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Everything posted by BerserkFuhrer

  1. As good as the EMSIA Gelgoog will inevitably be, I am far more excited for MSIA TR-1 Hazel, and MSIA Akatsuki (sp) Hazel is a fantastic design, and he looks to be jam packed with accessories (Shield Boosters, etc..) Maybe I am a little biased towards Advance of Zeta, whether or not, Hazel is going to be one fine Mobile Suit
  2. I placed an order for that Hikaru VF-1 on sale, hopefully its a decent toy. I figured I should at least buy 1 1/48 VF-1, it was on sale, Im a cheapo End of story
  3. I too, should probably pick up a VF-1.. I was looking into VF-1D, are there any good versions of that available, I know there is the 1/60th but Im iffy on that scale.
  4. Haha, yeah I like my zoids, I am basically a Zoids/Transformers/Macross fan, so a trip to Japan will basically be a shopping spree..And as far as the girlfriend is concerned, a cultural experience! Thanks for the info guys
  5. Binaltechs...that cheap... Im sorry, I am also a giant TF fan...Okay so Im bringing an extra suitcase, or two..or three Lol, any more precise answers would be appreciated Thanks guys!
  6. Just out of curiosity, how much do Macross toys retail for in Japan, I am taking a trip there in the coming weeks. Is there any price difference from US import prices? Thanks
  7. When I was into zoids, I bought all my stuff from them, no problems. I am probably biased though, because they had a KZ-02 Berserk Fuhrer for dirt cheap there.. Zoids and Macross...I love em both
  8. Hmm, I do believe Tisinc99 (www.tisinc99.com) has it in stock..I have ordered from them, domestic shipping is reasonably fast, got from them (Cali) to me (Boston) in about 5 days. Decent. =Edit= Apparently Tisinc sucks with Macross items..I wouldn't know, I have never ordered anything macross related from them. Though everything else I have came to me promptly and all in one peice..
  9. Child nostalgia is going to win this round, Hikaru it is, wow I have never been so undecided before in buying a toy! Even though these arent really toys...More collectibles...
  10. One more question, I basically have 200 dollars set aside to buy a macross figure, I am looking for a VF-1J preferably, now is the stealth the best way to go, or are there better VF-1J available (Miria, Max, Hikari?)
  11. Good, I love the color scheme (Even if a bit bland) and it looks like a decent first buy, at $130, I am going to go ahead and buy! Thanks for all your help guys!
  12. Okay, so 1/48 I am leaning towards a Stealth VF-1J..anything horribly wrong with this figure (QC?) Thanks
  13. Although I know the 1/60 VF-0 is riddled with QC problems (Or so I have heard) Does anyone actually like this figure, personally I love the look of it, yet a 1/48 is what I am going to buy, I am just scoping out some future prospects
  14. Hmm, I guess I am going the way of the 1/48.. My cheapo ways may persuade me away from them for a week..Before I give in and buy way more than I should, thats just the way I shop Thanks guys, will check out that site too Jenius
  15. Not to steal any thunder, but instead of opening an entirely new thread for the same question, I thought I would pose it here. I too, am looking to purchase my first Macross figure, I would prefer to buy a 1/60, even though the 1/48 recieve such praise. I am not a big fan of Zero, or Plus, more DYRL. Are there any 1/60 from DYRL that are worth buying? If so, which ones? Thank you, and greetings to the board
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