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Posts posted by Knightdramon

  1. To be honest, I think they've dropped their 2-3 times per week shipping schedule they had. When they showed us the video of them moving out and how orders are processed, they stated a truck comes by to pick shipments 2 times a day every day.

    I'm still annoyed that many of the items I want to get don't show up for pre-orders on the usual places they should be, or don't show up at all. The soul of chogokin spec 10 EVA 00' was conveniently renamed out of the soul of chogokin line-up, hence negating the chance to early bird it because it wouldn't show up in the menu it was supposed to.

  2. It took me about 5 minutes to do a full transformation circle on mine with the occasional glancing at the directions. Not that hard of a transformation, much better than the chore of the VF-0S.

    Will post pics later on, at the moment he's posed on the shelf with MP Skywarp...

  3. Let it be known that this is my first 1/60 YF-19...

    I've one of just about any major Yamato release [VF-0, SV-51, 1/48 VF1 with all accessories] and I have to say that this is perhaps their best release. The thing is a bit more complicated than the SV-51 to transform but the end result poses much better than any of their other merchandises out.

    Transformation is neither too complicated nor too simple. A better mechanism to lock the entire wing section in place when in fighter would be appreciated, but it's not that bad as it is and it holds much better than either the VF-0 or the SV-51. The left wing section, in particular, simply refuses to lock in place securely at the leg peg (came that way out of the box). At first I thought I had a problematic sample because as I took it out the radar section of the cockpit hung loose but I remembered the thread about it and quickly fixed it.

    Never did bother with the gerwalk.

    Battroid mode is spectacular. Pretty decent articulation on all limbs, all major joints were tight (arms are a bit looser than the whole, but still tight). No locking mechanism for the entire chest assembly was a bummer, but it's still better than the SV-51.

    Overall this is probably the first purchase I've had after the VF-1A Kakizaki that doesn't have any major defects (loose joints from the get go, poor fitting of parts and so on), is fun to transform and poses better than anything else. Only complaint is the lack of accessories...

    On a final note, how can I replace the black canards with the gold panel lined ones?


  4. Ordered my YF-19 from toy-wave the other day. Wouldn't really buy it otherwise but couldn't resist the order and I don't care for its fastpacks. Now if they'll only release a cool non-canon scheme for the YF-21...

    BTW, last I checked, toy-wave has many, MANY macross items on sale.

  5. I've dealt with Hobbysearch recently and while their shipping was slow [but they replied my query and said they're extremely busy this time of the year], you can't beat their prices.

    Their price is hlj's early bird, only it's always like that and they put up pre-orders WAY earlier than anybody else. Couple that with their point system and it's a sure choice for me.

    Zen-Builder, do you work for hlj? If so, can you please ask around and find out why there was a ton of gundam items [MG Strike E IWSP, 1/100 Virtue, 1/144 Gundam 00 merchandise] that were never up for pre-order with early bird, yet earlier this week they were listed under the "order stop" status? This happened again with the MG Black Tri Star zaku and 1/100 Gundam Kyrios...

  6. With the imminent release of the new, vastly improved 1/60 VF-1 line, I caved and bought a VF-0S w/ Ghost. I got the first edition and it sucked donkey balls. The damned thing was sloppy, loose, and had a droopy fuselage too...kinda like an old crack-whore I'd imagine...LMAO! :lol:

    All jokes aside, definitely NOT worth the $180 I paid shipped from LOS on Ebay. :(

    I'm really hoping this thing is as good as everyone's been saying.


    My 0S with Ghost has the dropy fuselage thing too, but otherwise it's very solid. Rivals my 1/48 Kakizaki, and that's saying a lot.

  7. If it makes you feel better, I've got the same "problem" with my Ivanov ver.

    Nosecone tends to dislocate from the allocated point quite easily and doesn't really stay in place until I move the entire waist section and clip it there [which isn't very stable in itself].

    Was hoping it'd be remedied with Nora, but it doesn't seem so.

  8. From the two, I only have the SV-51.

    It's one of my favourite figures. Both battroid and fighter modes are excellent (fighter is awesome), never really cared much for gerwalk. It's relatively easy and simple to transform once you figure out the arms\shoulders (instructions don't help on that account). Bought this along with a VF-0S, 0S is back in it's box whilst this one sits proudly on the display table. Plus, it comes with a display stand of it's own.

    The YF-19 has an awesome battroid, no arguement there. Don't like the other two modes that much. Comes with no display stand (and, depending on whether you want the FP ver. or the regular) has very few accessories.

    At retail, the SV-51 is slightly more expensive, but you get more bang for your buck.

  9. Well, since I don't work full time [only a couple of days per week] I keep my other expenses to an acceptable minimum, and try to buy Macross [Yamato] figures on sale and bundled to save cash. So far I've 6 items, and half of them were bought on clearance. They also shipped in pairs rather than individually.

    I also sell my unwanted figures to make space and cash for future expenditures.

  10. So I plunged in and bought a VF-0S ghost combo as well. Short review following:

    Whilst this is nowhere near the 1st production VF-OS floppiness, it does have some loose parts. The right leg on mine was loose on the hip joint and had to take it apart and paint the joint and socket to increase friction, and the swivel under the knees on both legs are loose as well. Not floppy, but not tight either. As mentioned by other users, the shoulder armour is a tad loose but can be easily remedied.

    Moreover, the lack of a proper chest and backpack locking mechanism is annoying at best. However, once one gets over these facts, this toy doesn't fail to deliver. The ghost add-on is fun and makes one hell of an armed mecha.

    Overall, do get this one if you've been waiting for a QC free VF-0S, but don't expect 1/48 VF-1 quality.

  11. Straying from the alternate colour schemes discussion but still on-topic, finally got my SV-51 Ivanov today.

    Overall, I dislike the fact that it has almost zero locking mechanism for the entire torso in battroid. I'm not sure if it's just mine, but the nosecone won't sit flush on the underside of the cockpit and relies on friction from the other parts to do so.

    Articulation isn't bad and the transformation isn't so hard either, but the instruction booklet is almost useless at parts (such as when transforming the shoulders correctly). Mine has the correct wing joints\no QC problems except for really, really loose ball hip joints. I had to take it apart and paint the sockets and the die-cast ball joint to increase friction and now he's rock solid.

  12. I thought broken shoulders only found in 0A but not the shin combo version, please clarify that as I am planning to get shin combo soon.

    Some of the shin editions apparently had the same shoulder problem as the earlier VF-0A. As Graham himself said, the VF-0S Ghost combo is the first 0 release with fixes straight from the get-go.

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