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Posts posted by 26662

  1. 3 hours ago, captain america said:

    Captain's log: Friday, June 7th, 2024.

    Closing stages of construction have arrived. I made a few alterations to some of the parts to make them more conformal to the source material, and am now at the priming stage, getting ready to mold all the parts which require duplication. The first is the foot armor cover thingamabob, which you can see in pics 68 and 69. Admittedly, the pieces you saw last week were place-holders, but now I have a far better solution which looks right! That was a bit of a sticking point for me, because the clearances in the lower leg/foot area are very tight. The lateral armor pieces are separate (held with tack putty!) which will be needed to avoid binding the foot in robot mode.

    Pics 70 and 71 show the deployed main gun and support autocannon. The kit will also include plugs to reproduce these in retracted mode inside the arm nacelles.

    Pic 72 shows the rifle unit in hovercraft (stowage) mode with the raised stock and retracted barrel, but will have the optional long (extended) barrel and lowered stock.

    Pics 73-75 shows the hood fairing, now sloped down as per the line-art. I did like the previous version with the squared nose, but apparently it was really bad for gas mileage!!

    With these mods done, I can now begin mold-prep for the duplicate parts as I await the arrival of the pilot figure from Carlos. If the castings aren't ready by next week, (which is doubtful) I may simply skip an update, though the odds are pretty good that I'll be able to show a fully finished figure in the next 7-10 days, so stay tuned!!

    67B.HEIC 1.67 MB · 3 downloads 68.HEIC 1.05 MB · 0 downloads 69.HEIC 1.05 MB · 0 downloads 70.HEIC 1022.33 kB · 0 downloads 71.HEIC 1.15 MB · 0 downloads 72.HEIC 1.31 MB · 0 downloads 73.HEIC 990.05 kB · 0 downloads 74.HEIC 1.08 MB · 0 downloads 75.HEIC 920.33 kB · 2 downloads

    Gah.  I wish I had half your talent.

  2. 5 minutes ago, captain america said:

    Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for taking an interest in the project! As you might imagine, a project like this poses many hurdles, (what transforming mecha doesn't?!?) not the least of which is the animation style sheets, which not only conflict with the animation, but with themselves as well. Admittedly, I don't mind a bit of constructive criticism because there are so many elements to keep track of, and an extra set of eyeballs helps to redirect me if I stray. You can be a maker or you can be the art director, but it's hard to do both. With that said, all the issues Ted pointed out are not major and have already been addressed, and you'll get to see that in tomorrow's update. 

    Love to hear it!  Really looking forward to your progress pix.

  3. I love my valks and I love armor.  Gotta say though, the fully-armored VF-25S is bonkers beefy.  At some point, and I think we've reached it here, the final-form Super Saiyan 6 Ultra Instinct Red-Pill poppin' product just stops making sense and starts to look all Gundam-y.  I couldn't get into the anime.  All together, this one's an easy pass for me.

  4. 7 hours ago, Actar said:

    Looks like it's my fate to constantly miss out getting this for a decent price...

    I share your pain.  I FOMOed and took out a second mortgage to buy my first.  If it’s any consolation, I promise to offer you the one I keep MISB at (cost-15%) if I end up hating the one I open.

