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Posts posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Well, I agree they did great with 1-2. Three was just sorta' boring in my book. Resurrection was weird but better than three. (this is just my opinion!) I also have to say, as for supporting the manufacturers of this new breed of "teen slasher w/pred/aliens" flicks, think of it as when you helped buoy up fox back in the day when we bought the crappy Alien 3 trading cards. Hell man, when I was a kid I'd buy anything Aliens, OR Predator. But regardless of all that, this new movie just may be really cool! I'm looking forward with hope in my twitchy eyes.

  2. The PC joe was from the Skip Woods script. The script is being entirely rewritten by Stuart Beattle, the joes won't be based out of Belgium, and Gijoe will probably not stand for whatever the hell they were going to call it. Fox news didn't get it right, and even their military analyst said gijoe is one guy, not realizing the movie will revolve around the characters from RAH, which was way more than one guy. More like a ton of guys and some girls.

    Whoever wrote the article obviously (which is quite sad) did some research on GI Joe but never actually played with the product as a youngster. He has his information semi-correct. Unfortunately he believes that in RAH there's actually a person named GI Joe who's the leader of the whole outfit. They do show pictures of Scarlett and Duke in the article, so I don't think you can discredit all of it. Hollywood IS the type of environment that would "PC" GI Joe even more than what's already been done in the Sigma 6 show. All I can do is roll my eyes until someone confirms that this movie is going to actually resemble the RAH comic/show/toy I grew up with.

  3. I beat Gundam with Amaro (maybe spelled that wrong) after making it to level two with Judau. I got my AZZ kicked playing Judau. Amaro's levels were easy enough. Now that I'm used to the whole "field" concept, it's not so bad. Only the space levels really tack on the annoying grids to the point that it bothers me some. Man! I wish I'd seen some other Gundam series besides just Wing. I have SOME idea of what's going on thanks to the debriefing screens, but still I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good anime. Oh man I can't wait for Dynasty Warriors 6! Oh, I found out Bladestorm is a strategy game?! I thought it was going to be just like Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, but with knights. What a let-down. Scratch that off my to-buy list.

    Edit: I forgot to add, BioShock not coming to PS3 is just about making me go buy a *puke* xbox 360 again. I'd just upgrade my computer, but uhm, this motherboard has reached its limit to how good it can get. New computer... at least 1400 dollars. Xbox... 400 dollars. Damn.

  4. Well, I THINK I beat the 1st level last night... I sort of passed out on the couch. It's been a long week with school starting again (2nd week of school actually) and I've gotten an average of 2 hours sleep per night since the beginning of the semester. Today I'll tackle the game after taking a long nap. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the gundam universe at all, except Wing Gundam, which my friend made me watch years ago. I remember there being some really damned cool suits on that show too, like the scythe guy. Hope he makes an appearance!

  5. I'm going to state exactly where I'm coming from. I think others may be from the same place in this thread.

    1. I don't think this new AVP is going to be even worthy of comparison with Alien/Aliens and the original Predator.

    2. The fact that it's taking place on Earth with teenagers straight out of "Chainsaw Massacre" is proof enough that something has gone seriously wrong in the script writing. Whoever orchestrated this scenario should be shot.

    3. I am HOPING, because I am entitled to as a human, that this film will have at least a few parts where I lose myself in the moment and think "wow, that was really cool."

    4. I'm not naive enough to hope that this movie will be even close to worthy of being compared to the first Dark Horse comic books released years ago carrying the same name.\


  6. Legato - you are so cool. I wish everyone was exactly like you. You just can't be touched sort of like MC Hammer. I bet you even wear the same pants as him. Can I trade you one of my Yamato 1/48 toys for an autograph? After that, please, oh please give me a list of entertainment options I can enjoy without making your sh-t list.

    Anyway. MY biggest complaint with Alien Vs. Predator part 1, was the fact that they get rid of the queen by... having her sink to the bottom of the ocean in the antarctic. (?!) The Alien race can survive in the vacuum of space, and any other environment for the most part. Maybe the plot in AVP2 will be that the queen swims on over to Texas once she frees herself, and starts laying eggs.

  7. Well-put, Mr March. You're the type of individual I don't mind disagreeing with. Heck, I don't mind disagreeing with anybody as long as they can keep it at least somewhat respectful. I try to respect other people's POV's while explaining my own standpoint clearly. Ooooh, I just watched the trailer for AVP2 a couple hours ago, and I think it looks pretty cool! It's not going to be Dark Horse quality stuff, but it's a welcome break from the chick-flick-clone-army that never ceases to march upon us.

    (BTW, my wife and I together own around (no joke) 600+ DVDs. And no, I don't own any Adam Sandler movies, or Tommy Boy, or anything else of that sort. I also don't own Star Wars. The only Sci-Fi I own are Pred/Aliens/Terminator, and the 80's remake of The Thing. I sure as hell don't own any Star Wars movies)

  8. ..... Wow, nothing but pessimistic angry people around here I guess. I'll let you guys know if the movie was good or not once I see it after it comes out. The analogy of the restaurant is just lame. If nobody ever spent money on watching movies, then people wouldn't make good movies. What would be the point? There are exceptions, but the industry is set up to make $$$$$$. Good movies do filter through though, for chrissakes.

    I might as well spill the beans and say the only Pred/Alien movie I don't own is Alien 3, because I thought it was boring. I'm on this thread because I hope this movie will be good, not to criticize it as sucking before I even get a chance to see it. Man this was the easiest way to make enemies on Mworld yet: defending the hope for the possiblity of AVP2 being good. And no, Mr. March, I'm not including you in the vitriolic crowd. Thanks for not accusing me of belonging to a race of evil sub-intelligent beings that are destroying the film industry as we know it by not spending every penny we make only on things that only you deem as cool. *cough* phyrox *cough* <_<

  9. 99% of all movies made are trash. Haven't you ever lowered yourself enough to just have fun watching a trashy movie? If I ever decided to shirk all trash movies forever, I'd get bored cycling through the same 100 movie rotation indefinitely. Back in the 80's a whole lot of people were mad that they made a sequel to Alien. Compared to the artistry of the 1st, it's considered trashy by many yet I'm glad they made it; I love it. I disagree with you. I think making a sequel to Alien/Aliens and Predator that's worthy of the name SHOULD be on someone's radar. It can be done! It's just a shame that it probably won't be.

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