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Smut Peddler

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Posts posted by Smut Peddler

  1. See. BBTS just put up Ultra Magnus for $289 dollars...a year too early to try to jump the gun.

    Takara hasn't announced crap. They haven't even put out pics for Wheeljack yet! haha.

    That's full ebay price before release... so its' a bad trend.

    It should be like $200-230.

    Get ready to go full retard.

    BBTS just lowered it a whole $10 already, now it's $279 >_>
  2. I still want a shockwave more than anything, and I need a Meg 2.0 to go with mp 10. The coneheads and insecticons are high up on the list too. I like the bad guys. The only good guys I want, that havent been announced, are jazz, hound, the rest of the dinobots. Wonder if we will see any triple changers or combiners in the near future.

  3. Yeah there was interview somewhere stating they had gotten the rights for Bumblebee and Jazz through a apparent

    Long time TF fan that's been hired recently for PR.

    They also said the sponsors of the Wheeljack body and Sunstreaker apparently

    We're found and Tak given the thumbs up to go whatever as the design rights are long


    I don't think they can make a "Good" Ultra Magnus.

    His trailer is great for a cartoon, but lacks real car ramps.

    I never liked the g1 trailer as a kid, and not since.

    It needs to be useable and practical enough to warrant it.

    Personally after WJ and Sunstreaker I'm hoping we get a

    Build by figure combiner MP. Designer said Bruticus would be first.

    The idea would be to release a new figure every 3 months until the combiner is complete.

    I'd be down!

    Menasor and Bruticus are the only 2 combiners I have any interest in. I'd be all over those, I almost broke down and bought the 3rd party not-Menasor, but thats a road I dont need to start down .

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