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Posts posted by Miles_Wolf

  1. On 8/17/2022 at 12:05 AM, Mommar said:

    September, huh?  I ordered mine domestically  and it’s estimated at November.

    Same here. This happened too with the VF-25 Messiah Worldwide. 

    Despite the fact that these figures are licensed to be sold worldwide, they are not launched at the same time, and the local distributors have to import the stock from Japan, wich adds that month aprox. to the launch date in Japan, resulting in november in this case. 

    Maybe one day they will be distributed globally and faster by Bandai itself, but for now that's what we have. At least we are able to preorder comfortably from a local store, wich is a lot. I can wait a month.

  2. On 8/10/2022 at 10:08 PM, no3Ljm said:

    I think the Booster is permanently attached to it. :rolleyes: Do I hear 'PO Cancelled', anyone? :ph34r:

    Nah, you can detach it:



  3. I hope the final colors are like in these last photos but they look like darker than they should, specially the one where you see the valk with other models together. I think the colors will be more close to what we saw in that convention than these.

    Still loving it. But I would like to see photos of the fighter mode without the booster on the back. 

  4. 5 hours ago, borgified said:

    Next question: Who's got the original 31a.

    I know that this is Doc. Haya Haya's 31ax, however, how less beefier are the wings on the 31a to make a proper comparison? 

    Ok, now I understood what you meant. You were talking about the Kairos and I was thinking on Hayate's Siegfried, lol.

    Here you have:


  5. @Bolt of course not! Feel free ti share it/use it. 😛


    Talking about these changes, I think they are normal seeying that in the movie they look like they are preparing for some kind of intense combat, so it's obvious to make "more muscular" Valks than the normal Siegfrieds, wich are thinner.

  6. 1 minute ago, borgified said:

    Next question: Who's got the original 31a.

    I know that this is Doc. Haya Haya's 31ax, however, how less beefier are the wings on the 31a to make a proper comparison? 

    Sorry but I haven't understood what you said.

    I have the DX 31A, do you need any photo to compare something about the wings?

  7. Now I think of it, why not changing the damn "frosted glass" of the canopy? Ugh...

    EDIT: I made a photo comparison between the old and the new 31A for a conversation we were having on Facebook about tthe chunkier wings the new version has, so I decided to post it here just in case it's interesting fo anybody.


  8. 7 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    I think it's just the forearm that got a little bit thicker. The upper arm however are still thin.



    I really don't like what they did there... Having that "upper arm plate" for me looks worse than the thin arms of the "old" Siegfrieds. Having to move it to make any pose... Meh, seems annoying.

    And for the termomether... xD Yeah, I will have to get used to it, but now looks like a very simple and easily fixable desing...

  9. 1 minute ago, jvmacross said:

    OK, sounds like you did not use a Paypal G & S.......is that correct?  I can't see why you would not use Paypal to settle the current issue with your transaction.  Paypal is the appropriate 3rd party arbitrator in this situation........not some random MW member you find from the "straight shooters" list......you are taking a huge risk as a new member in thinking that this seller is acting on YOUR best interest and that whatever member you find will be impartial and not a friend of your seller........of course, you can proceed as you wish, but Paypal should be the resource you use as your 3rd party arbitror....Is the seller trying to dissuade you from going through Paypal to settle your issue?  You both already agreed to use Paypal to facilitate your transaction and now should really use them again to settle the current situation....Again, good luck to you!

    I used the "pay to a friend" option on Paypal, so I think Paypal can't do anything on this situation. And yes, you are right on eveything you said, it has been risky and even more while I am new here... But well, I'll try to solve the problem this way and I will take i as a lesson to learn for me. 

    We aleady have the hird user to help: "Kaneda's Bike", who appears in the Striaght Shooters list, he's an active user, and has a high good reputation. He has kindly accepted to help, so I hope we get his solved soon.

    Thanks again.

  10. 5 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    I see. I think most online shops take the payment instantly thru Paypal. Whereas, credit cards on the other hand will be charged once they received the supply.

