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Posts posted by emajnthis

  1. I need more than a wicked engine. I just don't like the Falcon's styling for some reason and I hate the name...not that "G8" isn't much better I'll admit.

    And the Camaro was designed with a lot of Holden input on the same platform as the G8 (technically Zeta II with the front axle moved forward to allow larger rims and such but we're nitpicking). Those who have driven and rode in it so far say it feels much more upscale then you would have thought. So yes...American...but with a lot of input from Holden in Australia actually.

    As for my little debate between the two in my mind...HUD not available in the Camaro until 2010 model year...G8 looking more tempting every day. One thing I don't like about the new Camaro which of course may change is the parking brake handle...it looks really out of place. Needs leather on it or something.

    But I admit seeing the Camaro's seats may have swayed me back a little bit. Nice to have a lot of time to make this choice.

    I wouldn't put a lot of faith into the seats as they may look nice but if the Corvette is any indication of their seat design then they'll have crummy bolster support and won't keep you snug worth beans.

    I think the Falcon is pretty slick looking, it's kind of the anti-muscle car, sleek and modern from the heart to the skin. The G8 and GTO were actually way cooler looking as Holden's IMO, the Pontiac grill fugged them all up, but out of your potential choices, i still say G8 is the clear winner.

  2. Yes, but it's still Front Wheel Drive...no thanks. :lol:

    agreed, also isn't this 6 still based off the old chassis as opposed to using the mondeo platform? They should have also waited to debut the Speed6 with this body style instead of the former one, it probably would have done fair in the market as opposed to being canceled.

  3. The G8 is actually an Australian car - it's a rebadged & slightly remodelled Holden VE Commodore, much like the GTO was a Americanised Holden Monaro...

    If Ford USA had any sense they'd be getting the new FG Falcon range out onto US streets - the Turbo inline 6 is a fantastic motor... much better cars than the G8 imo, although I am a Ford fan B))

    I know better, i just used it as a blanket term, but you're right, the label should be more appropriate. If Ford were smart they'd bring all of their Euro/Aus cars over (Ka, Focus, Mondeo, etc.), but ESPECIALLY the Falcon! That Turbo Inline 6 is wicked, and i can only imagine all of the V8 coupe egos being shot down by the unsuspecting sedan.

  4. OK, I'm now really starting to get the bug and it'll be either a G8 GXP (GT if the price winds up being too good to pass up), or a Camaro SS. I might still keep the GTO if I go the G8 route, but if I go for the Camaro, I'll prob sell the goat and get either a small pickup or some used Acura or Lexus 4 door. Can't see having 2 coupes. I still have about 6 months or so, so I have a lot of time. Right now, I'm leaning towards the G8, since most of my life all I've owned were 2 door cars, and having the extra room and trunk space will be nice. But everytime I see someone watching Transformers, I get the Camaro shakes. Damn you GM!!

    Between the Camaro and the G8, go for the G8. More room, great power, cheaper insurance, more practical, etc etc. Plus you have the advantage of both of your cars being Euro cars as opposed to actually being an American car.

  5. i listen to everything, that's not to say that i like everything, but there are artists from every genre that i like. I mostly listen to 70's and 90's (skip 80's except 80's stuff that made its way into the 90's) and lately lots of death metal and metal core. Daysend's latest is in the player right now, Ruskii and other Aussie's should be familiar with them, Australia has a lot of great metal bands.

  6. I've read different accounts of the 3G issue. I think it's a mix of network but also band switching, and I say that because when i had a BB it was HORRIBLE at band switching. I would always drop calls and lose my network connection because it couldn't switch its EDGE and GSM bands properly when driving between towers. I have a coworker who moonlights for Erricsson and his job is to literally do what the Verizon guy does in the commercials (can you hear me now?) except using software of course (TEMS, i have it flashed onto my phone, it's very cool). Him and i were talking about the 3G issue and he weighed in on it being the same thing, some phones when they're caught between towers have trouble switching bands and channels from one tower to the next so it may look like you have bars when you don't or your connection will abruptly drop out for no reason.

  7. I think that's kind of the point, everyone except verizon and sprint are GSM, even globally GSM is the general standard, not to say that CDMA doesn't exist, but it's always in smaller capacity compared to GSM (The US and Canada are the only slow adopters to GSM). Which is usually why GSM gets all the cool phones before CDMA, and most of the cool CDMA phones are adapted GSM phones. The hardware research and manufacturing to turn a GSM phone into a CDMA phone isn't cheap, and historically takes awhile. Apple probably wants the iphone adapted to CDMA, it could just be (like with the RAZR) they want to do it without compromising its inherent feature set and more importantly QC. If anyone can recall the RAZR debut for Verizon, that phone was 10x more problematic than the GSM model, and that's saying a lot 'cause the GSM model was CRAP (then again Moto's in general are crap). I think for the CDMA iphone it's more of a matter of when than why.

