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Posts posted by snakerbot

  1. 3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    If someone doesn't need the artbook, cards and poster...PM me...at $160 I cannot rationalize the purchase since I already have the Japanese bluray set


    1 hour ago, Duke Togo said:

    No thank you. I'm not paying that much for a bunch of extras I don't want. I just want the discs.

    A match made in heaven.

  2. 4 hours ago, Mommar said:

    I was just pointing out I think the sngle of thst newer pic and the extra flap to make room for the landing gesr makes it look farther up than it actually is.  Unless for some reason they reengineered the whole nose cone since that time.

    Yeah I was going to say something similar. I think the strut is in the right place but there's some weirdness going on with the door.

  3. Do we know what the story is with the VF-171's built-in guns? The VF-17 precursor had six or eight, two beside the cockpit, two in the arms, and the rest on the monitor turret, although the exact models of those is not specified anywhere I can see. The 171 and 171EX have two REB-22 or AMG-30 and two AAB-7B or AAB-9A but I can't see anything saying which of those are where on the airframe. The CG model shows exit ports on both ends of the arms and the guns beside the cockpit are depicted firing something in the show. Looking for similar weapons on other VFs I see:

    • AAB-7(.5) on the YF-21's monitor turret
    • REB-22 in the YF-21's arms
    • REB-20G or REB-23 in the YF-19's wing roots
    • REB-23 in the VF-19P's wing roots
    • REB-30G on the YF-19 and VF-19P's monitor turrets

    The YF-21 having the AAB-7(.5) on the monitor turret makes me think the AAB-7Bs or AAB-9As are on the 171's monitor turret.

    Given that the REB-22 in the YF-21 have twin exit ports, it makes sense to assume those are the ones in the 171's arms, but on the movie 171 and the 171EX those are replaced with projectile guns, and I'm not sure projectile guns with twin exit ports make all that much sense.


  4. 5 hours ago, YFMATO-21 said:

    why not just adjust the 1/60 Yamato design so that larger ankles can fit into hollowed-out engine nacelles??

    "Just" is doing a whole lot of work in that sentence. The reason is because the Yamato legs are already bigger than the nacelles. Take a look it this image from anymoon.com:


    The ankles are very nearly touching each other at the centerline of the plane, but the nacelles are nowhere close to the centerline.

  5. 2 hours ago, Space Casual Life said:

    It's Earth vs the Universe.

    The point of Macross is that it's not supposed to be "Earth vs the universe". Every Macross series is fundamentally about how war is dumb and bad and completely unnecessary if we could just communicate better.

    Zero featured an alien death machine whose entire purpose was to destroy humanity if we hadn't figured out how to live in peace. SDF had a race of aliens who were almost identical to humans and a marriage between one of those aliens and a human and their first child was a major plot point in showing how the two races could come together. Plus wasn't really a war story, but the conflict between Guld and Isamu was entirely predicated on a misunderstanding. In 7 for pretty much the entire series Basara was just trying to reach out to the Protodeviln with his music, and once the Protodeviln realized they could use music to generate their own spiritia they didn't need to fight anymore. The Vajra in Frontier were only attacking because they didn't understand humanity and thought one of their own had been kidnapped. Once Sheryl and Ranka's song got through to them they stopped fighting and just left.

    I don't remember much of Delta and I haven't seen II so I won't comment on those.

    You can see an "Earth vs the universe" theme in SDF, but the other series decided to expand upon a theme from it that wasn't that one.

  6. Hang on, so what's the story with the -19's engines? The M3 lists the YF-19 as having the FF-2500E with 67,500kgf thrust each, replacing the FF-2200B with 56,500kgf each. Meanwhile, the VF-19A is listed as having those same FF-2200Bs, along with a note that says it "has been fitted with more powerful engines originally designed for the prototype". Given that note, I would expect the VF-19A to have the FF-2500E.

  7. 21 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    The ALP-125 is similar in concept to the SPP-8 and LPP-12 in the VF-19 book... which is to say, it's a rocket-propelled gun.  Where the SPP-8 was basically a missile built to chase enemies and spray them with coilgun-launched buckshot and the LPP-12 is the same in principle but uses a chemical laser, the ALP-125 is a more aggressive version that uses a miniaturized explosive based on reaction warhead technology to produce a single incredibly powerful laser blast that also results in the destruction of the missile in a substantial explosion.  It could be thought of as a single-use missile-carried version of a strike pack's beam cannon in terms of firepower and is implied to be less than safe to use due to the literally explosive nature of its laser excitation.

