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Apollo Leader

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Posts posted by Apollo Leader

  1. Steve Yun has now admitted that Tokyo Pop had originally picked up its rights from Big West (of course neither Harmony Gold or Tokyo Pop gave Big West any credit in any of their press releases):


    As for bankofkev's thoughts and opinions on his post at rt.com, I basically agree that Big West needs to take more of an innitiative in getting all things that are Macross out on the market outside of Japan. Considering that Harmony Gold/Tatsunoko already have a proven stake in Macross (the TV series that is), it may end up requiring some additional negotiations outside of the lawsuit. Then again, I would really like to see the carpet pulled from out under Harmony Gold's feet. :D

  2. Has anyone tried this game? It looks interesting from this streaming clip:


    I don't know if it's free flight, or somethinglike a space-harrier type gameplay...

    Most of the footage shown in this promo are from the "Encounters in Space" (its English title) game which has been out in Japan for several weeks and will be out in the US later this year.

    The other footage shown is from the PS2 Gundam Seed game.

  3. bankofkev posted the below content at robotech.com

    Though I may have some disagreement with some of what he says in this (namely overlooking Harmony Gold's faults in this mess), I think there is some validity to it.

    One of the interesting aspects of the debate that is brought up by Macross Purists is the idea that HG does little to promote Macross products or go out and produce new product licenses.

    Here is good example of that sentiment on MW:


    Posted: Sep 27 2003, 02:39 PM

    HG has had opportunities to show their support for both series and they haven't done anything about it. The only thing they have done is continually pump life into Robotech and try to bury any awareness over here of Macross, a great example of that is the lawsuit threats over imported Macross toys last year.

    While I do not agree with this statement I’m reposting it here as a illustration of the feelings shared by many in the purist movement on this issue.

    Well during the 2003 SDCC Robotech Panel it was disclosed by Tommy Yune that:

    "And a big new announcement for this Comic-Con. We're very, very pleased to announce that ToykoPop, starting next April, ToykoPop will start releasing Haruhiko Mikimoto's popular Japanese manga series Macross 7 Trash. Many of you may have picked up the Japanese or French Mangas from different sources, but here we are very, very happy to finally announce an authorized English language release for the U.S. market."

    Also here is the official Statement form Tokyopop:

    TokyoPop to Publish MACROSS 7 TRASH Manga

    Highly Anticipated and Coveted Series will Debut in April 2004

    Author: Kristien Brada-Thompson


    Comic-Con, San Diego, CA (July 18, 2003) - Further solidifying its position as the leading U.S. manga publisher, TOKYOPOP Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Macross 7 Trash to its 2004 manga release schedule. The legendary and complex Macross universe is seminal in the history of anime and manga. There have been thousands of Macross TV anime episodes, movies, manga volumes, toys, and videogames, spanning multiple distinct series. Macross - which was released worldwide by Harmony Gold - recently celebrated its 20th Anniversary and is known to many television viewers as Robotech.

    One of the most popular incarnations of this franchise is Macross 7. The fan-favorite Macross 7 Trash manga is known as a side-story to the anime - set in the same world, but featuring different themes, characters and tone. Created by Mikimoto Haruhiko (Gundam 0080, Orguss), Macross 7 Trash features a complex, layered, character-driven narrative that adds immeasurably to the overall richness and diversity of the Macross experience. The story was originally serialized in Japan's Shounen Ace magazine from 1994 to 2001.

    "TOKYOPOP looks forward to not only sharing this compelling series with its existing fanbase here in America, but also to introducing a whole new audience of readers to Macross 7 Trash," said the company's President & COO John Parker.

    I thought this was a good deal for all parties involved in fact here is what I said at the time on 8/21/03 typos and all!

    I would like to say that I fully support this deal. In fact this deal benfits everyone , even the macrosspurists:


    1. Big West gets one of its Macross Derivites into the US and thus gets revenue from the interantional market.

    2. HG is able to protect its exclusive ownership of Macross along with protecting its licencees rights and thier future projects.

