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Everything posted by mslz22

  1. version 2 of the inbit mock up, still missing the very tip detail on the cannons and the vent details. This is just hot glued together so please excuse the wonkiness...and the untrimmed pour spouts in places. thanks mike
  2. Cannon minus the "vent" details and the very tip of the cannon, those will be cast separately for ease of paint... mike
  3. I've revised the leg on the inbit pattern that goes with this kit, much happier with it, the old legs were too thin. already molded the lower leg and will get the new upper leg in a mold this week. Topside cannon pattern is just about done too, will be nice to have a couple of bad guys to go with Capt's kit. I think I got the scale just about right, hard to tell from the pic because the inbit is in the foreground but the top of the inbit head is just about the same height as the crotch of the soldier mode beast.... thanks mike
  4. Does anyone know anything about the future of the 1/48 hasegawa line? I was really hoping for a 1/48 superbattroid and super valk but have not seen a single bit of info on any of it.....
  5. Just got some cool updates today about Jerseyfest, and i will be talking with the guy who runs it again tonight. I can say i am getting more excited all the time, hope a bunch of people from here can make it. More info when i can share it..... mike
  6. Thanks guys, it's a great kit, not without it's quirks as usual with resin kits. I almost wish i had another to build kind of knowing what i know now type of thing. Here are some WIP pics to show off some of the detail you can't see assembled. mike
  7. I actually purchased the pattern for the conversion kit.....I just finished the molds recently. i am trying the resin that the Capt used as well as another resin that is supposed to be closer to ABS and not as brittle as the Task stuff. I am also going to cast the canopies in crystal clear as opposed to the translucent stuff, more of a paint but worth it IMO. Stand by for a for sale thread in a few weeks. mike
  8. Real thing, not the "R" word, I have been working on this on and off for like 5 years, my wife was on vacation this week so i had a little extra time to finish it up. Wanted to finish it before the casting season really gets into full swing. I have to say that after all these years i am still completely infatuated with this model, i think it's still the best depiction of the VF-1 (in my opinion of course) out there. I love the hasegawa kits but they are a little bit to "real world" for me. I think the Club M is a classic 90's kit that is the perfect combo of anime and realistic styles. I am overall really happy with this, like anything done over such a long time i am better at painting now than when i started so there are some unevenness to it. I am hoping to finish up a handful of these classic kits over the next few years, they real deserve some love as they are a real part of macross history. The last little thing that i need to do at some point is put the clear parts on the wings, the vac formed parts were old and the plastic cracked when i tried to cut them out, may need to make the clear out of clear dental cast, but that won't happen for a while. Some of the panel covers etc are left off intentionally, I wanted to see the details underneath, pilot omitted for now, may convert the figure to a standing figure at some point. I went easy on the decals to maintain the anime look. thanks mike
  9. Wow, don't know how I missed the paint up of this, it's looking great, that Mt. Fugi Montana is a great macross color, i used it on the 1/48 regult. It would not apply to something as big as this, but for the Montana it works better on smaller models if you get the ultra fine tips, with a little playing around with spray distance etc you can get it to work closer to an airbrush color, and compared to the cost of Tamiya cans the $10 or so for a can is a bargain. Looking forward to the finish.....
  10. Thanks, it means a lot coming from everyone here but hey, your the captain right? Not to sound too corny but it really is a dream kit, and a long time coming, I remember being so excited in the early days of my time at MW....I mean around the time of the first hasegawa kits and 1/60 yamatos (the first versions!!!) The project was well underway before I had even done my first scratchbuilding and it was one of the things that really made me want to create my own stuff. So thanks for bringing it to life.... mike
  11. Calling this done for now, still a few things to do but i really need to clear the bench space for stuff i have coming up. Took me longer to finish because i got busy with other stuff, but 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there got it done. I know i owe a couple of you guys 1/48 pilot figures, I will get those out sometime this week, the figures have been done for a while but had an issue with the vac formed visor, got that taken care of and will ship them out asap. Someday i will set up a better photoshoot for this and some of my other stuff. I really need to invest some time in figuring out how to properly photograph models and get a nice set up. thanks mike
  12. And one with the new knee armor, all this is still just roughed in, will get more refined.. thanks mike
  13. Hey guys, working on this some this week. Got the new leg struts built and working on refining the foot some more. The leg struts will be cast in 4 parts and they are quite beefy. I still expect this for springtime, keeping my fingers crossed... thanks mike
  14. That's the 1/60 Yamato Regult in the shot above. The Yamato 1/60 Regult is 14 inches tall all the way to the top of the head laser cannons. The stated height online for the 1/60 yamato regult is wrong. The Capt America glaug is 14 inches tall to the top of the laser cannon. I did buy the pattern for both the 1/72nd scale Kamjin and standing zentran soldier patterns. I molded the soldier but not Kamjin yet, i should be doing that sometime in the next month or so. thanks mike
  15. One alone with the 1/60V2 and a group shot... thanks mike
  16. Thanks guys, i had a request to show the size difference between this and the "classic" 1/72nd scale kit. My "classic" kit is not built yet but here is a couple of pics, the foot of the CAmerica kit is as big as the body of the classic kit. In short, i will be using the classic kit as a 1/100 kit. thanks mike
  17. It has brass (i think Capt used acrylic but i use brass) cast into the legs, 2 at the hip joint and 1 at the knee, the 2 at the hip fix the upper leg into place so it can't twist or turn. There is also a hidden screw that goes under the forward panel of the leg that secures the lower leg to the foot ball. Overall very secure, the arms, gunmount and canopy hinges are cast in a HD resin so they will not warp. Calling this done some pics alone and some with a hasegawa 1/72 battroid. thanks mike
  18. So i have been working on this here and there again, got it decaled up and standing today so thought it was a good time for an update. John's work really starts to pop as you get the paint and weathering going. I used AS-5 spray for the light blue and TS-4 spray for the dark grey, both Tamiya rattlecans. I cast up a few of these before the cold weather got here so if anyone is looking for one of these PM me.. thanks mike
  19. http://www.g-system-shop.com/product_info.php?cPath=31&products_id=369 They fit this pretty perfectly but are too big for anything macross that i have found.... thanks mike
  20. Quick update, i have not had a lot of time to work on this this week but got a little done today. I did a very light wash/filter before i gloss coated the parts that will get decals, it was enough to add some depth to the colors. I did most of the decals at this point and will then dull coat, add some more filters/wash to deepen it a bit more, then more dull coat. Doing the missiles is becoming tedious but will try to paint 1 set a day until they are done. Still need to do the wings, nosecone and a few other details. thanks mike
  21. I don't know if i am doing something wrong, I don't think I am but with the leg missiles I don't think i can close the doors as the missiles are too tall. The upper arm ones seem to be able to be closed. The joints can be posed but need to be locked down when you get it where you want it. You can loosen and repose, but like any model with that feature you may risk paint scratches if you do it too much. Hope to have this wrapped up in the next week or so... thanks mike
  22. Here you go with the 1/60. Got the gunpod painted up. I am using the G system hands instead of the ones that came with the kit, no reason other than i prefer the square fingers. thanks mike
  23. It stands! Few anxiety inducing moments while tightening up the joints but it seems very sturdy now. Hope it stays that way when all the other parts are added on. thanks mike
  24. After some internal debate i think i will be going with the open missile bays. This detail will "pop" more after a wash.
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