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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. 4 hours ago, tekering said:

    I use A/C all the time, windows are usually kept closed, and I spend very little time around my displays... and with a regular influx of new stuff, displays are updated often enough that dust isn't a significant problem.  Plus, those ships are easily accessible for dusting.  

    The 1:18 Tomcat that hangs above them, however...


    This one can only be accessed with a ladder, and hasn't been dusted in several years.  :unsure:

    I love your fleet display, Tekering. Esp the SDF. :wub: :good: And don't worry too much about your Tomcat. It looks perfectly 'weathered'. ^_^ 

    46 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Oh god, what have I done?!

    I just ordered my first Chunky Monkey a few minutes ago!

    Another toy line?! I never learn, do I? I have doomed myself... (sigh)

    Congrats, Shizuka-chan! :good: I have to admit, I don't have a chunky and I've always wanted a chunky Hikaru Strike VF-1S ever since the DYRL movie came out in the 80's. It's one of those figures that I cried and begged my parents before for them to buy me but didn't. And now, even though I know I can afford one, my logic mind always tells me that instead of getting it out of nostalgia sake, I'll rather stick to present releases. Because it's going to look 'old' along with the rest of my collections. And I know that, the moment I do get one, it means that I need to get some old Takatoku Orguss, Gakken Legioss, to name a few. And I'm not gonna do that coz I know I'm going to be doomed too. :sorry:


  2. 7 hours ago, hachi said:

    Question for those with the Bandai 1/20 scopedog kits...

    I'm thinking of someday doing some weathering on it. Do I apply some sort of coating on it before I put on the stickers? I'm probably only going to use the weathering sets from Tamiya, then a top coat (flat? any brand recommendations?). I want to avoid using paint (or anything else more complicated than the weathering sets).

    I already assembled the kit, but I like to enjoy it for now in its 'fresh off the factory' look. So I haven't applied the stickers yet and it's still in its original box.

    If you want to add some weathering effect, let's say on the feet and knees area with some dirt, oil, and grime look, try to apply semi-gloss coat on the kit first after you applied the decals. Semi-gloss coat is much better if you want weather effect afterwards, so you can still have that 'fresh off the factory' look rather than using pure gloss which will make the kit look like a toy. And topcoat is always needed before weathering to protect the decals. And after you apply the weathering effect, you can apply matte finish topcoat on the said effect area. I'm pretty sure there's an alternative matte coat that you can brush rather than spray so you won't overspray to the parts where you didn't apply weathering effects.

    Anyways, hope that helps. ;)

  3. 11 minutes ago, Old_Nash said:

    From Twitter...

    The Horror... The Horror.

    Looks like it's confirming what it was tweeted last December. :rolleyes:

    On 12/13/2018 at 6:05 AM, Old_Nash said:

    I open mi Twiter today and I found it...


    I hope it gonna be a fake... PLEASE SAY IT TO ME!!

    Say it with me -- IT'S NOT FAKE. IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! :lol: 


  4. 18 minutes ago, Old_Nash said:


    SHAZA!M Official trailer 2


    I'm liking what I see. I see some Ant-Man/GotG vibe (being funny) going on for this flick. ^_^ 

    But with all the positive vibe it's going for, hope it's not going to dissapoint. :rolleyes:


  5. 12 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    I sort of wish there was a wardrobe section on MWF, where Macross-related cosplay and other articles of clothing could be filed under.

    It's not as grand as other section -- like toys and anime. But here you go:


    But in the end, it's still 'Robotech'. :ph34r:


  6. On 3/2/2019 at 7:36 AM, eXis10z said:

    More Kujis come Oct and Nov



    This looks nice. :wub:

    Would be nice if Bandai will also make the Walküre Knight (Valkyiria) costume that they did in episode 17 to go along with these two 'Greek/Goddess' theme. Just sayin'. ^_^



  7. I'm not sure if this is an original resin sold in WonderFest back in 2010 or probably a recast. And not sure too if the people who posted comments in the thread below actually bought one after? Would be nice to have Hasegawa built one in 1/4000 so it's scaled with their SDF kits.


  8. 2 minutes ago, JetJockey said:

    Yeah I get upset when I see Toynami put money into this but couldn't help get that Beagle Rook Cyclone out.

    I’m not sure if Toynami have the funds to save Beagle from closing down for them to produce Rook’s bike.


  9. 8 hours ago, slide said:

    The VF-4 HMR is either coming with it's own Stage-Act style stand, or at least an adapter specifically for it. [I can't recall 100%, but I think it's coming with a stand]

    Most probably it will just come with the stand adapter. There wasn’t any indication that it will come with a special stand like Roy’s, or the M&M’s releases.


  10. 38 minutes ago, Capedbaldy said:

    I plan to buy about 4 or 5 1/48 Bandai DX valks and part them out and call it a day.   Get a Roy, maybe a Max. Some super parts and Box armor and then be done. 

    We can't call it a day, if Bandai decides on producing a 1/60 scale DX VF-1's then we're all screwed since it will line-up properly with the rest of their DX Chogokin Macross releases. 


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