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Posts posted by amptor

  1. Is the Milia version more limited than Max for some reason? It appears from this thread that Max isn't a web exclusive release whereas Milia is.

  2. Good info in this thread. Thanks guys. Now if only the Hi Metal R ones were easier to get... Too much of this 4am preorder running out on HLJ I'm reading. Well I'll hope something good happens in the future. It would be nice if Bandai would release the remaining 1/55ths though but I'm assuming the cost is too much for them to bare for the ones I want. The original molds for the strike, super o, and elint are probably lost or ruined so they'd have to make new ones.

    Anyway I'm too far off topic. I was hoping that Robotech.com would get some stuff from Bandai for the 30th anniversary. Looks like that isn't happening. They were going to have 1/55ths out a few years back.

  3. There is a Tamashii Nations event on October 28th.

    Hopefully, we will have some answers (and more surprises!) regarding the HM-R line.


  4. I have a spare V1. Had no idea V2's would come out eventually however it doesn't bother me at all. I only collect V1. A lot of these guys are nuts over V2 and I know there are reasons but I mean... to me, the V1 is still a valk, doesn't make a difference for me personally if it is V1 or V2.

  5. Bandai valks are not "grown". The metals come from under ground and the plastics also come from under ground (crude oil). Hopefully this guy isn't referring to Oaksterdam which he apparently lives nearby. That would be sad, schedule 1 *ahem* doesn't belong on this type of forum at all. Entirely off topic and random.

    Moving along, I like Bandai's products just fine. I just hope they continue to come out with more macross stuff. It looks like the only way to get 1/55ths of the variants that were not reissued is to purchase the originals. That isn't too bad though as it appears they aren't rare.

    The only thing that bugs me about this hobby is that, not just Bandai, all good quality robot stuff is pretty expensive these days. Even all plastic stuff that they currently sell at toy stores, small reissues of transformers, as well as deluxe kits and other reissues. I mean it costs over $100 for a KO transformers combiner set and that isn't even an official release as far as I know. A bandai valk will run you around $100+, depending on which one but I can imagine that if they reissued more with armor packs, they will be $150-$175 at minimum. That is a lot of coin for a small toy. However I haven't researched and adjusted for inflation comparing early 80s sets from Bandai to current dollar values. I'm not even sure how much a strike originally cost back in what year was it 1984?

    I have compared other things and there are other hobbies that were very expensive at the time, so it could possibly be even. I don't think Transformers were expensive in those days though.

  6. Is it a V2 or V1? The V1s definitely yellowed badly.

    V1. I have another brand new one in the closet. Those were way overpriced when they camoe out. I think I paid $80 shipped form Robozone and the second one I got was only $25 shipped on ebay BNIB... Waste of 80 bucks though, not a waste of 25 in the end. I wonder if anyone would buy the valk off me if I tried to sell it. I have box manual all for it. I just don't need to keep a valk with one yellow wing :/ I guess I could probably take it apart and repair it though.

  7. I haven't seen this since the dot com bubble (well a lot of people here probably have though). Anyway I see 4 of them up for auction now and no hint of a reissue in sight. Interesting. I remember back in the late dotcom days when I worked for a company that was about to tank (because they put together their web site at the END OF THE DOTCOM LOL!!! no wonder right?), I would see these used valks go for up to I don't know something like a couple grand on ebay.

    With Yamato out of the picture (though yeah I know some other company took them over), and Bandai releasing more valks I wonder if they will ever come out with the three movie edition 1/55's that we all want. Two big problems I see with it are: they will have to create new molds for those valks as surely the original molds either have deteriorated or ended up in some other company's hands. Also we saw what happened with the reissues where they over saturated the market with them and toy stores in Japan were flooded with them up til the Max/Millia variants which we all do prize. Those saw a limited production because Bandai is pretty good with logistics and saw the decline in sales due to the market saturation.

    If Bandai does more reissues in the future I will buy, depending on how appealing they are. I skipped the last ones with the ugly box arts because they were, for the most part, the same old stuff. Just a higher price tag. I'm sure that if Bandai reissues the Elint, Strike, Super O, and possibly comes out with a VF-1D trainer, the prices are going to be pretty high now due to the economic state of the world and the times we live in. If we had a big bump in the economy, we probably would be seeing more stuff coming from Toynami and more in Bandai form who knows. But I will wait and see and keep checking this forum to see if some good stuff comes out.

  8. My 1 wish would be to use the proper plastic chemicals when making white plastic. I have one VF-1A from Yamato that one entire wing and some landing gear parts are yellowed from being exposed partially to sunlight.

    I keep all the rest of my Yamatos factory sealed in a dark closet with each window facing eachother on a shelf so that no light will get in.

    Bandai reissues I have never had this problem with.

  9. snip

    Is this a useful addition to the conversation? I see you're from the bay area as I maybe I bought your Yamato VF-1A BNIB valk off ebay years ago for 25 bucks shipped :) Oh cool I see this site does actually have an ignore feature so that is in place. This kid is over 10 years younger than me so yep, another good example of bad parenting.



  10. 1/55 Hi-Metal VE-1 Elintseeker

    1/55 Hi-Metal VT-1 Super Ostrich

    1/55 Hi-Metal VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru and a new Roy)

    DYRL 30th Anniversary re-releases!!!

    I second this. These are the only Macross toys I am interested in buying. Everything else coming out from Bandai and Yamato is overpriced price gouging junk.

    Super Ostrich is what I am mainly interested in but the Elintseeker is awesome and the strike is alright. It's too bad the housing market crash impacted this hobby so much. I was looking forward to these releases. The newer series models, not so much. At least, if the prices were reasonable on all that plastic they put out I might have been a little more interested in the newer stuff.

    Also they were suppose to release a VF-1D 1/55 for Toynami. That never saw the light of day. That would blow away the 1/60 Yamato variant (I'm a Bandai fan, not so much on Yamato fragile toys but I do own most of the Yamato 1/60s. 1/55 is pure nostalgia and much much more durable for transforming).

  11. Well I for one didn't get in on the v2's because i already started the v1 collection so I decided to go all v1. As far as value goes, if i was concerned about that I'd own doubles of all the v1's and then be like DOH! and then start collecting the v2's.

    I own doubles of all of the bandai reissues except for the last two which were kinda inflated in price from the start. As far as bandai goes I just want a super-o some day but an elint would be nice. the elint seems like a lot more of a beast of a bandai toy :D

  12. Thanks man I got it today and left a short review in the sticky. This guy is good to do business with and he's very nice. The box had a little dog fur on it lol I almost thought the plastic was scratched then I remembered your avatar and blew some off of it and wiped off the rest :) That is one pretty dog you have.

  13. I just got a v1 Yamato VF-1D from jvmacross very nicely packaged, minimal shelf ware, no crumpled corners, valkyrie in mint condition, and good deal. I've been needing this one for a long time! and finally I have it. I may have to finish my V1 yamato collection after all :) now I'm only missing 3 valks.

  14. Hello. Well I didn't know this would happen, and it happened a long time ago as some might remember from my posts. But my first issue of a Yamato VF-1A (the first of the Macross DYRL series that they released) yellowed on one wing, the head, and one of the landing gear doors.

    I'm wondering if anyone on this forum knows how I can acquire replacements. I think there used to be a thread on here but it was for 1/48 parts and I only buy 1/60 fighters.


  15. Graham, any word on more bandai 1/55 reissues either from Bandai or Toynami? I've been waiting years for that VF-1D :o Not to mention strike/vf-1t/elint

    Anyway back on topic, check the trades section on this forum and a nice man is selling a 1/60 elint there.

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