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Posts posted by eriku

  1. The VF-19P is, without a second thought, my favorite Yamato toy. Between the colors and the head sculpt it's just a beautiful, beautiful toy. And then there is the fact that it's a Yamato VF-19 which means it's one of the most rugged and playable Macross toys ever made.

    One of my favorite parts of the P is the sculpted face inside the visor. You really can't see it without shining a bright light on it which is part of the reason it's so cool. I love those little "we totally didn't have to do that but we totally did." details.

    Anyway, be sure to let us know what you think when you get yours, Novareign!

  2. Aw, they're just a special vocal brew, like Tom Waits.

    No. Tom Waits may have a voice that's not for everyone but his image is generally benign. Die Antwoord packages their 'special' music in the revolting and off-putting persona of perverted gangsta thugs. They're the main reason I lost all interest in seeing this film.

  3. I want to get excited for this Voltron but I've been burned by Toynami too many times over the last 15 years. Out of the dozens of toys I've bought from them I struggle to think of one that is a really great quality piece. I'm not trying to hate on them, just sharing my experience. I used to defend them constantly. I hope something has changed with their practices and this one turns out good. I wont be a test pilot, though.

  4. Of course I'm more interested in the engineering and overall tactile experience of the toy than color, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to just be fine with any color (what if it looked like the NASCAR tuxedo VF-1J? :p ). For $300 I want to make sure I'm happy with it. Regardless, I'm not panicking or anything, just really curious as to what it's going to look like so I know whether or not to spend my money elsewhere.

  5. In all my years of Macross collecting I always thought passing on a toy because of color was petty and I never really understood it. But now I'm sitting here with my finger constantly hovering over the CANCEL button because I don't know which shade of blue the 0D will be. It still seems petty, but dangit...I really just have no interest in owning a 0D that looks like a Max VF - especially when it is in the neighborhood of $300. My gut tells me that it'll be a more 'correct' color, but still... This close to the release date it would be nice if Arcadia could just show us what the final production toy looks like.

  6. * * * S O L D * * *

    Letting go of my YF-30 Chronos. $200 shipped USPS with insurance. United States only. It's been transformed once to battroid and then back to fighter. I got it right before a move and packed it up right away so it's never been on display or really handled outside of the transformation. Everything looked pretty much perfect to me, meaning I didn't see any scratches in the paint or cracks or breaks or loose joints, etc. The chest section seemed to hold tight in battroid mode, something I've heard can be an issue.

    The tray with stand parts was never opened. All accessories are accounted for and included. One of the corners on the outer box was crushed a little during it's trip from Nippon Yasan to me, as you can see in the photo. Other than that the box and all packaging looks great (to me), but I've never been someone who really cares that much about packaging so if you are someone who is anal about the box condition please look elsewhere.






  7. Intended. All credit goes to the TFW2005 forums for Spaniel. I picked it up while lurking their Ultra Magnus threads.

    Yep, "Spaniel" was birthed by yours truly on the MP Bumble thread at TFW. I used it as a silly portmanteau to make fun of the debate people were having over whether the undefined head on the Exosuit was Spike or Daniel and people embraced it. I'm more puzzled than proud. :lol:

  8. What's really funny to me is that this whole thing is going to make this movie far, FAR more sought-after, celebrated, notorious, famous and eventually watched than it ever would have been otherwise. Without this drama it would have been just another comedy that people laugh about for a couple weeks before being forgotten.

  9. Eriku, what do you mean with the pre assembled versions? the no painting version? so those are the same White?

    so the yamato standard tv releases have different color than the assembly kit then ( tv 1j hikaru,kakizaki 1a, max 1a and tv roy?)

    Yes, the non-painted Yamato 1/60 is exactly the same as the kit, which is also the same white plastic as the Arcadia TV Roy & Hikaru. The standard Yamato 1/60 TV valks are a different white - still very bright white, just a more pure white (if that makes sense) without the violet/pink tinge under certain lights.

  10. The Yamato assembly kits (and the pre-assembled versions) are a very stark white and almost have a slight pinkish hue to them under certain lights. This is the same for the Arcadia VF-1S Roy and Hikaru. It's a very different white than standard Yamato releases and also different from Bandai's Frontier VFs. So I don't think you have any discoloring going on.

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