    3. Tokyopop gets to release a manga that Robotech fans would love to see. PLUS they have the full backing (not to mention blessing)of HG and its marketing via Robotech.com

    4. The Macross Purists get what they been screaming for: Macross Derivitves easily availble to them with out having outragoues import fees or fear by reatilers of vists by HG legal...

    I firmly believe this then and I still believe it now. HG staffers have repeatedly said that there door is open to a deal. Well we have seen that this is not idle chit chat but HG backs it up with actions! Great news for everyone….

    Well just as things were starting to look good a new (or as could be the case old) monkey came in with a blowtorch to screw this up…

    Recently Tokyopop had taken down its press release about Macross 7 trash. White Drew Carey sent them a e-mail asking what was up well on 9/23/03 he got a response:

    I got a response:

    From: "Info Info"

    Date: Tue Sep 23, 2003 08:26:45 PM US/Eastern

    To: "Jeff Sorley"

    Subject: RE: Macross 7 Trash


    Macross 7 is temporarily on hold. More information regarding it will be issued as more information comes in. Thanks for your patience!

    I’m sure many of you have seen that HG has taken down the press release also. Now we do NOT know what the delay is. I suspect it is one of two things.

    1. There are production problems with the manga.

    2. BW has pulled the license from Tokyopop.

    Sadly my gut feeling is that it is number 2. Now I must point out that there has been NO official statement from any party (BW, HG , Tokyopop) as to why there is this delay and I ask that you keep this in mind as you read what I write below. I would love to be wrong on this one….

    IF Big West has pulled the the M7Trash license from Tokyopop then this battle between Big West and Harmony Gold has taken a dark turn.


    1. There is no chance you will see a approved translation here in the US thanks to Big West.

    Folks Tokyopop is not going to to release this without HG approval. Why? Tokyopop knows who is the trademark owner of SDF:Macross here in the US and internationally (except Japan) and it is Harmony Gold. Why should Tokyopop risk a legal engagement with HG that Tokyopop would lose? After all we have seen that Big West will do nothing to help Tokyopop. Thin I’m wrong? Well does anyone remember Su-----ds in 2002? Which leads me to…

    2. Big West has lost its chance to gain entry into the international market.

    HG controls the keys to the international kingdom. The Jan 2003 only strengthens HG argument. HG is the owner of SDF:Macross thus any macros derivative must get clearance from them to be released outside of Japan. BW gave up its international merchandising rights to Tatsunoko in 1982 (disclosed by HG at the 2002 AX RT panel). HG controls the keys to this kingdom and BW knows it. However BW has really hurt themselves because:

    2. It is doubtful that any US company will do business with Big West to release new Macross products.

    Tokyopop has pretty much lost whatever money it has put into this deal. As I stated before Tokyopop cant release this without a legal challenge from HG, unless there is a agreement. Why should any company go out and pay money to BW to get rights for Macross merchandise if BW forbids them to work with HG? No US company is going to engage in a costly legal battle with HG for BW benefit when there is little chance of success. Which leads me to:

    3.Big West has just lost millions in international revenue.

    Well no one was going to rake in millions off Macross 7 Trash. However this deal could have been a bridge for future deals that could have brought more products over (B---ai, Ya---to, Ha----ga, et. al.) which would have brought millions for Big West. Now its gone….

    4. Big West just screwed over its fans big time.

    Macross Purists (who have fought for BW here on line in the US) have lost their chance to get Macross products widely available at cheap prices thanks to BW. I ask the purists to explain to me how this action (if it was big west who pulled the plug) helps their cause? Just the opposite has occurred for reasons I stated above. HG is not affected if this does not happen but you are…

    If Big West has pulled the plug on this deal they have screwed Tokyopop, Macross Fans and any chance to end this war in the near future.

    Once again I must state that we do not know if Big West pulled the plug. There is NO official statement from anyone as to why this is happening. I personally would love for this to be a simple production distribution problem. If it is I will gladly say I was wrong.

    However if its not….

    Harmony Gold answered the fans call…It appears Big West doesn’t want to listen.


