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Posts posted by CF18

  1. Just use Bittorrent, which can resume your download nicely. A 350M episode should need about 16 to 20 hours for 56k, so just leave it on two to three nights.

    And I never use 56k before. Jumped from 14.4k to cable about 6 years ago. :p

  2. New line arts. They are really talking cloth changing bots into new height... <_<

    One set will be packaged in F-91 in standard colour, and can be changed into F-90-II. The other set will be packaged in F-90 in standard colour, and can be changed into a dark colour F-91. I doubt you will get any extra F-90 equipments.

    I would rather they forget about the cloth change thing and get back to full equipment set like the MkII or S-Gundam. It kind of made sense with Zaku-II getting an upgrade to become high mobility type, but these NT-1/RX78-4 & F-91/F-90 change over is quite ridiculous.


  3. Sucky poll. It seem to just count the "yes" without any weight to the questions. Some questions should have a lot more weight than others.

    It feels like 6 years out of date with all those Laser Disc and VHS questions. No, the majority of my harddrive are anime fansub, not not anime mp3's.

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