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Posts posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Ok - well: the ending wasn't sad!! :)

    You only feel that way because it's the anti-spiral in your talking.

    The Anti-spirals would like nothing more than for you to think "well damn that was pointless. He rescues the girl he loves, marries her, and she disintergrates and dies on his wedding day and he ends up burrying her next to his dead brother and becomes a nobody ho-bo. Life is pointless. There's no reason to reach for the stars."

    But that's not how it ends.

    Does the fact that Nia is dead somehow mean that the passion of her love for Simon or Simon's love for her never existed or is dead? Love lives on in memories - and Simon's love lives on. And it will never die - even when he is gone, his legacy - and the legacy of the spiral will live on in the universe.

    It's not a sad ending.


    Yes it is....Well more like bitter-sweet. There love transcended time and space. And there love will never die. I agree. But still. It's sad that Simon and Nia wont have kids, grow old together, and do all things that two people whoes love is so pure do.That he, Simon, has to wait until he dies to be together again, with her and Bro' and the rest of the guys. I find the ending sad, yet fitting. Damn this series really touches you, when you get in it.

  2. Yeah, when I first sat down to watch Gurren Lagann - I certainl wasn't expecting to have a life-shattering experience.

    And you know what was the best about it? Up until I watched Gurren Lagann, I thought all of the coolest things were things that I'd already seen. You know? Like - the childhood you can "never go back to" but can only nostalgically enjoy. It's like - you've seen it all, and it was all in the past and the future is just about enjoying and re-living the past...

    Then BAM!!

    Gurren Lagann just blew me away. I felt like I was 9 years old again and I felt the excitement of seeing the cartoons I watched for the very first time back then - and man was it a good feeling.

    I was SO happy that something like Gurren Lagann was produced NOW - not 20 years ago - and it was really like rejuvinating. Like proving that life still has plenty of awesome surprises ahead!

    It was like - we were kids when all of the now classic famous stuff was made - but to be a conscious adult when a new classic of the genre is made is very exciting.


    That was exactly the feeling. When I sat down, I was, okay lets see whats this is about. I hope it's okay. Then as soon as I started watching it. It was like I was 10yearold all over again. I got a marathon going. Watching all 27 episodes non stop. Because I wanted to see how it all turned out.Man, I havent felt that way with a anime series since Evangelion and the there movies. I'm happy that this series is around. Like I said it goes with my top anime picks. I just wish the ending was a little different. I mean it is a great ending, but to me it was still so sad.

  3. Welcome aboard to the Dai Gurren Dan!!! Glad to hea new people are watching this for the first time! There's nothing better than seeing this for the first time!


    It was just...just ...Wow. It was so awesome. I hadn't seen a new series that made me feel the way Gurren Lagann did in a long time that wasnt a Macross series. The twists and turns in story telling. And the finale. Am so in love with this series. I want more.

  4. Okay I just finished watching the series for the first time and.....Wow. This series definitly goes into my all time favorites. I did not think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. I loved the ending yet still kinda hated it (if that makes sense) I mean

    I feel it's so sad that Simon rescues Nia from the anti-spirals, they get married (finally) and then she disapears. Then Simon leaves, and lives the life of a nomad by himself and Boota. I wish he could have stayed with Nia forever. I was also sad that alot of the team died. Many of them manly brave deaths (Kittan), but still.

    But still the final few episodes brought tears to my eyes. Now are the movies different from the t.v series, and are they officially available in the US? God I love this series so much now

  5. Yup, I have all my PSP saves backed up on my PC for just such a random happening.

    BTW, have you (guy with the currupted save) tried starting a new game, and seeing if it would pull in any of your leveled stats? If it worked at all, worse case is you'd have to start fresh with the original charcters, but have everything else in tact. Maybe if you start a new game, and save to slot 2, it'll fix the rest of the save.

    Well guy who loves Macross 7 very much :p

    I did try and no go.Sad thing was, I was going to back it up on my PC, but put it off. The corruption wouldn't even let me save period. I had to delete the corrupt file in order to just save a new game. I just downloaded a new save file from gamefaqs that was as close to where I was. But it's not the same. :(

  6. Aw man. The most worst thing has happened to me. My save got corrupted, and I lost all my data. All my Valks I took time to max out. All my support characters and Co-pilots, and Bridge crew I took time to max out....Gone, all gone. Am so sad right now. :(

  7. I also got SS on all but one of the Zero missions. Probably the same one as you.

    Nothing really tricky about the SDFM and DYRL missions, although I found it much harder to SS them. I think I've only got 1 or 2 SS, with the rest being S and 1 pesky A on SDFM and 1 pesky A on DYRL.


    Cool. I think am going to finish maxing my VF-2SS, then put some work on my VF-1S, then head over to SDFM. Graham have you tried using the Koieng Monster to SS those missions in SDFM and DYRL? I'v found a leveled up monster can destroy pretty much everything ( those machine guns especially).

  8. I’m playing MUF in chronological order. Finished the Zero, SDFM and DYRL campaigns. Got S or SS or all but 2 missions. Just finished leveling up all the mecha from those 3 eras and buying the last few characters from them. Currently at 60 hours. Going to start on Mac Plus tonight.


    Am still on Mac 0. Same as you Graham. I got a SS on all campaigns except on the the were I have carry the AFOS's head. I have a S on that one. I'm about, soon going to start SDFM. Any tips /things I should beaware of?

