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Posts posted by robodragon

  1. Hopefully Yamato has the part you need and it's just a matter of them getting caught up after the recent holiday in Japan.


    I hope that's the case.

    I got this yesterday from NY

    Hello and thank you for your email!

    Yamato answered us to wait a little. It's look like lot of people have problem with Yamato product and they are very busy.

    We will contact you as soon as we have any news.

    this is surprising to me. I would have thought if this was in fact the case we would have seen more complaints here in MW. If I knew How to create it for shapeways, I would just so I could have a complete unit. I have a feeling I'm just going to have to live with it. :(

    I'm usually one one of the lucky ones that doesn't get the broken one when broken Yamato's are running ramped on a release. Now it's my turn. I'm just glad that it seams to be only a small few of us(that we know of) that have issues with this release. I really think They stepped up their game on the bird.

  2. My responce form NY

    Hello and thank you for your email!

    Thank you for the picture.

    We will contact Yamato and tell you as soon as we have news.

    I got that last week.

    I sent this today.


    Any response from Yamato yet? I'm really disappointed about paying so much for a toy and having a piece missing, A piece that can not just fall out, but had to actually be left out during the build. This should be an easy fix for Yamato to just send me the piece that I already paid for and should have been installed in the first place. Until I hear from them on what they are going to do to fix this issue I have to keep it in the box just in case they want the whole thing back. That is really annoying, to have this great expensive toy and not be able to do anything with but stare at the box.

    Any pressure you can put on Yamato to resolve this would be appropriated.

    I can't see why it would take Yamato so long to say "Sorry, here is the $0.50 piece we forgot to add. Have a nice day."

    I still have time with paypal. Worst case I open a Paypal against NY for not complete item and force their hand. I hate to do that but I hate paying almost $400 for a incomplete brand new toy. :angry:

  3. The dorsal fins or Stabilizers can actually be pulled in and out of the house...to a degree. Try gentely pushing it down (into the engine housing) to tighten one or raising the other to correct the angle.


    Actually I have been able to pull completely out both the stabilizers and tail fins.just watch out for the little red piece that flies off when you pull the stabilizer out,

    I took the elbow apart to see if I could tighten it up. The problem seams to be in the design, nothing was broken just not tight enough tolerances. I hope if they ever get back to me that NY can just send me the missing piece, Taking the leg apart isn't all that hard, but again you have to watch where the tension fit piece goes flying off to. LOL

    P.S. I like to pull my stabilizers out a little in B-Mode so I can bend them flush against the leg. Looks sleeker to me. Minus the missing part I love this toy.

  4. Mine must have been made Friday at 4:55PM :rolleyes:

    at least its a part that isn't needed for transformation or support, just back side aesthetics. It's like having a girlfriend with a false eye. You only notice when your not looking at her boobs, and how often is that? LOL

  5. For those of you who bought the conversion parts in white strong flexible polished, what did do you do to get the "grainy" texture out of it?

    Sand, paint, sand, clearcoat (lacquer)?

    I've used some of Veef's parts before and I painted them with Tamiya acrylics, but I've never tried painting anything this big and obvious, so if I go for it, I'd like to make it look good.


    I did nothing, It only really bothers me on the canards.

  6. Thanks guys. I still need to finish up with the painting the arms and fixing the one. It broke at the spinning bicep part :angry: ,then I need to add the stickers and let the paint cure before I transformer it.

    I was thinking about the two tone gray with White trim, but at the last min I just went with red trim. I really like how it came out. I might put some red trim on the ghost so they match better. Now I can finally cross the VF-0D of my list. With the VF-4 coming out and hopefully ;) ;) the Reactive Armor ( I wish I could make that flash) coming soon ;) ;) I list will be empty. :D

  7. So I'm almost done with my repaint. I decided to go with a gray and red. All I have left to do Is the arms and sticker it up. One of my arms broke though :(. I'm really happy with my VF-0D though. It will look good when all done with the ghost on top.



  8. Works good. Had to trim the turbine section off, and drill out the peg holes some, but not bad or a custome piece. I got some sanding and painting to do, but all and all I'm really happy with my new VF-oD ;)






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