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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Saw it in Hong Kong last night. It's an okay film, not great, but not bad either. I enjoyed Pacific Rim a lot more. Though gotta admit that Hugh Jackman's physique looks really nice. Can Agent One explain how to achieve a body like that? :p

    On a side note, I can't help but be bothered by the following:

    Even though Mariko's fiancee is supposed to be a villain, I truly feel sorry for him. Not only did Wolverine sleep with his girl, he also got thrown off the building by Wolverine. This is wrong at so many levels!

  2. Saw it today with wife and son. We all really enjoyed it. Great summer movie with excellent set designs.

    Son now wants a Gypsy Danger toy, I want Striker Eureka.

    Wondering why when the Kaiju used its EMP weapon why the power on Hong Kong Island wasn't affected also.


    Glad you changed your mind and like it! Were the audience in Hong Kong psyched to see their city get trashed? Too bad the city scenes look more like Chinatown than Hong Kong.

  3. Actually, the recap DVD that Saburo Hatte sent to the cafe on episode 13 of season 1 was clearly the indicator for season 2, as it included a letter telling the Akibarangers to reflect on the events if they wanted a second season. The final episode of season 2 was merely a goodbye. But then again, this series was really about Saburo Hatte, so he can simply snap his fingers and bring back the Akibarangers anytime. That is, if the actors are willing to return.

    I have yet to see episode 13, but didn't Akagi at the end say something like Saburo Hatte can always come up with an excuse to create another season if the audience wants it?

  4. Have to admit I really enjoyed the film, at least much more than Man of Steel. I heard a lot about script re-writes and re-shoots, so was pleasantly surprised at how coherent the final product was. The re-work was barely noticeable in my opinion. Yes, I was disappointed that the social and political themes were basically gone (though I never read the book), but overall it's still a decent summer movie. The realistic approach (family man as supposed to zombie warrior) made it a lot more watchable then disasters like Resident Evil 5. Brad Pitt's solid performance also helps alot.

  5. Saw it in Malaysia last night. Mediocre at best, but no doubt it will do well at the box office.

    As much as the previous installment was considered a let down, I still think Superman Returns has more heart to it and is a much better film overall. Several things in particular that I really dislike about Man of Steel:

    1) They keep talking about how humans would become scared if they learn of the existence of aliens, and yet we barely get to see how the public reacts when Superman reveals himself

    2) We are talking about a GLOBAL encounter with a alien lifeforms here. Why in the world is only a small military unit involved here? Perhaps the director wants to keep the story small? Seems like they had raised a bunch of issues that they forgot to deal with. The Transformers films did a much better job in this regard

    3) The final super fight was dragged out, coarse and boring. There was nothing here that hasn't been done before

  6. Saw it on PPS with Chinese subtitles last night. I believe it's a legitimate copy, but who knows for sure. Anyway, can't believe FB7 was actually released in a theater and they expected people to pay see it! They went through the trouble of creating new footage for Frontier, and there are all kinds of interesting things they could have done with this crossover. And yet, they decided to go with this pointless lack-of-story! I knew beforehand that FB7 is supposed to be a promotion for the release of Mac 7 BluRay and would contain mostly recycled footage, but still.... major disappointment.

  7. I agree with the witt and one-liners, there seemed to be more of it in the 3rd film compared to the other 2.

    I liked Tony's hero journey and thought RDJ & BK performances were excellent!!!

    I felt that I was watching Ironman 2 at the end with all the amors, very similar.But overall good movie.

    But unfortunately I watched the chinese version (living in China)

    The movie was atleast 2-3 mins longer , and the chinese scenes were NOT subtle.

    Ironman 3 , is not based in China, nor has any references to China But randomly and suddenly there are 3 extra scenes.

    Half way thru an office scene(in HK I guess) Chinese actors "shooting the breeze", while in the background TV is on with Ironman talking with a group of chinese school kids(just like you'd see on the back of a cereal box)..I joked with my friends WTH would IM be saying to these kids in true Stark style "hey kids, don't do sleep and get 8hrs of drugs" or "just say no to copyright".

    At the end we learn that these random chinese actors are actually docters in the second long drawn out scene, with them post op washing their hands talking about the potential success/failure of the operation.

    The 3rd scene was again in the office disscussing the operation...a shameless plug of who's who of China movie stars, it felt like I was watching 2 different movies very jarring.

    Now I wanna see the Hollywood version.

    I feel sorry for you man :p I think they also removed the post credit scene in China

    There are actually all kinds of internet jokes about the Chinese edition. I am heading to Beijing next week and will watch it again. Really looking forward to the extra scenes :D

  8. If you want to get technical Iron Man 3 was co-produced with some companies in China, so not all of the money came from the US, but it's all Hollywood so that makes it domestic. PetarB is being completely pedantic about it.

    That's right! The reason they allowed China to partly finance the production was to get a bigger cut of the Chinese box office (China box office is expected to surpass US fairly soon). This is also why there is a Chinese edition of the movie with additional footage featuring Chinese actors/actresses. But don't worry, you won't see this edition in any place other than China. Like it or not, this is how many Hollywood movies will be financed / made in the future, including Transformers 4.

  9. Something I've come to realize about Evangelion is that I like the idea of Evangelion more than Evangelion itself. I like the themes and the art style and the potential the characters and setting provide but the actual execution just leaves me sad and disappointed.

    I expect nothing less than total confusion and unresolved plotlines from Evangelion, and I am not being sarcastic. Hollywood is where I would go to if I want everything explained.

  10. Saw it in HK two nights ago. Definitely a fun ride, but the first Iron Man is still the best. Also glad that they didn't show the PRC version in Hong Kong that supposedly had additional scenes catered to the Chinese market. Why? Because Shane Black was quick to claim that he had nothing to do with the Chinese edition.... which is always a bad sign. Anyway, remember to stay till end of credits for a pleasant surprise.

  11. My impression of the new film:

    Separately, the different acts and action sequences were decent and a dream come true for G I Joe fans. However, once connected together, the whole movie does not flow well and feels choppy at times.

    Regarding 3D, don't think it's worthwhile. The operation in Pakistan especially felt like a blurry mess. The only redeeming part was the moutain side ninja battle, which was very well done.

    Also, I usually don't have much expectation on character development in an action flick, but I believe Jon Chu can still do better here. Can't help comparing Retaliation to Fast 5, which also features Dwayne Johnson as a military badass out to avenge his fallen comrades. Even though Johnson had a smaller role and less screen time in Fast 5, his character actually got more depth and left a stronger impression. I would love to see an angrier Roadblock. Jon Chu can also learn from Fast 5 on how to build better momentum.

    Overall, I gave the movie a B+ for good efforts.

    Oh, to those who are wondering whether they added a lot more "Channing Tatum" after the nine month delay to help boost ticket sales, the only re-shoot they did was the video game scene. So I believe the answer is a little bit. In fact, I think they probably edited more scenes out than in. Just compare the various trailers to the movie itself and you will know what I mean.

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