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Posts posted by hutch

  1. I would suggest the Super/Strike parts and Takatoys' stickers -- you'll be glad you did.

    Where can I pick up the Takatoys stickers? The only thing I can find is an inactive geocities account and an email address...importsalexander@terra.com.pe. Is that right?

  2. This response poses both sides to the coin:

    See, you're going about it all wrong. Don't swear off first releases.... swear off paying full price on first releases. Eventually someone here or on eBay will realize they've bought too many VF-0S and slash the price and sell them at a discount just to free up some cash or warehouse space.... that's when you buy yours. Spending $200 on a toy riddled with little problems (and they tend to be little, let's not get carried away) is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. Spending $120 on that same toy 8 months later? Yeah, that's a bit easier to deal with. Believe me, these retailers aren't invested over $120 in most of these toys so hacking 'em down to cost at some point will be worth it if they can get new stuff in that will sell at MSRP.

    Anyone who thinks Yamato is going to invest this heavily in new molds and engineering and then NOT eventually reissue or create a bunch of variations isn't thinking things through. Even if the first edition doesn't sell Yamato is smart enough to know that it's because they screwed up. That doesn't mean they won't spit out a bunch of variations to get those whacky first editions sold out before reissuing, it just means if you have Yoda like patience it'll pay off eventually. How many valks haven't been reissued at this point? Even if you include the Mac+ line there aren't many that are still in first release (M&M??).

    To go to jenius' point here, in recent days I've seen some 0S's go pretty close to $125 or so. That's getting pretty good...

  3. I don't think this is very logical at all actually. I mean, within the "macross universe" we are to assume that this is logical, but for real world military engagments large size is not really desirable...neither is hand-to-hand combat the vast majority of the time.

    Huge robots that turn into fighter jets are cool as hell, don't get me wrong. But if earth was really invaded by 50' tall anatomically human aliens, the LAST thing I would want to combat them would be 50' tall robots.

    I'd want 100 foot tall robots myself. :lol:

  4. Huh?

    I'm just curious - did you read the link to the Macross Compendium? Even easier, the quotes I provided of the article?

    And I'm curious - what conditions? Does being an amalgamation of economies multiple times larger than the G8 with all the resources of the member countries available and focused towards projects somehow reduce productivity?

    Sorry sketchley. It was a joke and not in any way meant to be taken seriously, any part of it. GEEZ.

  5. Some people here really need to look up the phrase "suspension of disbelief." You can accept transforming jet fighters combatting a race of giants from the other side of the galaxy, but the notion of more than one variable fighter under development at one time is a deal breaker? :rolleyes:

    There is no way that the UN, in those conditions, could afford to build two working prototypes of transforming jet fighters, one with nuclear engines, to combat a race of giants, genetically engineered by the same aliens that genetically engineered our ancestors, based on measurements from their battlefortress that crashed on Earth. It's just not economically viable. Especially when it ends up that we can just beat them with some teenage girls singing.


  6. I was really sad.

    I know everybody around here hates Robotech, but it was what introduced me to anime, when I was 9 or so, and I kind of have a soft spot for it in my heart.

    I was very disappointed in this movie. Pretty much everything anybody has said is true. I think the most disappointing thing to me was that the story nor dialog were as mature as the 'original'. It was pretty pathetic in spots.

  7. don't hate yourself. just get one when the 2nd release comes out and they fix all the bloody mistakes.

    That's what I'll be doing... then I'll own 3 of them, well, 1... and 2 big piles of spare parts.

    Patience is not one of my virtues.


  8. Be carefull Hutch a lot of members have been screwed over by TISINC. Check the blacklist for tails of woe.

    Yeah, I'm aware. I was a little worried when I placed the order, but did it with my Visa, so I was protected. Everything went fine and VERY fast.

    They just have so much of a better selection than anybody else (at least that's what's on their page at least).

  9. So has anyone else besides robotechkicks@ss buy a Super Milia recently through Tisinc99's website? I never had trouble with him before for Transformers and Macross items but there appear to be a number of feedbacks from him that list the same problem I had: selling something they didn't have in stock.

    I just got a Super Stealth and CF 1/48 with no problems at all through TISINC. I am considering placing another order pretty soon.

  10. From an RT perspective I hope this is a necessary transition piece. People wanted a series that connected firmly to the original. Shadow Chronicles, if nothing else, does that. That ties things down a bit because you can't have all new mechs, all new spaceships, and all new characters when you're trying to build the gluing piece fans are clamoring for. So, here we have the transition piece that will hopefully need RT to somewhere new where it can develop into something of its own. Maybe SC will start as being some terrible amalgamation and end up being a half decent series. If it ends here it's just gonna be that amalgamation and lead to no where.

    If that was the drive, why not just do The Sentinels? All the "Macross Saga" characters with the "New Generation" and "Southern Cross" technology fighting The Invid right beside The Zentradi.

  11. Don't know if this helps, but HLJ has their VF-1A "Hikaru"s on sale right now, 20% off...

    Thanks! I'll take a look at that.

    Just got my Stealth last night. WHOOOA NELLY! Nice ship!

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