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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. I got one today at Tai Po Plaza. Like everyone said, box art looks nice. However, I find the toy a bit fragile. Nevertheless, although I've been handling it quite roughly, the toy is still okay so far. The transformation / swapping parts was quite a pain, and I almost forgot where certain parts were supposed to go when reversing the transformation.

    I know most people like the fighter mode, but I actually don't like it that much, as the legs don't lock together well. Battroid mode, on the other hand, is quite nice. Overall, I think I personally still prefer the DX version.

  2. Not saying the DX is bad, I actually really enjoy mine, but it does exhibit obvious signs of being far from cutting edge.


    I think it's a good thing in the long term:

    - if everything can be done in China, there's further room for cost reduction, and prices may come down

    - China's industries are slowly shifting from low-skill labor to more high end stuff

    However, I am just curious if the design job was farmed out voluntarily or required by some clause in the contracts.

  3. Super Saiyan Son Goku...

    I don't own the regular GoKu and have only seen it in display. However, based on visual comparison, the quality of the regular one seems to be a bit better. The clothing seems sloppy and the skin complexion looks too pale. Still, I think it's a cool toy (I have low standards for toys anyway) :lol:



  4. No, I've never lived in Japan, only visited there a few times. MWers Save, Sketchley and Renato live in Japan. I live in Hong Kong.

    I bought my VF-25F and VF-25S DX in Tai Po in the New Territories in a toy shop in Tai Po Plaza in New Tai Po (sorry, can't remember the shop's name).

    I also saw the VF-25S Ozma DX in a toy store located in Cross Lane in Wanchai on HK Island yesterday.


    Hi Graham, where exactly is Tai Po Plaza? Is it near the train station? I only know of Uptown Plaza. Thanks.


  5. Hmm, if they're already in Singapore, I should be picking up mine from China Square soon. I think the low down for me is that the MH only looks good in combined mode. Seeing them side-by-side really shows how much more balanced the CM's design is, despite the fiddly transformation. I do believe I'll keep collecting the CM's and give up the rest of the MHs. The puny wheels on the MH are bugging the heck out of me... just like the too-thin arms on the 1/48 VF-1 series.

    That's exactly my thought. The Megahouse figure without the armor looks really odd, whereas the CM version is much more proportional in all modes. BTW, based on my experience, Singapore (especially stores in China Square) usually get their stock a few days to a week after Hong Kong. The official release date for MH in HK is next Tuesday, so expect them some time after that.

  6. Somehow I think the Megahouse ones look too nice and good in the pictures to be the actual products. Also, the cyclone in bike mode doesn't seem to hold together very tightly. The CM ones appear to be more representative of the final products. They also look more sturdy.


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