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Posts posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. A hangar and a Valkyrie would be awesome. But perhaps it would be better to make that in the upcoming "Star Citizen" game, since I hear mods and community content is going to be a really open and widely available part of the game. I posted once before about my idea for an Isamu/YF-19 hangar and VF sequence in that game. Hoping it happens :)

    The SDF-1 bridge sounds like a great idea. I made a bunch of new scans for the next update of my site, I'll post the stuff here.

    Thanks, i have just about every macross art book in existence in digital form, yet still having a hard time finding any hanger reference..eitehr there isnt much or im just skimming past them.

  2. I like the idea of the hangar where you could walk around some valkyries, but that sounds like a lot of work!

    Walking around the dyrl city would be pretty cool, like the concert hall or humburger popo. Would leave a little creative license for you to fill in the blanks.

    I have the 1st dev kit-are you make it for v1 or v2?

    This will be DK2, i'm not sure how well backwards compat works but it shouldnt be too hard, i'll look into it once i start moving things into unreal.
  3. SDF-1 Bridge?

    I totally meant bridge when i said deck in the op. It's one of the options im looking into. I do like the idea of the hanger. I'm gonna take a look through perfect memory a little later today and see what i can find on both, as well as some city shots.

  4. Just taking a tally here for some ideas.

    If you could walk around in a macross environment which one would it be.

    Yes i am making something but i need to narrow it down.

    1. there has to be a good amount of reference on it, like anything there is going to have to be some interpretation and fill in the blank but i want the environment to be as close as i can to the show

    2. It has to be somewhat iconic and have the macross touch. Sure a chinese restaurant would look nice..but thats just a restaurant. So something a little more MACROSS

    3. though i love all of the macross series ( yes even 7) for this first project i'll keep it to the original, trying to capture one of the thinsg that made you an artist in teh first place now that you have the ability to etc etc

    4. and last requirement..although i would love to model the entirety of the sdf 1, that is not gonna happen. i am just one freelance game artist doing this in time between projects. So it has to be reasonable..the deck of the ship is reasonable for instance and is one idea. I have thought about just doing a vf-1 with you locked in cockpit but that seems so constrained..maybe the hanger with a vf-1 in it possibly?

    This will be done in unreal 4 and be completely PBR, if i do include any characters, slight possibility, they will retain their anime look. Not a big fan on realistic portrayals of anime, especially not the ones i grew up with .

    So feel free to drop any ideas on what you would liek to see...this week ill just be looking things over and finding an idea, next week i will begin a blockout.

  5. Yea it pretty much has it going in two different directions and two different shapes between the two viewpoints so i just more or less chose between them. Doesn't look like it would be very comfortable to have to two hand this thing but hey..there was war..no time to make these things comfortable.

    I would really love to build the cockpit for a vf 1 dyrl and drop it into UE4 tied with an occulus rift.

  6. Just for fun, i used the original sketch from the tv version found in design works. Theres obviously some odd things when you translate a drawing into 3d, like the side button...but such is life.

    Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop , Marmoset



  7. fixed it up, redid the logo...feel free to use it on your site if you want, its just a portfolio piece...credit it to Neko Zero


  8. Sure lemme just finish it up a bit, I redid the logo this morning. I need to just arrange the cans right and fix the glass...which can be a bit wonky in marmoset. Should have it done by tomorrow. I'm looking through perfect memory for something else to make...maybe one of those pay phones or I may make one of the small transport vehicles..eventually over this summer I am going to do a full macross city enviro, vf1 and minnmay in ue4 for use with occulus rift.

  9. I'm actually still going to redo the logo before i move onto my next macross side project....though im going to keep it in the same style. BTW if i do put it up on shapeways its going to be a non colored version.

  10. Ahhh did someone already make one? I was actually going to ask if anyone was interested if i did a printout on shapeways or similar sites since i do have a high poly version of this.

  11. This is going to be very difficult, but i am currently homeless, have no family or friends to stay with for awhile and need to clear out my storage and hopefully make some money off of it. I have almost 20 years of collections of lots of anime, sci-fi and macross related things i picked up in Japan over the years.

    About 75-100 plastic model kits i wanted to build when things got better....well its been 10 years and theyve only gotten progressively worse so im going to have to let them go. I dont have a list but as far as macross i have almost everything by hasegawa in there and a few of the bandais and older bandai kits. Beside that i have lots of anime and some star wars related stuff ( no gundam). I have military models as well. The boxes are gone because i had to fit them into storage but each kit is still in unopened plastic and is in a plastic bag with instructions and decals, every kit is 100% complete.

    I also have pretty much every animage and animiego from the 80s and 90s and Hobby japans and other rare magazines. I will be selling them individually, i desperately need the money. I would prefer to sell magazines first and hold out on models if i can manage enough with the mags. I'll do what i have to however.

    Problem is when i say im homeless i mean im literally homeless and have no roof over my head...and my storage is in Marina Del Rey while ive had to wander around long beach because of the mailbox situation , until i can find a friend to take my mail. Another words, i need to choose a day and then have that day set with an address and people can show up, and dig through stuff. I dont have a phone and no wifi at the storage so ill have to get a list going of people who are interested because ill be sitting around there all day. I do have my laptop and an ipad with me so i can jack starbucks wifi when i need to. If anyone in the LA area is interested, please reply letting me know so i can get a list going and set up a day.

  12. This may be a little bit of a thread hijack, but have you actually ever lived in Japan, or just visited? If you've only ever visited, then I'm gonna post a huge font of information you should be aware of (used to be active on Yahoo Answers, and I swear everyday someone would ask about moving to Japan, so I just compiled as much info as I could into Standard Answer #1).

    If you have actually lived here long term before, I'll shut up now.

    I lived there for a little bit but couldn't stay because of too many loose ends here and no job there. I stayed with a good friend who has lived there since leaving high school, whom i talk to often. Beside that i have also been there quite a few times, around 6 now. I understand its ups, i understand its downs, i know its problems and i understand the issues involved with living there. I know the economy is also terrible there right now and will likely be getting worse in Japan both politically and economically in the coming years.

    However i have also lived all over the States, i have lived many places, i have liked none of them in the ways i have liked London and Tokyo ( though i prefer outside of Tokyo). They are just places i feel more natural in and places i enjoy for numerous reasons. None of those reasons have to do with anime, meeting girls in bars, or any other weeaboo tropes, i just know what i like.

    I have been stuck in LA for quite awhile now and i know whenever i think about life back in Nagoya, it makes me immensely happy. Were i to come into some kind of immense fortune right now, i would own a house in Japan, England and Italy, 3 places i love, however realistically i would like to drive my goals towards the things i enjoy and that make me happy and comfortable. I don't go in blindly with any misconceptions, i just drive slowly towards these goals.

    This is way off topic for a modeling thread though ( my fault) i would happily talk to you in PM.

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