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Posts posted by Arrowyn

  1. I love the VF-11. I was really disappointed in the toy, though. I remember seeing the prototypes for the first time and getting really really excited. Then I got one and I could tell from the feel of the plastic that I'd best be damn careful.

    I'm kinda glad I have it (wish it had the FPs!), but especially after hearing even more reports about them breaking, I think I'll leave it in its box for good.

  2. I had gotten the impression that Max's reputation preceded him. Kamjin probably heard about "The Ace" from his men (well, any that survived anyway). Hikaru's real good, but he's not THAT good.

    Oh, and Kanedaestes- Don't hate Minmay. She's just a teenage girl. Teenagers have NO idea what's going on in their mind (let alone women >D ) Have you TALKED to a teenager since being one? I don't recommend it, you just end up feeling old.

    Oh, and I LOVE MACROSS!!!! WohooOOO!!

  3. I'm so excited about MW con 05! I think I'll actually be able to go this year (hooray!)

    I'm also looking forward to Seiichi's store opening up.

    I also want to thank everybody who works to keep MW up- giving me a place to gush when I watch some Macross, or find out about toys or just discuss things (like reactor engines and SW-AG), or what-have-you.


  4. They don't even include the movie! Hell, I just ordered both OVA DVDs from Amazon 2 days ago and then I read this...

    Maybe I could have waited to replace my dubbed VHS for DVDs, but now that I've read that it's no different...I don't regret my order.

    *for the record*

    Some of the acting on the dub was OK, but I thouhgt that most of it was pretty bad, with 2 out of 3 leads being absolutely horrible.

    My friends and I, when we want to poke fun at something, say: "I want to be with you, Myung. I want to be with you until the Ennnnd of tiiiiime....." :lol::lol:

  5. So this is my first viewing of the 'Unadulterated' Macross.

    /em raises his hands to thank His Froatiness, Animeigo, and the Lords of Kobal.

    -NO incessant narration

    -NO incessant music

    -NO incessant inner dialogue.

    There's a lot to be said for silence. And decent subs. And the real script (so nice to see people talking about the Supervision Army instead of the 'RT Masters').

    AND real voice-acting and Music! (rt 'minmei' "So Annoying!" )

    It all makes so much more sense!

  6. Weird.

    Don't see a practical application for the spot, either. Who would they show it to? Would they get it?

    Also strange that in RT, the UN Spacy probably only exitsts because they can't scratch the lettering out of the video frames and insert 'RDF' instead. Yet they're doing a UN spot.

    Oh, and Steven Blum (Scott/Spike/7elevenguy, etc.) gets TONS of work. I hear that guy all over the place!

    (oh, and did they make a new RT series? me=out of their loop. which is fine. )

  7. Happily just bought the FX complete. Funny how you find yourself paying more attention to the japanese (and NOT being able to speak it) in order to know better what's going on.... <_< And that guy from ebay doesn't have any more for sale.

    Say what you will, I enjoyed it. Most of the characters seemed believable to me on one level or another (even Nora. Hey, there are people out there who really are that twisted).

    For those of you who don't see the relationship between Sara and Shin, watch it again, especially the scene where he sees her move the rocks. A profound change comes over him as he "sees it with his own eyes". It's at this point he seems to assume the role of her guardian. Maybe that's why he tried to follow her even though he was supposed to stay (evidently...)

    My only real difficulty is with the drastic increase in pace at the end of the series. To that point, I was able to digest most of the information I was given, with the hopes that some of the real answers would be revealed. (For example- the Afos began to awaken when shin and mao kissed. Was it a key event that helped awaken the Afos? Perhaps when the 'bird-people'/protoculture descendants come together with Earth's 'indiginous', it is yet another portent to awaken it? who knows). But after that, new crazy things start happening with little to no light shed, compared to previous scenes.

    The whole ending smacks of EVA and leaves you with the same empty feeling, like "if only i hadn't been so dumb, maybe I could have understood what happened??". But as some of you have already realized, lots of those Japanese directors love that Kubrick (artistic) ending.

    But you know His Froatiness. Likes to make you say "what the hell happened!?". Oh, and "where the F*** did they go?!" (we're too used to that one...)

    Maybe it's my american upbringing, the Need to Know Everything, that impedes my ability to let go of these Tormenting Questions, but what can I do? It's Macross and it's got me by the balls.

    a real mindf#@k as you try to piece it together with DYRL.

    oh, and the only part that made me mad (or that i really disliked at all) was when Aries died. There was this painful quiet moment, then we hear this really loud blood-spurting sound. little thing, but way to ruin a moment, sound guy!

