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Posts posted by GreenGuy42

  1. My 1/48 with FAST pack armor came crashing down from the top shelf of my bookcase, after a drunk room mate decided he'd come take a look at my DVDs while I was out..

    Thankfully, for him, it suffered no damage, though I moved the DVDs and don't let him in my room anymore.

  2. :o Gah, she works for Udon.

    well that explains a lot :)

    UDON is making more and more artwork for my current favorite non-hungarian ( ;) )RPG: Exalted B))

    Exalted owns. I've been running a constant game for going on two years now...

    ...best thing WW has done, IMO...

  3. Wasn't the Macross woefully low on resources through much of the war? I mean yes, the ship DID have its own manfactoring capibilities, but seems reasonable, given the size of the Zentran force, that losses probably outstripped replacements.

    To my point... As stated earlier, the -1D HAD weapon hard points, and I'm sure it could handle itself in a fight as well as a single seater (at least in space.) It would make sense that the crew would press these trainers into service to shore up and major holes in their depleted squadrons until new fighters could be produced. That MIGHT explain the -1D's limited combat experience.

  4. Spiff hasn't been around a lot lately, however I know the armor was well on the way...

    ...he's probably just busy with good ol' life stuff

  5. you glued a JM booster on a orguss and called a custom :unsure::unsure:

    Uh, I think the reason Kanata wants the line art is to improve his custom...

    I know him personally, and trust me, he's far too creative just to simply tack on a booster and call it done... :)

  6. I couldn't get into it. It wasn't a bad movie, per say...

    I've read Lovecraftian horror for years, and a lot of the mythos I saw reminded me of his novels/stories. The whole movie reminded me of a campy superhero story that Lovecraft wrote for some twisted creative writing class.

    When I saw the big critter in the crystal out in space, my mind just screamed Azathoth...

    Again, not a bad movie, but not my cup of tea.

  7. Stuff I have:

    1 - Yamato 1/48 with FP

    2 - Takara MPC Prime

    3 - 1/60 CF Strike Valkyrie (I love you so, my little custom... mahaha)

    4 - Binaltech/Alternator series of transformers

    5 - LEGOS!

    6 - VF-11B FP

    7 - Escaflowne (you know, I haven't had any problems with joint tightness.. just

    love this thing as a display piece)

    8 - Matchbox MIB SDF-1

    9 - MG Kampfer (praying for a PG someday..)

    10 - Summertime Cthulhu plush (so cute... :rolleyes: )

    And, soon to replace number one, and push poor Cthulhu off the list...

    2003 Grey Mustang GT.....

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