    Thanks @Miles_Wolf!

    Oh, didn't know that.

    I used Paypal for the protection they give you in case there's some problem. Recently I had a problem with Nippon Yasan, and Paypal returned me the money with no problems.

  11. 45 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    Admins are not arbitrators in sales or trades between MW members.  You need to work this out with either the seller directly...or have a third-party (like Paypal) settle the case for you.

    First, you made the mistake of buying an item BEFORE your requests for pics and answers to your questions were answered.  You basically went against the criteria you yourself put forth on your wanted post----you have very few posts so it is easy to figure out what toy your are referring to.

    Second, stick to the requirements you set for yourself in the wanted post.....accept nothing less....the seller not responding or sending you pics does not eliminate his responsibility to deliver what he had previously told you you would receive...a "like new" item.

    Third, did you pay for the item using a Paypl Goods and Services payment?  Your wanted post indicates you used Paypal...but not all Paypal payments protect you as the buyer.

    If you did use a Paypal G&S payment, you can stop the back-and-forth right now.  Just based on your description of the conversation so far, this member is screwing you around and already flat out lied to you (a like new condition item would not be the correct description for a yellowed item. Period.)

    Open a case with Paypal and supply them with whatever info they need.  Essentially, just tell them that the item delivered was not as described and that you want a refund or to be compensated for the damage via a partial refund(personally, just request the full refund and find another one to purchase).  Then wait for Paypal to figure things out.  This seems like a slam-dunk case against the seller.

    If you did not use Paypal Goods and Services to pay for your item and instead used a Paypal Friends and Family payment, you are SOL.

    I hope you are able to resolve this, it sounds like you were defrauded....if so, we all need to know who this member is so we can all avoid him/her.

    The only other option you can pursue, if you essentially paid cash for the item, would be a Postal Fraud Claim.  Since you seem to be residing in Europe, I am not exactly sure how your postal service would accomodate such a case, you would need to do some research online or simply go to your local post office and seek some guidance.

    Good Luck!

    First of all, thanks for answering.

    I would just like to note first that I asked for photos before buying, of course. The thing is that in the photos the item didn't look bad... But sincerely because if you don' make detailed photos you can't see those things. That's why I asked him literally, "Any defect you would note?" and he didn't answer that. That's maybe only the main mistake I made, buying without an answer to that (because I thought we didn't have anything to note). But again, it's a mistake made after reading the description "like new" and seeing photos of an item apparently looking good. 

    And second thing, we are not talking about a scammer, the seller says if the third party arbitring this says I'm right, he will compensate me what I ask. So I don't want to give names and ruin future sellings of his user (where I hope he will be more carefull with what he claims and what he sells).

    He proposes to look for a random person posted in the straight shooters list and ask him if he would arbitrate. But well, as you said this is something I have to work out directly with the seller, so I won't annoy more about this here.

    Thanks for the help and the tips!

  12. Hello.

    I am trying to look for help.

    - I bought a Valkyrie to another user (for now I won't say his name until an admin approves this).

    - The description of the Valk's condition was "like new".

    - I ask to the seller literally if the valk had any marks, scratches, etc. wich I should know about before buying. He doesn't answer to it so I understand there's nothing to note.

    - I buy the valk.

    - I recieve the valk and just after opening I see it has a lot of marks and scractches, and the nose cone is partially yellowed.

    - I contact the user, I tell him this is not the condition he specified (showing him photos) and I tell him I even asked to know about any of those deffects. He says he didn't think any of those deffects were an issue... 

    - I ask him for a 50$ compensation for the deffects (from a totoal of 350$ for the valk). He doesn't answer to that.

    - He proposes to get a third party on the conversation to solve this. I say ok to that (although I say it's wasting time because I think the proofs are so clear that this should be solved easily).

    - After that he hasn't answered for a week.


    If there's any admin there, I suppose he will be able to get in my Private Message box and read the conversation (it's the latest one).

    Is there something I can do or somebody here that can help me?

    Thank you.

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