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Posts posted by eriku

  1. This is exactly what I've wanted for many many years so hopefully they turn out well. I've got a long history of Toynami's toys turning to crap so the fact they are related to Toynami at all is my only cause for concern. It seems they may be made and produced by Oritoy with just Toynami distributing them, so hopefully that will result in some quality figures.

    I do think Rick and Roy's hair seems a bit limp. Since they don't need to fit the helmets over those heads (helmeted heads are swappable) they should really go wild with the hair.

    They also need to do a Kakizaki but I'm probably they only person that would buy him. :lol:

  2. Yeah, a lot of people keep throwing around 'lackluster' and other 'ho hum' type comments at TFW but I guess I don't know what else a Masterpiece Perceptor needs to do that Tesla doesn't do. Considering the source material I don't think Tesla lacks any luster at all. It looks pretty much perfect to me in both modes, has an enjoyable transformation, is built really well and is highly poseable so that's all I need. :)

  3. My FansToys Tesla (Perceptor) came in today. Highly recommended if you like Percy. Solid in both modes, tons of joints, very high quality overall. The dials on his arms and the feet are diecast metal. Just a nice, clean and no-nonsense rendition of the character. This is my first FansToys toy so I look forward to getting more from them in the future, probably Hound.

  4. ^Nice! Looking forward to that guy, especially since their Makuros was so damn well done.

    As for Cupola, I'd probably be more excited if I didn't have Code, who remains one of my favorite transforming toys of all time. Add to that the severely limited forward hip movement on Cupola and I think I'll just admire him from afar. It looks like a hell of a fantastic toy though, and I'll be looking forward to Hardhead and whatever else they do.

  5. While I love G1 Ironhide's sled, I honestly have no interest in one that is just some extraneous accessory and doesn't form part of the alt mode.

    Actually I don't want most of the stuff he comes with. Just gimme Ironhide and a gun at a lower price and I'm good.

    Not that I want to deny anyone the extra goodies (I'm sure most appreciate them), I just think it would be cool if there was a 'stripped down' option.

  6. I've got mine. I've asked friends to considering forfeit their deposit... :wacko:

    I can see that the 3P gave many thoughts to the design, but the production is that bad. My VF-1S is a floppy mess.

    It looks okay on the shelf, but it collapses upon contact.


  7. A couple of questions:

    1. Does the GBP chest armor just very lightly snap on or am I missing something? It stays in place, but if I try to open the missile bays the whole armor section falls off. Likewise if I so much as brush against it too hard while handling the toy it will fall right off.

    2. The three 'canisters' on each hip...are they supposed to be removable or did Arcadia just glue some of mine but not others? One comes off if I pull a bit, one falls off if I bump it, the others don't budge.

  8. It doesn't look anywhere near as yellow at home as it did at work under the long fluorescent tube lights.

    In the photo it's hardly noticeable at all. But the top cluster is 'yellowed' while the bottom one is bright white.

    I also had to remove a 1cm sized spot of what appeared to be dried blood on one of the 1J's legs. Fun times. :lol:


  9. Got mine today. Does anyone else have yellowed missile clusters on their GBP? On one of the leg units the top cluster is totally yellowed as if it were really old PVC, while the bottom cluster is fine. On another part there is one or two individual missiles that are yellowed while the rest are white. I'm not anal enough for it to really bother me, but I do find it really curious that brand new plastic would already be yellowed. Is it possible they used some leftover parts from the Yamato run? I'll post a photo later.

  10. here are some photos of the pre-assembled 1S I had. Same 'pink' hue. One is even a comparison photo someone requested back then because of the pink hue.



    This is a shot of the 1J kit as I was building it, under a different light but you can still see a 'pink' hue.


    And Jenius, that monster in my avatar is not white. It's clearly brown. A rich, dark, chocolaty brown.

  11. Really? I have like 7 of those kits and never saw any of them as pink.

    The white of the ARcadia 1-j is not the same as the Unpainted kits.... I'll take pics side by side when I get home tonight :p

    Yes, really. I had the VF-1S pre-assembled kit and I have the VF-1J that I assembled. Both are exactly the same as the recent Arcadias. People even made the same "it looks pink" comments when I posted photos of them years ago. Again, they don't look pink in person, but in photos under certain lighting it comes through.

  12. I'm on the fence on whether or not i really like it or not. I wish they had just used the same shade of white they used for the Model kits and the no-paint 1S.

    Do mean wish they had NOT used the same shade? Because those have a pinkish hue also...

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