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Posts posted by Knight26

  1. It is interesting I will give it that, but it is too unbelievable a design. I like the idea of the decoys, but those would be too small to really fool anyone, unless they're like those lame inflatable ones in Gundam. Also those attack drones would be a pain to seperate in flight in an atmosphere, there we would far too high a risk of collision with the launchign aircraft where they are now.

  2. Well I wonder:

    1) is this official, as I don't see any BW logo or SK signature, though I may ahve missed it.

    2) why mount them above the fuselage like that, it would seem that the pilot would want to launch them immediately upon entering the combat zone, too much drag and weight on the airframe otherwise.

    3) are you sure those are some sort of high manuever missile and not just aam-1s, its hard to tell from the pics

    4) the small pic of the VF-0 with the highlighted cockpit, what is that saying there?

  3. Here is video number three, sorry number two ended up too big and well turned out pretty bad too. This program Accurender is nice, but attaching textures can be a pain in the butt, I spent about half an hour just getting the textures to stich correctly. I'm still having to attach the textures by layer and create new layers as well as recreate the textures in accurender. I e-mailed the company hoping they had a way arouind this in the new version but have not heard anything back yet.

    animation two splicer 1000 fighter

  4. Well here it is. I downloaded a trial copy of Accurender for AutoCAD, and gave it a spin today. Right now it is a bit of a pain because of how it assigns materials. basicaly I will have to assign layers to each different object and reassign their textures. Anyway here is the first aniamtion I did with it. I only used two textures so it is a little simple. I used a fly around and well i was experimenting so it is not the greatest. let me know what you think. Oh yeah this is just a simple cruiser. Anyway here it is:

    Animation 1

  5. Looks good for now, try dirting it up a bit, get some good low-viz decals to dress it up. Love the Phoenixs, tried any other real world armaments yets, Sparrows, AMRAAMS, Sidewinders, Mavericks, Slicks?

  6. Looks good for now, try dirting it up a bit, get some good low-viz decals to dress it up. Love the Phoenixs, tried any other real world armaments yets, Sparrows, AMRAAMS, Sidewinders, Mavericks, Slicks?

  7. I would love to see or have made a 1:48 VF-1D double strike. I discussed this with a few guys before, a true strike valkyrie, loaded down with dual strike cannons, dual gunpods, maybe additional pods on the wings or just missile packs. Plus it would have to be a 1D. Any takers to make it, I will sacrifice one of my 1:48s for the cause plus pay for the parts. Color scheme would be a hard one to call though. Part of me screams midnight blue with silver white trim, like my characters fighters or a Su-35 style scheme, hmm, not sure. Oh well, I guess it's just a dream for now.

  8. Man I missed this thread entriely when it came out, and now the link is dead. Was it a translation of the MAT book? Even if it isn't completely accurate I would have loved to have checked that out, especially if it had the illustrations as well. Hey Nanshi, do you have it in PDF format? Welcome back Egan, the walking Macross database has returned.

  9. I think it's in either Perfect Memory, the GOld Book, or Design Works (sure its this one) has a diagram showing that the head laser drops briefly during landing gear cycling. Also all the line art confirms a longer head laser then is shown on the Toynami's/Bandais's etc... So far Yamato is the only one to get that right.

  10. I like Planetes, it is good, and I love the Manga too. Tanabe hasn't even shown up in the manga yet so far as I have read. Maybe she will show up later, it was a good idea in my opinion to add her character at the beginning of the anime. It allows them to explain things that are stated off character in the manga, plus it gives the anime a wider appeal, attracting female audiences. Plus I love the music, need to find the OST.

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