  5. On 5/31/2024 at 10:29 AM, captain america said:
    Captain's log: Friday, May 31, 2024.
    After a long two weeks of grinding, puttying, sanding and adjusting, I'm finally getting there! Now it's reasonably close to a final product. There are still a few tweaks to made here and there for optimal fit, and still lots of surface finishing, but I elected to leave the primer off most parts to let you see just how little putty work was needed despite such a complex project. I'm happy that Ted pointed out the flaws in the initial head design, and I was even able to enlarge the backpack without severely affecting the overall geometry!
    Pics 49-52 show the leg in its various configurations. I am still tweaking the toe which stores in the calf and deploys for Walker Cannon mode, cos it's not quite right yet. The ankle tilt is not as steep as the Bio Lloyd, but is still quite good. If anything, I think that actually works into the storyline of the series, as I had always imagined the bad guys having a more nimble/advanced mecha.
    Pics 53-58 show the hovercraft configuration from various angles. Please forgive the floppyness: it's mostly holding with friction and a bit of hot glue and I don't want to damage the masters by manhandling them. Once I cast a few mirror parts I will be able to pose everything properly and show you how everything lines up nicely!
    Pic 59: the head before and after corrections! While it looks drastically different, I was able to retain the same core module and alter the peripherals. I think the new head looks way better and is far more faithful to the artwork.
    Pics 60-66 show robot form in all its glory! I skipped Walker Cannon mode, simply because the parts would need to be glued securely to achieve it, but the geometry is sound! I still want to slightly lower the butt-cover hinge, but otherwise I think she's looking fantastic! Still waiting on Carlos to finish the pilot figure, which I don't think will be a a major factor ATM. The next 2 weeks I'll be sanding/priming the current parts, making the final adjustments, finishing the weapons and molding some duplicate parts so Tanku-Robo can stand unassisted. I may one again skip next week's update for the sake of productivity, but it's only so I can provide a better update!!

    49.HEIC 1.06 MB · 17 downloads 50.HEIC 1.08 MB · 6 downloads 51.HEIC 1.07 MB · 5 downloads 52.HEIC 1.14 MB · 4 downloads 53.HEIC 1.62 MB · 8 downloads 54.HEIC 1.49 MB · 8 downloads 55.HEIC 1.18 MB · 9 downloads 56.HEIC 1.18 MB · 6 downloads 57.HEIC 1.26 MB · 7 downloads 58.HEIC 1.25 MB · 9 downloads 59.HEIC 672.33 kB · 14 downloads 60.HEIC 1.41 MB · 10 downloads 61.HEIC 1.38 MB · 10 downloads 62.HEIC 1004.99 kB · 11 downloads 63.HEIC 1.36 MB · 8 downloads 64.HEIC 1.25 MB · 8 downloads 65.HEIC 1.16 MB · 9 downloads 66B.HEIC 1013.17 kB · 12 downloads

    "The shape of the nose is one area where previous fan designs (and even Matchbox) have bested you."

    "...the shape of your nose is all wrong here."

    "I surely hope that's not how you're intending to attach the arms.  Not only does it look wrong..."

    "I know you can do better..."


    There's so much line art/animation magic (read: inconsistencies) frame-to-frame that the points raised above are nowhere near my radar.  I love what you've done thus far, and I'm honestly jealous that I'd have to resort to countless hours of CAD and CNC milling to get even close to what you've produced.  I consider myself a very strong maker, but there's just no way I could replicate what you've shared to date.  🙂  And no disrespect to @tekering because I’m certain the comments above are sincere, but I hope you avoid pursuing someone else's idea of perfection, and instead, just focus on actualizing what feels/looks right to you.  Outside perspectives and constructive criticism can be helpful...until they aren't: I know quite a few makers (myself included) who've chased third party perfection only to lose their way and ultimately abandon what was once a really promising (and fulfilling!) passion project.


    Looking forward to seeing more!

  6. 5 hours ago, grogall said:

    Wow these where already being shown in 2017 when even Bandai was in there prototype stage with the DX series! and getting on to over eight years, that these have been teased here or there but still no concrete information on release??? Not sure what to make of the reliability! 🤔


    It’s annoying.  I stayed up late to preorder 2 directly from ThreeZero as soon as preorders went live for a total of ~$338.00.  My records say that was 23JUL23.  I’ve read the fine print since then and learned that ThreeZero has a no-refund policy.  This situation combined with my having waited in vain for more than 2 years for 2 pre-paid Gigapower Dinobots that were never produced has me looking at non-exclusive pre-orders very differently.  [And many thanks to TFSource for giving me a full refund on the Gigapowers rather than forcing me to take store credit.]

