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Smut Peddler

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Posts posted by Smut Peddler

  1. The claws are a bit long, but they can be trimmed back. I made them as "fully extended". This was a tricky mech to get where i wanted it, and i am still not sure it's 100% what i would want but i kind of need to just get it done. Part of the issue is the contradictions in the animation, from the show and the line art. Sometimes the arms almost reach the feet, sometimes they are closer to the kneed. sometimes the mid arm connects to the very tip of the "paw", sometimes it connects to the inner paw.....same type of stuff with the legs. I really wound up picking some design elements that made sense in terms of the proportions that I thought made sense in the way that the thing would move, swipe at stuff, pick things up etc. I also was hoping to give it a slightly more aggressive and mean look to it, so i thought the longer claws on both the feet and hands made it look a bit more menacing, but i know it may not be for everyone..



    Personally I like the meaner look. I'd love to have several in 1/48 scale and at least 1 in 1/10 scale. I'd probably buy one in the 1/32 scale just to have an awesome inbit if I knew that was the only scale it was going to be produced in.
  2. Kevin was my main supplier in those days. He even got me a nice MPC Megatron cheaper than most of the other sellers. Good times.

    Come to think of it, he started off my MP TF collection as well with MP-1 Prime and MP-2 wannabe magnus. Once you get the 1st two of the line you have to buy the rest right ? That only makes sense.

  3. I actually purchased the pattern for the conversion kit.....I just finished the molds recently. i am trying the resin that the Capt used as well as another resin that is supposed to be closer to ABS and not as brittle as the Task stuff. I am also going to cast the canopies in crystal clear as opposed to the translucent stuff, more of a paint but worth it IMO. Stand by for a for sale thread in a few weeks.


    you are my hero
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