  8. i wouldn't get an N96 but i wouldn't get an iphone either, not much my style, but i think other countries may have it branded to a carrier which would put it at a closer price point to the iphone than the US. I'm not crazy about all in one phones, mostly because a jack of all trades is a master of nothing, so you get a mediocre phone, with a crappy camera, EDGE instead of 3G, no enterprise support, and an awesome music player (or any variation), instead of getting an awesome phone/camera/music/3G/enterprise support/etc. Admittedly the gap is slowly closing, but just when i think a device has it all, it's missing something to make it perfect (like phones going back to LED flash instead of Xenon flash for cameras, interface bugs, price, business options, lack of 3g, no a2dp etc.). I'd rather own a phone that is a great camera/music/phone and then leave the rest up to a high quality netbook like the new Lenovo S10.

  9. Mustang's in a straight line are a strong combination of good/short gearing, low end torque, and broad power through the first 3 gears and when compared to your car, it's RWD and manual (which i think are actually stronger arguments to a faster vehicle).

    The X6, eventhough it's a sport SUV uses a twin turbo 4.4L V8, so quite frankly, i would expect it to be fast even if it does weigh almost 6000lbs. The Challenger is just pitiful, and to compare it's performance to the italian marque's isn't saying much as the 599GTB and DBS are fast but the 599GTB isn't a flagship car like the Challenger, and the DBS is an Aston Martin, they're both status over performance cars (the AM more so than the 599). And .9 and 2.3 seconds doesn't sound like a lot of time, but that's a LOT of distance.

  10. I agree with David, that new y-wing (old?) is just wrong. so what is all that extra stuff supposed to be, just panelling the old designers tacked on for the hell of it?

    No way man, they totally did that so it would be aerodynamic... in space. :rolleyes:

  11. I believe Bluetooth is hardware dependent, i.e. unless you have a Bluetooth chip that supports Bluetooth 2.0 or higher, you can't upgrade via firmware or via software to Bluetooth 2.x.

    to further elaborate, your phone also requires that you have support for A2DP (stereo bluetooth) otherwise you'll have this nice expensive stereo bluetooth headset that you'll be listening to in mono (although if your phone doesn't have a2dp it probably wont' let you listen to music on your bluetooth anyway). My phone has bluetooth 2.0 with EDR support but no A2DP so i can pair it up with bluetooth 2.0 devices and get the more powerful bandwidth, but i'm SOL if i want to listen to music via bluetooth since i don't have A2DP.

    Also, if you plan to get a bluetooth module for say a netbook or a laptop, go with the newest bluetooth standard 2.1 as it supports encryption and a slew of other cool stuff.

  12. It's probably just the manufacturer estimate, it'll probably smoke those times by a large margin if you wanted it to. The outgoing RS6 hit a 4.2 0-60 with C&D behind the wheel, but most other mags could only get a 4.5. My guess is it probably has taller gearing since it's German and plus being twin turbo puts a lot of the HP at higher RPM even if the torque is all down low. Let's just hope Audi keeps it stateside for more than one year unlike the old RS6.

  13. Plus the new Maxima is finally going to have some real power squeezing 290hp out of the VQ this year. I think they're trying to get it back to it's roots since the last two generations have strayed tremendously. Also like most modern era Nissan's, the Maxima is something to behold in person as the stance is more aggressive and the fender lines are more prominent, and of course the interior a la Infiniti is very nice. I think Nissan has some good years ahead of them, they really walked into a wall in the mid-late 90's but they've since dug themselves out of the hole to rebuild a respectable lineup.

  14. No, nothing wrong with it, and the family thing isn't a problem.

    I just think I want a lil' more room this time around, having lived with F Bodies and the GTO all my life. The GXP would be what I would normally buy but I might just go for a regular GT and mod it a bit.

    And oddly though, I even considered the new Maxima for awhile there. Maybe I'm just getting old... :lol:

    If Ford ever gets off their arse and releases the Falcon 6ge turbo domestically then i'd recommend you buy that. I love the GTO, but it's always nice having four doors and five seats so i'd go with the G8 GXP especially since it's supposed to get that kickin' 402hp LS3.

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