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Posts posted by Arrowyn

  1. Macross 7 Rocks My World!!

    And it'll rock yours, too! Of course, I'm a big sap, but hey.

    As for wanting to throttle Mylene....SHAME ON YOU! :o

    Like some others have said, Basara was frustrating at times, but I'm getting off topic.

    I bought it so that I could have the "whole" experience, so that I'd know all of the background from the series (such as wtf is "Operation Stargazer", etc).

    If you can get to pay $40 for the whole thing, you'll be paying less than half of what I paid. Go for it. Just keep a "cleansed palatte" when you're watching it. Banish all thoughts of how seamless Macross Plus was and take it as its own (as others have said as well).

    Enjoy it!

    Oh, and Mylene's songs are my favorite! Those and the song where Basara thinks he's Bruce Dickinson. :lol: At least he didn't say "Scream for me!" to the crowd!

  2. I used to shop at HLJ exclusively, but after hearing about Kevin's reputation at Valk-Exch. I decided to give it a shot. Excellent customer service (and really fast, too!)

    Now I only buy things on HLJ when they're on sale. Otherwise I get everything I can from V-E.

  3. Cant hold gun with one hand without looking limped and very stupid. as

    Kinda like the Yamato 1/48's... <_<

    I had a similar problem with my VF-11, and I DO remember someone having a solution. If they could post it here, it'd be really helpful. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know-what-I-mean, know-what-I-mean)

    Now my Hikaru 1/48 has a real problem, though. The "c" shaped clips that hold the hip-bar in place in fighter and gerwalk modes tend to be weak. The rear tab on the right set broke off after just a few careful transformations. I think someone recommended liquid nails, but I'm not sure that it'll work. :unsure:

    Suggestions, anyone?


  4. The Tomahawk. I use to play as a Detroid pilot in the Robotech/Macross RPG from Pallidium books and it was a blast to kick ass with that mech. :lol:

    That rocks!

    I picked the Tomohawk. The only design I never really liked was the Spartan, which wasn't one of the choices anyway. :p

  5. the game was quite smooth and easily playable. At the time

    My friend, you need to go out and buy Ace Combat 4. I thought VF-X was extremely loose and shoddy.

    If only there could be a company that was ambitious enough to take elements from both Ace Combat and Armored Core. That would make for a great game.

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