  4. Just saw your post in the other forum, AL. I think it's just HG's gambit, just as Sunwards was to Yamato. I don't think anyone (Yamato included) ever thought Sunwards would take off, Yamato just wanted to see what would happen. Same thing with HG and M7 Trash, they probably had little faith in the venture, but wanted to see how Japan would react. In end end. HG and Yamato merely wanted a documented incident that they could cite, should this matter ever be taken to court. Ok, I need some sleep. :unsure:

    I wasn't too terribly surprised that this happened. Though I was definitely planning on picking up 7 Trash if it was released, I am not that big of a 7 fan so if it doesn't come here, it isn't a huge loss to me.

  5. A few weeks ago, all references to Macross 7 Trash were pulled from Tokyo Pop's web page.

    A few days ago, the White Drew Carey received an e-mail from Tokyo Pop indicating some sort of delay (GO HERE). And now, robotech.com has pulled all references to it.

    It's probably a safe bet that Big West pulled the plug since it appears that both Harmony Gold and Tokyo Pop went over Big West's head.

    I am sick and tired of this BS and I wish that Big West, Harmony Gold, and Tatsunuko would sit down and get some sort of compromise hammered out. Until something is settled, ultimately it's us fans being hurt. :(

  6. I ended up going with the Virtual Boy. That thing gave me a frickin' headache! :p

    The Atari Jaguar would be my next choice. The Tremmel family, who owned Atari during the 80's and 90's, were pretty much the Harmony Gold of video gaming.

    On the other hand, I think it's very unfair to have the Atari 2600 on this list. When the 2600 was my primary game system between 82 and 88, I had many hours of fun with that system.

  7. If they had stuck with their original script plan that was laid out in the mid-90s (I have it in the premier issue of "cinemascape") this movie would've rocked to no end (basically a female samurai and a predator face off against aliens and a couple of predator-alien hybrids until the USCM shows up and "rocks and rolls").... now I'm worried....

    If my memory seves me, the original "Alien vs. Predator" script was submitted to one of the major studios (Fox?) on September 4th 1991... I remember the date because it was my 18th birthday. :) Capcom's arcade game from 1994 was inspired by this script... the female cyborg you control has ninja attributes. :)

    Maybe there is some hope for this movie since Ripley's not in it! :p

  8. I found out why much hasn't been heard recently about the latest Gundam Arch Enemy figures. For various reasons, the release of both figures has been moved back to April of next year. I agree it sucks, but at least the figures are still slated for release.

    If you are a fan of classic Gundam, when these figures are released, show your support and make sure to buy as many as you can! B)

  9. Okay Gundam game info I CAN release. :)

    1) Lost War Chronicle was axed mainly because it was turned down by Sony. They didn't think it was "good enough" and that it wasn't significantly better then the previous PS2 Gundam games released. <_< Fortunately, things are looking good so for the US release of Encounters in Space. :)

    2) In regards to the Gihren's Greed games, Bandai did some studies and concluded it wouldn't be profitable enough and that there wasn't enough interest to bring a Gundam strategy/RPG to the US. :( I know I would buy it. :)

    3) Again, AEUG vs. Titans would probably stand a pretty good chance of a US release in part because of Capcoms involvement and that Federation vs. Zeon was also good. :)

  10. 1) Like the lack of a coherent story line has stopped Bandai from releasing crapfest games like those "Gundam Battle ASSault" games here. They probably fumbled when ditching the original dubbing studio that did the OYW OVAs and MSG in favor of some Canadian non-union shop, so fat chance of hearing consistent VAs on the US Gundam games, if they come out at all. The 0079 crew will also sound vastly different in Zeta Gundam, since they will be voiced by totally different people.

    2) Bandai is simply too lazy to translate all the names, not to mention grabbing dozens of VAs to record the lines in English.

    3) You speak of the limited edition box, which retails for ¥12,800, roughly $107 US dollars.

    4) Based on the "something comes out in the US, we'll have something better that's Japan-only" pattern, I see AEUG vs Titans a Japan-only title now that Fed vs Zeon is available in US (see earlier post regarding model releases and LWC vs J2J).

