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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. well my local TrU had a bunch of re-issue G1s among them Silverstreak and Jazz. Wow were those guys ever tiny. are you saying the Alternator is twice the size of them? if so i may have to pickup the Viper.
  2. if you're a fan of Akemi's work this is a great series to pickup. its not for everyone as it does fall under that magical girl genre but its a short sweet series worthy of consideration.
  3. blasto doesn't have any which would be cheaper for a Canadian..ordering from HLJ or BBTS? edit: nm i just pre-ordered #7 from bbts. now i wonder if i should get the Viper. how big are these things anyway?
  4. i'm probably going to be the lone dissenter but i thought it was ok..above average even but certaintly not as mindblowing as i was led to believe. Even the end wasn't that depressing..it just didn't give me that emotional knockout. I found a scene midway through the show that gave me more of an emotional hit then the end. As cool as some of the promo shots look this is not a mecha show, or about cool fight scenes. As such there are a lot of events that you simply have to accept at face value. Don't look for explanations about why or how come this happens because there are no answers. Speaking about the end if you're not a fan of Giant Rei Heads then be warned that this show is just as weird. Here's my take on the plot and dialog (Chise being the girl - the ulimate weapon, and Shuiji is her b/f). Chise: I'm sorry Shuiji Shuiji: Idiot Chise: Shuiji: I'm sorry Chise Chise: ...insert scenes of devestation... Chise: I'm sorry Shuiji Shuiji: Idiot Chise: (repeat) Having said that I'll still be suckered into buying this series as there were some scenes that were quite well done.
  5. i really dislike the feminine colour scheme (yeah yeah I know what's inside an EVA but still). and whats up with that middel piece blocking the face?
  6. yes WD comes with english subtitles
  7. i have been collecting GITS:MM and I have no clue whats going on :|
  8. yes aone has done a version among others
  9. wonderful days is a fantastic demo piece to show off Korea's budding animation prowess. its CG work is second to none and is extremely beautiful to watch. the story? eh its a snooze fest. absolutely nothing ground breaking or unique here. take a standard romance plot (boy meets girl, the war tears them apart and puts them on opposite sides, much serious dialog later...your must have climatic fight scene, the end) and toss in the pretty CG work. like FF the movie, pick this up for the eye candy but dont read too much into the storyline.
  10. i agree...start off with whats popular. lion voltron will be the first to be released. i'm curious the scale and which mold they'll be using (weren't there 3 different lion voltrons released back in the day?). vehicle voltron was cool b/c of the 3 sub groups you could form but as voltron his head was dorky looking. hey does anyone have pics of that rarely seen 3rd voltron (the 3 in 1?)
  11. is there some kind of 2nd wave of takara smokescreen coming? ebay auctions seems to indicate this. who has good prices for this guy other than BBTS?
  12. MrDisco


    well true on both counts...oh well guess i'll just have to manually comb through the web and do it myself.
  13. hmm seems as though the takara edition is sold out oh well guess its time for eScalp
  14. MrDisco


    I suggested such a pinned list for all upcoming releases...but a mod said we're too busy being volunteers to give such a list. I think that's a bunch a crap cuz you can always have a member like me or anybody else willing to update the list do it, just like the good traders list and blacklist...but that's not how the mod thought so I can't do anything about it. anyway, welcome to MW...your wallet belongs to Yamato. hmm strange. i had a checklist i made myself culled from rumours and official info but of course thats hopelessly out of date now. surely someone must have this type of info.
  15. MrDisco


    i'm not a newbie (haha) but i havent followed the macross toys for quite some time now. is there an updated checklist of whats out and what came out for the yamato offerings?
  16. well for anyone who hasn't seen ep2 dont get your hopes up. for some inexplicable reason nearly 1/2 the episode is a recap of ep1 the remaining bits fill in the continuity from the first story. so in essence i view eps 1 and 2 as just 1 episode. hopefully this wont be the trend for the remaining 11 eps.
  17. not sure if i like the battle marks, particularly that black stain on the front grille. i'll stick with my japanese preorder.
  18. have you tried the newest xvid build?
  19. this was the most horrible thing i have ever downloaded and watched. i must get more. like a train wreck i am compelled to see more eps of this live drama. and with all due respect the 29 groups version is awesome. the insults and gags in translation is part of the fun the commercials were the funniest part of the show.
  20. gg's first ep was definately cool. almost like mezzo forte (etc) only w/o the extreme violence and nudity cant wait for more eps to come out
  21. i believe the 'non-canon' weapons are from the video game(s?) and other such material.
  22. no i wont re-subscribe: - it was annoying to have issuses appear on the newstand before i received them - the first 1/3 of the magazine is cool. the rest is uninteresting. more pretty pictures and less filler articles please - i have fansubs so the preview dvds weren't of much value - the contests are only for the US - the upfront cost of resubscribing is quite high. where's the incentive for loyal readers??
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