    Zero! Compelling and a good addition to Macross. Good story and well done, just....that feeling of the last episode developing so quickly, along with the bewilderment. (Why won't he just tell us?! )

    too much more to say, so i'll stop now. this concludes the rant, for now.

  8. I also can't remember Adama lining up a base star and charging up the main gun..... not that it wouldn't have been darn cool  :-)

    Just you wait.

    So they're two of the same ilk.

    I like that ilk, especially with cookies, so i'll take all you got. 'long as it's still good, keep it comin. ;)

  9. They could also be thrusters. In DYRL, the chest plate on Hikaru's Valk serves as a kind of retro-thruster (or a vernier). (y'know, the scene where he tells Misa to screw off, then blows his extra armor to chase the Zentran who got into the ship...)

    It would make sense that the 19 would have similar equipment, given that it's the most agile valk. It would NEED one (or a pair) of these thrusters to pull off some of the moves that it does. I don't recall seeing them in action in MPlus though.

    Otherwise, the "GBP" attach points seems credible, too.


    Oh and I'd also love Yamato to make a 1/60 or 1/48 VF-17 toy with better landing gear and the FAST Packs first seen in Nightmarish Invasion. Oh and a Milia version as well. And while they are at it, they should throw in the optional radome and a fold booster :lol:

    I second that STRONGLY with two big thumbs up!!

    Oh, and Congratulations Wabbit on your VF-17!

    Welcome to the VF-17 *Rocks* Club.

  10. Well for those of you who are planning on buying the helmet (somebody.......anybody?)

    I'll let you know when I star in my first feature film..!! :lol:

    (or win the lottery. slightly better odds there...)

  11. Whoa there, let's not forget about the catch-all back door, Overtechnology. They have stuff we can only dream about (and do..). ;)

    Also, you can't use the reaction itself to propel the Valkyrie (or SDF). The reaction only gives you neutrons, but if you use those to propel you, you won't have enough neutrons to keep the reaction going for many more cycles.

    The secret's in the sauce...er...superdimensional fortress. Watch your heads, now. That baby's long overdue for her fall. :ph34r:

    Oh, here's a thought- The engines of the larger ships are Music Powered!. Yeah, each "furnace" is really a rehearsal space for Rock and Roll bands!

    Rock On!! :D

  12. I know you're jonesing, but I don't want to see anything about volume 3 until I see it arrive on my doorstep, and then it's going right into the dvd player. Heck, I didn't even want to read about the destroid in M0 (well, I really DID, but you know...) because I want it to be completely fresh when I see it.

  13. So far I've enjoyed Macross Zero. It hasn't knocked my socks off yet, and I was half expecting it to. To be honest, I think it lacks an engine (or at least a strong one). In other words, the pacing is pretty weak. But after seeing episode 2, I can see some real development in the characters and the plot (although it's so freaking hard with those horrible HK subtitles- I'm right there with ya, Kieth) and I think it's pretty good. It kind of reminds me of Evangelion with its many scientific and theological questions, I just hope they don't keep us guessing even after the ending! :ph34r:

    And it seems like a complete waste of time for any of us to be getting their back up over another person's interest or disinterest. It's really premature to judge this series. Once it's done let the bullets fly, but until then, keep it cool. Granted, volume 1 of Macross Plus had me drooling all over the floor for more (and I though it'd be a crapshoot! HA!), but this is a different series. We'll see what happens.

    One point of real contention for me: episode 1 end credits song....it had me cringing! Not so much with the song, but the singing. ACK! :o What, did that girl sing with half a lung or something?? I'm sorry, guys, I just couldn't deal.

    Oh, and you guys who say "I'm just going to wait till the whole series is released to buy them"....yeah, right! I can imagine why you said it, but c'mon...you're all addicts. The guy who can actually DO that gets my compliments on their willpower. (and you'd have to roll a 20 to make THAT save)

  14. when I first saw it in '87 or '88, I thought it was merely a teaser for a new sequel series or movie.

    Imagine how gypped I felt when five years went past and then, Macross II came out...

    Aww..! You poor guy! *pats shoulder sympathetically* :(

    I downloaded a portion of it from www.unspacy.de, and that was just after watching the movie again one night. I loved it too, guys (and gals)! Of course, I'm kind of a big sap, but whatever.

    Although, I keep meaning to order the DVD. Is there a selection (like with the movie)? If so, which one is best?

  15. the Zentradi underestimated the actual amount of resistance they would receive from the Microns, and thus never really tried to apply overwhelming force until it was too late.

    Ha-hah! That's right. Culture shock gave them head explodie!

    ...suckers!! :p

    ps- good lecture, Mr March.

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