    This is one of the most metal things I've ever read.

  8. 8 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Honestly?  I would take that in a heartbeat.  For all the difficulties in handling it and transforming it, the Draken looks amazing.

    Agreed, except that it can't fold the wings out anywhere near flat in GERWALK mode.

    7 hours ago, MKT said:

    Ok had a look at all the images, and yeah it is one set of arms after all. My bad.
    The diagram really is nonsensical then, the arms should be out of the yellow highlighted area lol. 

    Maybe the arms need to be removed and reattached for transformation? it doesn't look like there's anything allowing them to fold back for fighter mode so they might just get taken off and put somewhere else. I'm not sure why they'd still be in yellow for the fighter-GERWALK transformation, but maybe they just get in the way of something that needs to move.

  9. 1 hour ago, MKT said:

    Arcadia has re-issued the YF-19 for the umpteenth time, so the mold should have paid for itself quite few times over by now. Yet they are not announcing the VF-19A from the game, which looks like an easy repaint.

    1 hour ago, Raikkonen said:

    I'd take the VF-19A scheme 100 times over the odd beige of the YF-19.

    Personally, give me Aisha Blanchette's pink VF-19E.

  10. 5 hours ago, DewPoint said:

    I can see why it is so expensive and I think the price is justified.

    Well for me the thing isn't so much about the cost in a vacuum, it's the cost in comparison to other figures I've bought. When I bought Dark Angel Olivia (who despite being listed as 1/8 scale is as big as a normal 1/7) back in 2017 she was 13,800¥. In 2017 exchange rates, that was $122. Adjusting for inflation of the Japanese yen, 13,800¥ in 2017 comes to 14718¥ today, which in today's exchange rates is actually only $101. Converting to USD first and then adjusting for inflation of the dollar, that's $152, whereas 36000¥ in USD today is $247. I get that the world has changed since 2017, but that increase seems like a bit much. Now if she's worth it to you, that's fine, I'm not trying to dissuade you, just explaining why I have a hard time swallowing the price.

  11. 13 hours ago, sjoebarry said:

    gotta be honest, the more i see it, the less i like it.......

    Yeah I think I'm here too. Especially given these thoughts:

    15 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Wow.. I don't think we'd had any pics from those angles before.  That torso is deep. :blink: 

    9 hours ago, treatment said:

    preliminary backside shots comparo based on existing shots...


    I know I said way back when that I thought I was sold, but now I don't know. I honestly think I prefer the Yamato even in Battroid, just based on pictures. At this point about the only thing pushing me to get this is that I don't have a Yamato and they're so expensive now.

  12. 6 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    I always wished they had made more of the designs from the show, either the regular Sylph, or Fand 1 and 2.  They're wild designs.

    Absolutely. The Fand II is one of my all-time favorite fictional aircraft, largely due just to its absurdity. The Fand I and Sylphid scale things back a bit, which makes for a different, but still cool design. I'll even take the F/A-27C, bulbous, tiny-winged thing though it is.

    Still trying to find the Flip Knight somewhere...

  13. 5 hours ago, MKT said:

    The details on this model are just phenomenal. I have no experience in modelling, or handling anyone’s else customs of anything, so my impressions are heavily based on what I see here alone, relative to toy standards in my collection...

    For something pretty small at 1/100, there are fair bit of details with the decal markings, panel lining, nicely painted intake fans & booster noozles. I now wish Macross toys at this scale have this level of detail, though that may not be a fair comparison.

    Oh yeah, the detail on these is incredible. Tamp so small you practically need a magnifying glass to make them out.

    5 hours ago, MKT said:

    While watching the anime then, the double bubble canopy design first came across as somewhat weird. I remember thinking they looked like a bad copy-paste meme of jet fighter canopies.

    Oh, you really want weird double canopies? Check out the trainer versions of the Mig-25.

  14. Wow, yeah. The increasing costs of figures was brought up on Reddit a few weeks ago and I mentioned how back in 2017 I got Kotobukiya's Dark Angel Olivia for 11,600 yen. Nowadays normal 1/7s are regularly going for two to three times that.

  15. 5 hours ago, Bolt said:


    That's sick. Love it!

    5 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ok, the fact that they were able to actually make something at that level before any toy exists is impressive.  Maybe the transformation sequence was detailed more in some publication? 

    A few weeks ago I spent some time poring over the official images of the SV-303 and stills from the movie to figure out how it transformed. Even made some color-coded images of it, a la the MMM. I could post those if you're interested.

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