  9. This link doesn't work for me... any help? What's the topic called? I can access RT.com just fine (actually...we reall need to stop calling it "RT.com" because that's a Russian news site I think :) ...

    Anyways - I can access Crappybootleg.com just fine - but I can't access that link and want to partake in the tabloidish gossip :)


    Same here. i just get the google broken link page. The mods probly deleted the post, knowing Robotech.com (that better Pete?)

  10. I always find it funny when people complain about the subs on their Anime DVDs such as how ADV always uses the obnoxuious yellow font. I tell them if its their DVDs they can easily edit the subs and reauthorize said anime onto a blank DVD with the subs they like. In your case you have the ADV and Animego releases right? You can easily use the freeware Subrip to rip the Aniemgo subs and remux them with the ADV Macross DVDs.

    Not computer smart enough to do that, nor have a computer capable of doing that. :mellow:

    And besides. If I did that what would I complain about? :rolleyes::p;)

  11. A lot of times, the ADV subs are actually more literal than the AnimEigo subs. One of the things that bugged me about the AnimEigo subs as well, was the late-90's slang sometimes thrown in ("Leader, you're the MAN!")...which is why I wanted to go over the subs for the Galaxy Network version. I found myself relying more on the AnimEigo subs at the beginning, but I'm gravitating more towards the ADV subs with the later episodes.

    And um, yeah. Both of them are better than Robotech, am I right? :p

    You got me there. Anythings better then RT. But I still like animego's subs more, overall. From what I'v seen thus far ADV's are "meh". I'll watch more and see if my opinion changes. But I still hate ADV for F'ing up the Macross pronunciation. <_<

  12. Yes, they are different. Sometimes a little bit, sometimes a lot. Mostly it's just a little bit, though. One of them might say, "Having been rejected by Minmay, Hikaru wanted to throw himself off a building" while the other will say, "Hikaru wanted to jump off a skyscraper since Minmay rejected him." Things like that.


    God D****.....I hate you ADV.

    Why fix what was not broken. I mean "Mah-cross " is bad enough. But after watching the 1st episode, I was wondering why the translation on subs were different from what I remembered. I though maybe it was becuase I hadn't seen them in awhile.And then I was wondering why the subs are sooo fricken big, almost taking/filling half the t.v screen at times.Seriously I hate you ADV. :mellow:

  13. actually if I remember correctly, in a PM I got from the loon, he accused you viper mage and sighup of being my boyfriends

    Wow, Happy. You are quite the popular girl. ;)^_^

    Seriously, what is smoking? Must be good, if he feels it's making him present valid logical thoughts about this here HG/Gubaba/Happy/MEMO/"whatever kookieness he has left" conspiracy theories. :wacko:

  14. I know I'm going to hate myself for this later, but...

    Yo Roswell, New Mexico! I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Robotech had one of the best conspiracies of all time! OF ALL TIME!

    No doubt he thinks all the affairs are part of the conspiracy too... makes me wonder why I haven't been accused of having an affair with HP too. *feels left out now*

    Not me! Somehow I got left out of the People Against Harmony Gold fundraiser orgy. :p

    Damn! 'Am gone for a few days and all craziness breaks lose. So what this about Gubaba having an afair together with Happy and MEMO?


  15. They most likely didn't care as they weren't concerened about the fact that Mari Iijima was the only one pronoucing names like Macross and Hikaru Icichiijo correctly. As for Manga's MacPlus and II dubs, every studio does their projects differently to make their dub unique.

    I don't think it was a consirpacy to ruin the Macross dub though. Time is money and ADV wasn' going to sweat over their VAs mispronouncing Macross and the Japanese names for an english dub that was marketed to RT fans and dub anime fans while diehard Macross Purists and Otaku would only be satisfied with the Sub anyway.

    Ok. But what gets me is the irony of that in RT, they pronounce "Macross" just fine. But low and behold. In the ADV dubbs, I get "Mah-cross". And Gubaba Your right about ADV. Like 97% of there dubb works suck's (I cannot stand Tiffany Grant! :angry: ). But still I feel there was no eccuse to mis-pronounce "Macross". All they had to do was watch the subb version, or heaven forbid RT to hear how it should be pronounced. And for the time is money for ADV. They'v never been good managing time nor money. Look at the mess there in now. <_<
  16. I did it accidentally and didn't know what I pressed. I was just spacing out. Then, I went to the tutorial missions and it was explained there.

    A question for everyone: What's your favorite mech and with what colors?

    Personally, I can't choose between the VF-25F in black with purple highlights and the VF-1S (Banrose unit) with the same colors.

    How about everyone else?

    Me it's usually the YF-21,Koeing. and I usually go dark (like midnight) blue and Yellow highlights, for both.

  17. I once handed over a copy of the Robotech soundtrack to a friend of mine who frequents the nightclub scene as a DJ as part of a bet that he couldn't make something listenable out of it. I ended up forfeiting out of sheer amusement when he handed me something that sounded suspiciously like a porno soundtrack that he's created by remixing a bunch of the character BGM. I ought to see if I still have it, it'll make the perfect soundtrack for the all-pornstar movie cast.

    If you still have it Seto, I wouldn't mind a copy, out of sheer curiosty and possible amusement. :lol:

  18. Thank you for the translations everyone.

    I'm getting my ass kicked by Focker in the fourth SDF:M mission.

    You know honestly. I rarly get my ass handed back to me. I usually play the early missions a massive amount of time to max out my Valkyrie, plus it also helps out alot now, that I unlocked the tune limiter. :D

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