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Posts posted by DARTHTODD

  1. And you know, for all the relevant stuff they did cut, like Senators petitioning Palpatine to give up some of his power or the beginnings of the Rebellion, they just had to show the Wookies fighting the droid army on Kashyyyk, even though it was the most worthless scene in the whole movie. Aside from getting Yoda off Coruscant whenever Anakin joined the Sith and attacked the Jedi Temple, it had no relevence to the story whatsoever. It was more fan service than anything else... like Lucas sat around and though, "You know, the fans love the Wookies, especially Chewie. I'll work them into the movie somehow... hell, I'll even show their homeworld!"

    I think a large part of this was to add some more action in the middle of the movie. Everyone complained that the other two had really slow moments. This battle scene helped pick up the pace during the middle when it was a little slower.

  2. A little off topic but do any of you think it's a little ironic that in ROTS Lucas had Anakin killing kids/kids getting shot which is pretty violent and yet changes the OT to have Han NOT shooting Greedo first?

    I guess they're not that comparable but still......

  3. Couple things: first of all keep in mind that some of the unanswered stuff MAY be answered in the TV series. I know the series won't have any main characters but there's a good chance that the rebellion, etc will be discussed.

    Secondly, the clones age twice as fast as normal humans so these clones will be too old to fight by the time A New Hope comes around. Lucas has recently stated that stormtroopers are a mix of clones (created from other less expensive, less capable subjects) and conscripts.

    Third, I personally feel that the acting in Sith was pretty damn good. As good as you'll get from a SW movie at least. There were only a couple times when I cringed a bit and even those scenes were meant to be over the top (IMO).

    This is a great movie IMO. Sure, you can nitpick this or that like you can on any movie. I feel very good about how it all ended, Lucas nailed this one.

  4. Hey, just saw Kingdom of Heaven and I liked it.  Very good movie....not great.

    SPOILER: My question is this:  I was late and missed the first couple minutes.....can anyone fill me in up to the point where Bloom's character killed that man in the beginning just before meeting Liam Neeson?

    wife commits suicide, they bury her.

    Blooms daddy comes home, does the whole "I am your father bit" and asks him to come with him to Jerusalum.

    Priest tells Bloom's character something very nasty that pisses Bloom's character off enough to spear him and toss him into a flaming pit.

    Thanks for the help! I kind of figured that was what happened but wasn't for sure....thx again!!!

  5. Hey, just saw Kingdom of Heaven and I liked it. Very good movie....not great.

    SPOILER: My question is this: I was late and missed the first couple minutes.....can anyone fill me in up to the point where Bloom's character killed that man in the beginning just before meeting Liam Neeson?

  6. Saw the movie last night. It sure was unique....very beautiful artistic style. I gotta be honest though, to me it seemed long winded and a little too depressing/gory. I think if the movie was 1 1/2 hrs long it would've been much more enjoyable.

    After a while the gore and over the top acting (which was done well and totally fit the movie I must say) just seemed to get to me. That's my two cents.

  7. I agree with Graham, I like the prequels a lot better after viewing them multiple times. I was left with a disappointed feeling after seeing TPM 3 times the first day. After giving it some time though and watching it again and again, I really began to like Qui-Gon, the fight scenes, the podrace, and I don't think that even Anakin was that bad (course I'll never understand Jar Jar, the gungan king). Visually especially, it's a stunning film. Now, I feel that's a decent movie, I don't dislike it. To be honest, I'm sure it helped the fact that I'm a huge SW fan and I WANT to like the film.

    AOTC I loved after seeing it in the theatres. Yes, there's bad dialogue (again) and some corny moments but it was a much improved movie over the first and I thought it was really fun and interesting. Yes, Anakin is whiny and annoying sometimes but he is in his late teens in that movie. I'm 24 and when I hang out with people that are in their late teens, most of the time I'm amazed at how childish they are (I'm sure I was also at that age). So I think Anakin is portrayed pretty accurately. I still love that movie (up there with the OT).

    I feel that this movie is going to improve again. After seeing the pix on the internet, it sure seems to be a lot more raw and disturbing. Yes, I can GUARANTEE that there will corny moments & bad dialogue. These are staples of EVERY SW movie. But I feel that GL is catching on/getting it back slowly but surely and this movie will reflect that. That's my opinion.

  8. Just saw it too. This is one of the few TV shows that has actually surprised me with plot twists. It's very nice to see a TV show (especially sci-fi!) that doesn't fit the formulaic pattern of all other shows.

    The finale was great! It's definetely an episode that you'll think about for a while. Loved it, hope that they keep it up.

  9. I've been a SW fan my whole life (well since I was 7 probably). I never ever thought that I would root against the jedi. I have to agree, these jedi need to get thier asses kicked.

    Not that I think the emperor/empire is great or anything. It's just that the jedi of this era needed their views/thinking to be changed/cleansed. Killing them off was the only way to do that.

    Now, back to the real world......

  10. The reason that there are only two are because when there used to be more than two, they would constantly fight each other instead on concentrating on the jedi. Sith love power and they can't share it, hence only two: a master with the power, and an apprentice who will someday take over. This topic is covered extensively in the comics and books.

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