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Posts posted by mustang1

  1. I totally agree with this point!

    C'mon guys I grew up on G.I.Joe Tranformers etc. Do you remember G.I. Joe the " Movie" Do you recall when Cobra Commander was captured, held down by gaurds, got a mouth full of that spore stuff, and them ripped off his shirt in agony and turned into a primative cobra! I mean that was a cartoon, i must have been about 9 or 10 at the time and i thought wow ! this movie has balls!

    I remember lady jay looking totally freaked out, for the first time she was really scared.

    we are growing a new generation of totally soft kids!

    I recall the first rip off of voltron which was power rangers in the 90's. I remember thinking my god what is this Model UN nonsense. with a youth center and touchy feelings carbage.

    i just remember a time when shows has some balls... <_<

    I'm still not buying the "kids today" schtick. Kids today don't have to have shows that are designed to suck. Nor does this generation of kids have to be stupider than the previous.

    Clone Wars is a good example of a show designed generally towards the newer gen that "works." It's also vastly superior to our "Droids" & "Ewoks."

  2. Ha! E-Surance! GREAT take.

    That is horrible, just awful.

    I have twin 3 year olds and a 1 year old - we'll stick with the Clone Wars and Patlabor for now thanks.

    This would be beneath them...

    OMG please do not blind your children with this !!!! Clones wars & Patlabor greatness all the way!!!! they will grow up to be doctors!

  3. wow...just wow...my anus is bleeding. I can't register what i just saw :wacko: i know why the animation looks familiar. and why it made me want to by car insurance. Seriously, the animation looks like a very long e-surance advertisement.

    my god where will it end??????? maybe the raprure really is happening??????? :wacko:

  4. Ok,

    So I just saw the rise of cobra, I rented it today and wow! What a colossal piece of crap! Every second I was watching this i felt embarrassed for who ever worked on this movie, and I use that term loosely.

    Seriously how could you in good conscience be apart of this if you cared anything about your reputation in hollywood, but enough I am bashing. I have a 1080p 240 hz tv and the special effects look horrible, I mean horrible. Because of the 240 hz per frame the special effects strait out of the syfy channel's movie of the week. I mean really those suits looked ridiculous

    Am I wrong?

  5. HAHAHA!!!

    Not even a guilty pleasure. I love Sex and the City, such a good show. If you watch every episode of that show, you will be much closer to having women figured out. I see watching it as intel gathering on the enemy. (I see women as the enemy as they all want to marry us and imprison us in shitty, mediocre lives... Then blame us for it.)

    I just love the girls. I am definitely more a "Carrie" but most put me in the "Samantha" box.

    Ummmm what?! that just hit number 100 on my wierd -poo- o - meter

    Re: A.I.'s ending

    Why does everyone think they're aliens? They're the robots, just "evolved" over centuries of upgrading themselves etc. They're re-discovering their own past and history of their "race". Not random aliens finding a new planet.

    Interesting...how did you come to this conclusion ?

  6. I'm digging the redesigned characters. Except for Lion-o. He seems too young.

    If you remember from the original series, Lion-o was infact just a boy, it was the effects of traveling through space and eventually landing on "Third Earth" that aged him a bit....maybe that its what they are going for?

  7. OK,

    so i downloaded shadowbrokers and WTF?! it won't give me the option to load. now I had to rent a copy of Mass Effect 2 because you need the game , a lesson i learned the hard way, but now do i need to beat the whole game in order to play?

    any help would be appreciated.

  8. Hey, I'm all for games as art. Mass Effect, as a sci-fi narrative experience, is on par with Star Wars. Portal did an amazing job of creating atmosphere almost entirely through the dialogue of a psychotic computer. And the list goes on.

    But there's a world of difference between games as art and art as games. It doesn't matter how beautiful your game looks or how atmospheric it is if the game is no fun to play.

    You got me there. You do have a great point mike. :) though I did find this game to be extremely entertaining . I do agree with you , it means nothing to look so good if you are not fun to play.

    Great comments all :D

  9. In some aspect, it is... but do you consider art to be interactive on the level of a video game? When you think of 'art', you usually think of a single frame capturing the moment of the artist's inspiration.

    I feel that art is not limited to a single thing but rather your emotional response to the "said thing". I remember how I felt when I took down my First colossus and feeling as though I had done something so wrong. It goes without saying that Shadow of the colossus is a work of art. It evoked real emotion and it has stayed with me to this day. True, the nature of the medium is to entertain, but to say it is not art simply because it is interactive, is not giving it its true value. So much of this industry is instant gratification, kill shots, multiplayer, online this or that…it goes on and on, much to the detriment of gaming in general. Don’t get me wrong, those have their place, but this medium also deserves a soul. Something by which a novice can say, wow there is something to be said about how stories can be told through “video games” which has since become an anachronism for a grossly underappreciated art form.

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