomecha

    - The new Guantanamo and Stealth frigate class.

  10. Hi there, I don't know if I'm posting on the right forum.

    Anyone have a reference pic that shows the size comparison of the UN SPACY naval vessel circa 2040?

    I believe I saw one years ago in Nanashi site, I wonder if anyone still have that image.


  11. Ok which one of you votes "boring"? <_<

    When the city dome was breached by Vajra? or "EVA-02" type bug, it seem the dome started to produce a liquid like substance to seal the hole. Is it liquid metal or other kind of liquid? ^_^

    BTW, I rarely seen the disc-shaped pinpoint barrier on ships since the original macross series (Mac7 show it as a full barrier I think). I'm very impressed with the AA barrage from the ships.

    Is it just me or the Frontier fleet lack of any other colony platform like the Three Star factory ship?


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