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Everything posted by robotechdave

  1. hi ArchieNov, no it wasn't on the arcadia vf...this was a tv max...and the shapeways replacement holes are so narrow, there's no way to get the pin to fit...(this one isn't knurled one)...so i'm stuck on this for the moment....very disappointed as these toys are so expensive and to have the stupid flimsy shoulder thing break off sucks...especially since i bot it on ebay and the damage wasn't disclosed
  2. i bot the shapeways product but the pin doesn't fit...has anyone dealt with this yet?
  3. wow cool, how are you going about painting the pieces? some sort of special model paint? and how do you prevent the paint from seeping on the white areas so that it looks clean? darker green looks pretty good! It looks like from the earlier pics, yamato was planning on realeasing an alaksa base valk? I wonder if they were able to get them produced before they went under?
  4. how do i achieve the alaksa base valk? buy one of those white kits and try painting the pieces green? how do i go about painting the valk to make it look realistic? spray paint of some sort? can someone help?
  5. Got my vf-1d 1/60 today! lovely toy! i've been wating a long time for this....i'm thrilled with the toy!
  6. All may not be lost brother - Do you have any evidence of your ownership of the toys? pictures etc? Did you buy them before the marriage or during? Let me tell you about a story a friend told me. He said someone he knew was getting a divorce. The judge was particulary tough on him apparently. You know what he did? He was able to sneak a gun into court and shot at the judge (missed) and now he is in prison forever. Don't let this chick get the best of you. Do your best not to let her mentally agitate you because this is a prison of the worst kind - the prison where your mind is held hostage by a belligerent biyatch. The world unfortunately doesn't go 100% the way we want it unfortunately...all you can do is manage what is happening within you and your mind...at least this much should happen the way you want it...everything external can be fleeting. Robotech/Macross toy collecting is fun, no doubt; When I had to sell some of my favorite toys, I was not a happy camper...but I bounced back and now I am buying some more stuff again. I guess you could dress up in a ninja outfit and stealthily retrieve your toys assuming there are no guard dogs or security measures on the premisis...taking the risk that you would get caught and arrested (probably not the best choice). Or, you could just talk to her and just tell her you'd like your toys back and say that if you get your toys back, you'll work with her in a diplomatic way through the divorce process (of course whether you want to honor that agreement or not doesn't really matter when you get your toys back in your hands Whatever she does, let it roll off your back bro...don't give the biyatch the power. She took your toys because she thinks that will give her power over you. I really wish you the best bro. I hope you get your toys back.
  7. I think the vf1a hikaru is a bit over-rated since all they have really done is add the armor etc. the max is cool i guess, cause they haven't made one like that before. I'm really hoping we'll get to see the vf-1d.
  8. I had a jetfire when I was a kid and i shot it with a bb gun, hit it with a pick ax a few times, and then lit it on fire! I was a disturbed child.
  9. thanks dude...hope to hear from you soon - dave
  10. wow really cool box...are you selling a few of these?...i'd like to buy one.. send me a pm if u can - dave
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