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Posts posted by Spiff

  1. I couldn't vote for any of the choices. I really dont see any need to buy this valk. If it was 1/60 I would be all over it. But I really dont see any reason to get this scale. I am not a perfectionist but I do like uniformity when possible. Why not scale this toy up to 1/60, why not make it compatible with the rest of their valks? I wouldnt even mind the all plastic construction at 1/60 scale because with the 1/48 series Yamato has proven that they can make a quality sturdy toy in plastic. And we as a fan base have proven to Yamato that we will pay pretty pennies for said toys. I did the math and the sizes are not all that horrible especially considering the material they are going to use for the VF-0. So if they do a 1/100 for a small scale what will be the large "Perfect Transformation" valk going to be 1/35?

    Do us a favor Yamato and give us standardized sizes, you should know by now we will pay any amount!

    Attached size comparison chart:


    Chart shows sizes of over all length of planes

  2. We've had this discussion before.

    F-14's are slightly larger than a VF-1, longer mostly. VF's are quite short as far as a fighter design goes

    but the wing span is fairly close between the two. It's cool to have the two displayed next to each other. I am dying for Yamato to make a 1/48 VF-0 to throw in the display....... MMMMM VF-0!!

    The Walmart F-14 is not a super detailed collector piece, it is however a pretty cool toy for display that I didn't have to paint or detail. So for $18.00 you cant bitch too much, $18.00 to get a fully painted and decaled mostly (b)diecast(/b) toy, however inaccurate, is still a good deal IMO.

  3. Welcome aboard,

    Welcome to your newest and bestest addiction called Valkaholism! It's all consuming and will push all your other collections to the way side as Macross swells and stiffles them out on your shelves. Your wallet will soon be screaming for mercy as you plunder it for cash at a frenzied pace to make your collection complete! :D

    As for what to collect, you really cant go wrong with the Yamato line or really any of the Japan made toys. There are some USA made ones but your better off without them, IMO. Of course there are junk asian knock off's but there pretty easy to spot and you just end up buying those anyhow out of curiosity and completeism. It's a beautifull thing! :)

  4. by the way, how much will it cost?

    Can't say right now how much it might cost, simply because its not done yet and no molds have been made for it. I will get together with the others and we will come up with a price when its done some time next year. I am not making this piece to make a profit, I am making the cause its fun to work on and I love the design. Plus I highly doubt Yamato will make one. So whatever the price ends up to be it will be based on what it takes to recast it and the time involved in that.

    :) And thanks for all the praise, it's been lots of fun to build so far. And considering this is the first time I have tried to build something like this, it has come out pretty darn good if I do say so myself! Not perfect but I feel that is only due to the limitations presented by the Yamato design.

  5. Hmmm, the shoulder pieces seem like they're too high; they look as if they're floating and not actually mounted on the shoulders. The chest also seem to be of a different shape, but they still look good.

    Its been real hard to work around the shoulder sliders. The chest missile pods sit only slightly above the top of the sliders. So there really is no room to bring them down more. The pods are also slightly narrower than I would like but that is due to the height they have to go to to clear the sliders. Damn things.

    The head on the Yamato is very recessed compared to any model version of the VF-11. So that is a limitation of the toy design as well. There are several variations of look even between model kits and I chose to model this kit after the IHP kit. It is my favorite version of the armor, it to me looks more real world as where the others look more cartoonish.

    IHP KIT:


  6. Well it's been a long time since I have been able to post an update on this project. It has been slow going but I am still inching forward.

    Almost all components are complete. Just need to finish some of the chest, sheild and booster. Then start adding some more detail, then start casting to get resin parts to do clean up work on. Then it will be ready for casting to mass produce. :lol: Should only be another year at this rate! :rolleyes: But some progress is better than none. So please enjoy this update for nowl

    Some day when it is done, myself, Myersjesse and Rob will produce kits for sale.

    Price UNKNOWN at this point.

    I would really like some feedback, if you see something you like or dislike, something I am missing or what ever let me know.


    Model: Full armor kit for Yamato VF-11's

    Material: Resin

    All missle hatchs open exposing missles.

    Missle hatchs snap open and closed.

    Super shield snaps onto original VF's sheild.

    Armor is easily taken apart for dressing or undressing the Valk.

    No modification of VF-11 is needed for armor to fit.

    Gun fits original VF's hand.

    This is a composite picture of what it will look like after I cast all the pieces. For more detailed pics CLICK HERE


    These are some profile pics:


  7. I guess I"m in the lone boat of being willing to wait. I've got patience up the wazoo.

    I dont really mind waiting either. But if all bail then I guess there is no point in hanging on. But I would like the rest of my order completed even if it takes till Feb.

    I will just wait and see what the consensus is.

  8. I first want to thank MJ and Rob and the others that have done their best to help and we all appreciate it very much!

    MJ are the items in Italics the items yet to be sent by Tanmen?

    As to Tanmen, I would be in favor of collaborating to compose another email to Tanmen. In the email I think we should be courteous and ask him to reply soon. I think this is the better approach for now. If he cant do the right thing after this then all bets are off, in my book! We go on a smear campaign! I dont want to have to do such a thing but I dont want others to get taken like we have! We may also consider adding Tanmen to the Blackball seller list. Sad its come to this I really wanted those other models.


    Dear Tanmen,

    We feel we have been very patient with you and we have asked for nothing more than to be kept up to date on the orders status. We have had to go to great lengths to get any type of response from you as to the status of the order for over (?6 months?)! You agreed to take the order and we expect you to complete the order. If you will be able to complete the order, just give us updates about the order in a timely manner or upon request. If you cannot complete the order, that is understandable, and we will expect you to refund the balance of the money from the order to Myers Jesse. Again correspondence with us is key and despite language differneces it's still easy to do the right thing.

    We would like to receive the balance of our order in a timely manner if this is not possible then please refund our money.

    Thank you, Macross World members.

    Feel free to contribute or edit.

  9. I'm siting here thinking to myself, Self why is Big West dukeing it out in court, and I answered, Well maybe its because they wish to clear the path for a new series!

    Why else all the fuss in court? It hasn't been for merchandise so much, so couldnt it be for a new series and new merchandise?

    As for a new series I would like it to follow the end of Macross series, I know Kawamori doesnt much care to do that but I think alot of fans do! Or perhaps once Macross 0 concludes the new series could pickup or rehash and flow up to the Macross series. Personally I am likeing M0 and love the mecha in it.

    I just hope for a show to be popular in Japan it does not require cutesie kid stuff, why cant it be more serious and geared to a slightly older audience and still be a huge succes just like the original Macross?

  10. Its a mostly DIE CAST 1/48 fighter and its only $17.88, and yeah its minus a few details but its a mostly DIE CAST 1/48 fighter for ONLY $17.88. Plus it looks good on display with the 1/48 VF-1. IMO

    EDIT: Bonus is its a toy not a model so no painting or stickering or nothin, comes all done up for you. :)

  11. Go to Wal-Mart and buy a diecast 1/48 F-14 for $17.88, With a cool display stand. They usally hide them in the toy or model areas. In a MotorWorks packageing.

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