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Smut Peddler

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Posts posted by Smut Peddler

  1. The last 6 months has been tough on my time, my youngest daughter started preschool but that yielded me less time than i had before somehow. The summer may not be much better with 2 kids at home for much of the summer. Fall things get better, younger one starts "real" preschool and will have 3 6hr days to work on stuff, that of course includes casting projects for other people which funds a lot of other stuff.

    I need to prioritize these, and some will not make it at all and some will be years away, but here is the wish list...

    1/10-1/12 inbit shocktrooper

    1/48 TV Q rau

    1/24 Fastpack armour and mislepack

    1/72 monster

    TV Sdf-1, very big hopefully at some point.

    1/48 destroids if no one else winds up picking them up.

    Keep in mind i have some BSG and SW stuff in development too, and i am always switching back and forth between scratchbuilds, casting and build/paints for people so nothing gets done as quickly as i want....

    Feel free to give your input and help me get focused on one of these....


    Dont know how much help I can be because I'd buy all the 1/48 offerings and especially that 1/10 inbit. Hmmm I guess my vote would go to the 1/10 inbit first since there is nothing like it available any where, and your 1/32 version looked amazing.

    Edit: I'd be all over that tv SDF-1 as well

  2. I'll see about what a 1/48 soda machine will cost from Shapeways.

    I know your busy, but did you ever get an idea of the cost to make it in 1/48 ? You might as well release some of the character figures in 1/48 as well =P
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