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Posts posted by todd77

  1. I hear my two new DX toys and Alto's super parts are on their way! I can't wait to play with 'em and picture 'em up.

    Of the DX toys, which should I do first? 1) Michel, 2) Luca, 3) Alto Super Parts?

    Alto, since that's the not so common one right now. Then the Luca and finally Michel (only because we've seen so many of the latter already!). Of course, that's my preference.

  2. You know... if that is the worst of what mine ends up looking like, I think with the super packs on I won't mind so much. I just hope by the time they re-release Alto's VF, that it has the fixes with the legs and wings and doesn't suddenly develop new color issues. I want a 25 that I can display without needing fast packs to hide deficiencies.

    I'm tempted to see what would happen if I sprayed Future on to the less glossy parts of Luca to see if that might bring the color back to being similar to the color of the glossier plastic parts.

    Agreed. I actually think it looks pretty good with the super packs despite the non-uniform colors. And I really like that underside antenna.

  3. I was never really a fan of the VT-1 but after seeing those pics, the amount of little changes like the tips of the wings and the canopy design, plus the uniqueness of the fast pack sold it for me.

  4. You need a semi-circle clip thing to hold the gunpod, right? The Luca DX just does not provide that specific accessory.

    And it's now morning (misty one); I look at Luca again, and it looks tolerable to me. The difference is there; but with a glance you may probably miss it. Just as I didn't notice it when I bought it at the shop and checked the parts (only paid attention to the painted jobs and known problems and heck, there was a plastic bag too).

    Again, it's really not that hideous in real life. The photo-shooting and the lighting made it stand out. I am really worried that I may seem to be spreading panick on the DX, so I am stating this again...

    To be inconsistent to what I have been doing in the last sentence, there are 3 cases now for the color problem. Another guy confirmed, but he did not post photos.

    My 25G seems to be fine too in terms of this color thing, but a guy in TD actually complained there are 3 blue shades for his. So much about luck.

    And as a quick summary, the known problems for the DX from TD:

    - color discrepancy (reported on 25G once and thrice on RVF)

    - someone forgotten to paint the black/white thing on the canopy side (reported on 25G)

    - missing part for the booster; the colored (blue for Michael, etc) tip of the booster (reported on 25G)

    Are you saying that there's no way to attach the gunpod to the RVF in fighter mode since the necessary accessory is missing? Does the bottom tail fin impede the attachment of the gunpod? Does the 25G come with an extra attachment for the regular gunpod (there are three types of attachments shown in Gamu review of the 25G)? If so, can that attachment be used on the RVF? Sorry for the bombardment...

  5. Yup, at first I thought it was a painting error (it looked as if paint had been removed with thinner), but after touching it and checking it was some sort of oil, I cleaned it with a cloth. No more greasy VF-25. BTW, the "greasiest" so far has been the VF-25S.

    I think greasy surfaces are quite common with Bandai toys. My SOC Gunbuster was pretty greasy when I first opened it.

  6. There is a way to simply make the legs come up higher, like so...

    Don't force the wing plate pegs to snap into the legs. This peg is what seems to prohibit the legs from going higher. If it were at a slight angle instead

    of straight down, it would work better. You can still connect the legs and the wings together via the peg, but just don't push it in all the way.

    The side effects are

    slight gap in the knees and gun pod will touch the ground.

    Will the legs hold though if the toy were to be put on a display stand?

  7. It held 'OK' out of the box. If I shook the toy a little it would dislodge, but it would at least hold together on display. After two or three thransformations it gave out completely, as I noticed one day when I looked at the shelf and the poor guy was doubled over bakward in a rather painful looking pose. I took the assembly apart to see if anything was cracked, broken, worn, put together wrong, but everything looked fine. Either the 'clip' part of the connector is too far apart or the peg is off just enough to not work.

    One coat of nail polish fixed it perfectly.

    Keep in mind this seems to be a somewhat uncommon problem as most people report their pegs hold perfectly. Uncommon or not, it still sucks and I hope my next one doesn't suffer from it.

    Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely pay special attention to that area when mine arrives.

  8. I have the same problem on mine and it really does taint the whole toy because what fun is a battroid that can't hold together? I highly recommend using some clear nail polish or superglue (or some say Future Floor Polish) on the peg and trying that. It worked wonders on mine and it now holds together perfectly. I still hate that connection point though and think there has to be some way to do it better.

    Did yours came out of the box like that or did it took some time for the thing to wear out? If the latter, how long?

  9. I'm reading some interesting comments at the Japanese 2ch board...

    I don't know if it's BS or not... as it is 2ch... but...

    Supposedly, those "holes" we saw previously are for attaching the radar dome. And that the next release of Alto VF-25 (as well as Ozma I would assume) will have those holes too.

    Also, the next release of Alto/Ozma will have a fix of - being able to raise those lower legs into more correct form in fighter mode.

    All of this is not confirmed. It could just be 2ch BS. But this is something to look out for when the next release of Alto VF-25 comes.

    Assuming this is true, are they referring to the reissued version of Alto's 25F coming out this April or a much later release?

  10. Man, that sucks that the crotch armor has to be removed for non-battroid modes. I guess the same thing will have to be done on the full armor as well :(

    Also, is there nothing other than a slight bit of friction keeping the hip armor from falling off or something? I mean from peoples' description, it doesn't really sound like it clips on. Has anyone experienced any paint rubbing off due to the armor?

    I thought drifand said that that may not be the case? Anyone with an exact confirmation on this?

  11. The Michael VF-25G just came out in Hong Kong a few hours ago. The box is about twice as thick as the Alto version. It came complete with fast packs and a standard stand. Damn, I just love the good old styrofoam packaging. Just wish Bandai had used it to package everything rather than just the valkyrie. Happy to report that there is no bent head laser. However, the cover of the rear landing gear seems quite floppy right out of the box. Don't know if the same problem exists in the Alto or Ozma versions, as I haven't opened them yet.

    I don't have time to play with the fast packs yet, and still have to learn how to transform the VF-25. I am sure more and better pics will come soon as other MWers get theirs. Enjoy!

    Thanks for the good news on the lasers. And boy does she look good! Can't wait for my preorder to arrive!! And yeah, what's the official news on the landing gears with the sniper rifle attached? Is there enough ground clearance?

  12. Here a gimmick, No broken parts at all. For the proposed $500+ price tag, better not be anything breaking!!

    Or sagging. Those joints had better be tight in order to burden those giant legs and the ARMDs, particularly in fortress mode. My WAVE SDF-1 currently exhibits a bit of both symptoms.

  13. I got the same problem too. I'm going to shoot them an email.

    I've just received a reply from them and they said there was an error in the product listing and they'll issue a refund for the excess payment. Whew! So it is 15,000 yen. But the shipment stays the same due to the value of the product. They mentioned that the shipment listing is not correct as their system is "old." Oh well... At least they are lightning quick in their response.

  14. Weird anime export's pre-order price for the Armored Ozma is 15,000 yen , but they asked me for a payment request of 16,020 yen plus shipping? Anyone know what's up with that? Apparently for this one you have to pay in advance.

    Does that include shipping cost? For me it doesn't. Shipping is another 2,800 yen. I think there's a mistake in the shop. Also, according to the info on the front page, orders at or below 15,000 will be shipped using SAL, hence the 1,500 yen price. At 16,020 yen however, shipment will be via EMS, I think. They'd probably figure that Ozma's armored pack shouldn't be that "cheap" anyway. Still slightly cheaper than on HLJ, even with the early bird though I'm not sure how it'll pan out once the shipping cost is factored in.

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