  7. 3 hours ago, Big s said:

    The head really doesn’t bother me for some reason. I think the body is the fugly part

    "I hate everything about them.  I'M BUYING TWO OF EACH!!!!!"  /s

    Jokes aside, I like most everything about them and I am buying 2 of each.  I'm giddy that at 50 years old I'm still able to buy modern Macross Saga bots.  I'm a huge OG 1/55 collector and I can't believe as a community we've been able to keep the Macross Saga alive.  Retail prices aside, as a diehard mecha fan it feels like I'm living my best possible life.  Pinch me!

  8. I'm not familiar with Threezero or their other releases.  Are they known for right-shifting product releases?  These figures appear to have remained unchanged, as far as I can tell, for a LOOOOONG time.  If I'm correct, the delayed release is puzzling.  Someone mentioned way back when that there were rights issues that were holding up the release.  Anyone have any current insight on the matter?

  9. 1 hour ago, jvmacross said:

    The more I see these "on display"....the less I am impressed by them...

    They seem a bit too stocky...


    There's a lot that I like about them, honestly.  The panel lines have grown on me a bit which is surprising given that I'm usually not into that embellishment.  If I have a concern, it relates to the width of the chest: I recall seeing an image of the VF-1S in which the chest appeared disproportionately wide relative to the rest of the body.  Still, I'm keeping all of my preorders alive (of course, threezero's preorder terms appear designed to prevent me from getting any sort of refund even if I wanted one).

  10. 1 hour ago, treatment said:

    HLJ re-opens pre-ordering for the Arcadia 1/60 Roy and Hikaru Strike VF-1S (both non-PF), as of this posting:



    Arcadia 1/60 Strike Roy (non-PF):  https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-completely-transformed-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-roy-focker-special-movie-ver-aca82166

    Arcadia 1/60 Strike Hikaru (non-PF): https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-complete-transformation-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-boarding-machine-movie-ver-reissue-aca82131-2#


    Can anyone speak to the quality of these?  I swore off Bandai’s HMRs for a number of reasons and these look like those HMRs (or the early 2000’s Yamatos).

  11. And why are they highlighting only Myria on the splash screen?  Don't get me wrong, I love Myria, but there are plenty of other notable females in the series.  I hate having DEI shoved down my throat every where I turn so this isn't a rant about inclusion; this is just an observation that there are plenty of notable women in Robotech that are worthy of being highlighted.

  12. [I don't know where this post should live so I'm posting here.]

    What is the story behind "robotech.com?"  Has it been abandoned?  Feels like the owners are holding onto it...just because...  Waaaaaaaaaay back in the day, I used to love swinging by it (and Macross World and Valkyrie Exchange) to get a dopamine hit before diving back into my thesis.  Fast forwarding to the present, it's just really sad to check on robotech.com and see what it's become.

  13. 5 hours ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    :yahoo:yeah these things are too too small for the money. 

    Same.  Bought all of the Hi-Metals available at Mandarake for nearly a month.  Finally got around to opening them a couple months later, transformed two of them, and promptly noped out and sold the lot.  Just not my thing, unfortunately.


    On 3/30/2024 at 7:38 AM, jvmacross said:

    Any indication of when the VF-1J will be released?

    Threezero's response in late December to my request for an update regarding the release of the VF-1J:


    We are sorry that there is a delay with the release of ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) and the estimated shipping date would be in the 1st quarter of 2024.

    Best Regards,
    Threezero CS”


    They wouldn't provide an update until I gave them proof that I had ordered at least one VF-1J.  It was a polite exchange, but I'm not eager to ask them again.  Someone want to volunteer this time?

  15. 4 hours ago, nightmareB4macross said:

    A while back an eBay seller had this new box on auction with BIN.


    The listing stated OVERSIZED and I got a bit excited. So I reached out to the seller to confirm. Lo and behold it was just the regular 1/55 GS-11. Nothing special.

    Bummer. I was really hoping it was oversized.

    I’ve got half a mind to buy one just to figure out how close the dimensions are to the original.  But I haven’t pulled the trigger because of how disappointed I was back in ‘98 when I bought a Joon’s.  

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