    I do have more detailed reasons to why Lost War Journal didn't come out, etc., but I want to get the okay from my source from Bandai before I devulge too much publicly. :)

    As for the Battle Assualt games, they have Gundam Wing suits so is it any surprise that they made it to market though they are mediocre? The Enter the Matrix Games and the recent Tomb Raider games were piles of crap loaded with glitches, yet Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft all let these games go to market...

    The Zeta game will probably have a good chance of hitting US chores in part because it is a Capcom game. If Bandai ever tries to get the PS2 Macross game out here in the states, it will help to have the Sega name behind it.

  11. I have that one. It's good, nice picture and sound, but no extras or anything (not that I really care about extras on DVDs anyway).


    The Region 2 DVD of DYRL from 1999 has the trailers for the movie. There was also a special DVD DYRL boxset that was released during 1999, though I can't remember what was part of the package.

  12. 1) There were a few reasons why Lost War Chronicles was not released, and I believe a lack of a coherent story line was one.

    2) Ghiren's Greed will probably NOT see the light of day here because there is probably not enough demand for a Gundam strategy game here in the US (I know I would buy it).

    3) Encounters in Space, which is currently scheduled for a US release in December, is the direct sequel to Journey to Jaburo. One of the PS2 packages for it in Japan includes a revised version of JTJ with improved gameplay. Hopefully Encounters plays better then JTJ! :)

    4) The PS2 version of AEUG vs. Titans is slated for release in Japan in December. It would be sweet if a US version is released to coincide with whatever is going on with the US release of Zeta next year. :)

  13. My sister and her husband live near Hampton, VA whish is near Langley AFB. My brother-in-law is a captain in the USAF and my sister works on base, too.

    Sometime late in the afternoon on Thrusday, one of the nearby trees fell over in the winds and came down on the house. I don't know what the full extant of the damage is, but it did squash part of the back porch and is leaning next to the chimney. The insurance deductible for this kind of damage is over $2000. :( Furthermore, it will probably be 2 to 3 weeks before they have power again.

  14. I was never a fan of the HCM;  a poorly representation of the VF-1 then the older 1/55ths and it seems like their fingers were prone to breaking.  I have never owned an HCM and currently have no desire to persue one.

    I've owned 4 HCMs in the past 15 years and presently still own 3. None of the fingers on mine have ever broken. In fact, no parts have broken at all.

    Despite many people claiming that the HCM is fragile (when most of them don't actually own one), I've personally found it to be a very sturdy toy. About the only part you need to take care with are the VF-1S's head lasers which are quite thin and stiff to rotate.

    And yes, I do prefer the HCM to both the MPC and the Taka/Bandai 1/55.


    Graham's absolutely right. The rumors about the HCM being fragile began at Valkyrie Hangar (or Factory, I forgot). I've never spoken with an HCM owner who's said that it's fragile. I agree that the fingers look fragile, but this is good old 80's ABS plastic, not the cheap sh1t you get nowadays. :p The head lasers are definitely the weakest point, you just need to be careful with them. Anyways, the HCM's have been around for nearly 20 years and have withstood the test of time. Let's see how well the MPC ages.

    My opinion on the HCM having fragile fingers is completely based on all the eBay auctions I have watched throughout the years... about every other HCM that shows up has one or more broken fingers.

  15. Yes. Blame the Navy for having such a stupid designation. The differences between F-14A and A+ were more than what normally happens between plane variants, and I can't think of any reason to call it that. It'd be like calling the Super Hornets "F/A-18C+". It's a BIG change.

    There was probably a good reason why the reengined and updated A models were originally called "A+" instead of "B".

    Back during the 1970's, Grumman built, and flew, one F-14 that was designated as a "B" model. The F-14A's Pratt & Whitney TF-30's (which was also used on the F-111) was only meant as an interim engine. The single F-14B of the 1970's flew with the Pratt & Whitney F401 which was the intended powerplant for the Tomcat. But when all was said and done, all the A models ended up being equipped with the TF-30.

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