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Posts posted by Axelay

  1. Had some people inquire about whether or not I could do a new batch of these decals, so here we go.


    If you've been here on Macrossworld long enough, you may remember a batch of these which I created back in 2005. I have just created a new batch of 60 and have this afternoon replaced my prototype which was on my car's rear windshield. After 6 years in the sun (no garage, by the way), my decal had finally started to discolor a bit. I've been quite impressed with how well these held up, and this new batch is the exact same quality.

    Here's the original which was applied in 2005.


    And here's the new one applied today.


    These apply to the inside of your car's (or even display case's) glass surface and so they are protected from the elements. (Just be sure to not put it on the rear defroster!) The bubbles which you may see in the new decal do take a few days to "cure" once applied, but then they completely disappear. It's a lot like putting a screen protector on your phone.

    Here's a close-up of the first one peeled from the sheet before being applied to my car. These are super glossy.


    I am asking $10 per decal plus $1 for shipping and handling. I am not asking a single penny more than I did back in 2005, as these really have been a labor of love for me. Hopefully people who purchased them back in the day will agree that these are worth it. Payment methods include PayPal, personal check via snail mail, or money order via snail mail.

    If you are interested in owning one or more of these decals, please reply here to this thread. Once I see a reply from you, I will contact you via PM so that you can send your mailing address via email. Please don't put your mailing address in this thread. I have a special Gmail account set up for that so that I can make sure that I won't overlook anyone. I am going to keep a running tally of the numbers reserved since I only have 60 to offer. I already have some people in my area who have asked for one, and I am intending to once again send one for free to Graham and Shawn for their leadership of this great site.

    Decals will be sent in a medium-sized manila mailing envelope. I would prefer to send out all of the decals simultaneously, so I hope to do this after all 60 are spoken for. I will let you know as soon as your payment has arrived and your decal is on its way.

    If you have any questions, please send me a PM. Thanks!

    1. Graham

    2. Shawn

    3. Local reservation Sewell - Paid and shipped

    4. Local reservation Young - Paid and shipped

    5. Local reservation Anderson - Paid and shipped

    6. 505thAirborne - Paid and shipped

    7. Valkyrie23 - Paid and shipped

    8. Valkyrie23 - Paid and shipped

    9. OldMan - Paid and shipped

    10. frothymug - Paid and shipped

    11. frothymug - Paid and shipped

    12. Marzan - Paid and shipped

    13. Marzan - Paid and shipped

    14. pensives_wetness

    15. pensives_wetness

    16. pensives_wetness

    17. pensives_wetness

    18. pensives_wetness

    19. eriku - Paid and shipped

    20. pud333 - Paid and shipped

    21. UN Spacy - Paid and shipped

    22. ahrhino - Paid and shipped

    23. azrhino - Paid and shipped

    24. mrhillz - Paid and shipped

    25. dobber - Paid and shipped

    26. 21stcenturyguy

    27. chowser - Paid and shipped

    28. chowser - Paid and shipped

    29. ObiJuan71

    30. MacrossMan

    31. MacrossMan

    32. Macette - Paid and shipped

    33. Macette - Paid and shipped

    34. Hyperion728 - Paid and shipped

    35. Hyperion728 - Paid and shipped

    36. Mog - Paid and shipped

    37. HG Blows

    37. HG Blows

    38. Metal_Massacre_79

    39. Metal_Massacre_79

    40. 94medition

    41. 94medition

  2. Thought I'd share this for the newer members of this community. Back in 2005, I had an idea to create a super high-quality UN Spacy decal for my new Mustang. I didn't want some sticker on the outside of the car - I wanted something which would be placed on the glass on an inside window and would last for years. Here we are in 2011, and I've had a couple of people ask me about doing another run of these decals. It's taken 6 years, but my original is starting to fade just a little bit. Here are some images from the first run.





    Each of these decals is 4.5" in diameter and is very glossy. Mine has remained applied to my rear windshield ever since I first put it there and has never bubbled or cracked. I once considered doing a low-visibility version of this decal in gray tones, but I never got a prototype created.

    One more project which I never got completely off the ground was a mockup of a UNS base parking pass. I did have a prototype of this made, but it was the only one which I ever did. It was designed so that people could change the numbers and could add in their own text for the main field (e.g. 05, 66, and AXELAY could be customized).


    I recently had to have my windshield replaced, and I lost my one-of-a-kind decal along with it. I'm tempted to see if I can get this project back out of storage and make another one of these as well.

  3. Good news!

    Production of a new batch of 50 of these decals is underway as of this morning! I was able to get in contact with the very same shop which did the first run. They had moved to a different city, but it's not too terribly far away from where I live. I should have these new decals in hand by Monday (September 19th) of next week. Once I get a new one placed on my own car, I will take some photos and put up a thread about it in the appropriate sections. It's been almost 6 years since I did the first batch, and mine is only just starting to fade as of this year. I have been extremely impressed with the quality of this shop's work.

    Also, once upon a time, I also had a custom parking pass decal created by the same shop. I might consider resurrecting that project if enough interest is generated.

  4. This sale is for the three sets pictured. All have decals applied and have been transformed to the present mode only and left on display since. No boxes included. Price is $150 each set shipping in the Continental US is free. Please add $2.75 for insurance. Feel free to ask questions.

    Are these the Toynami or Aoshima versions?

  5. I still haven't heard back from ae_productions, so this item is still available.

    Free bump. I also have one of these, and it's far and away one of my very favorite display pieces ever. I'd have never guessed that so much anime magic could actually be engineered into something workable, and this toy does it remarkably well. I hope this one finds a good home.

  6. Wow! It's a funny thing that I was just thinking the other day about doing a new run of these, and here I see this thread. Mine has been on my car for a whopping 5 years, and it has indeed started to fade. It really only started noticeably fading in the past 6 months or so, which is pretty amazing for something which has been in the sun every single day. (I don't have a garage.) My car recently had to have its front windshield replaced, and I realized that I also lost my one-of-a-kind custom UN Spacy base pass decal as well, so I may consider getting that project back out again. If y'all will bear with me, I will start seeing what I need to do to get things off the ground again. I have all of the templates, but I'm not sure if the graphics shop I originally used is still in operation. I've also just started a new school year as network administrator, so it may be a few days before I have a chance to catch my breath long enough to start making phone calls. Please PM me if you need to stay in contact about this, and keep an eye on the Fan Works and For Sale sections.

  7. This is probably a ridiculous question, but would you be willing to consider parting it out and selling just the Valkyrie...? My VF-25 took a dive off the back of my display when one of my cats got too curious for her own good. Broke the front landing gear as well as one of the hip joints. I don't think the armor will fit a regular VF-25 Ozma, so I need another one from the Armored Messiah.

  8. It's been a while since I've watched M7 so I may be mistaken, but I don't recall seeing Millia in a VF-11B... VF-1J and VF-22S yes, but no Thunderbolt III. I know that M3mentions it appears in episode 20(Macross 7 PLUS), but if so it's one of those blink-and-you-miss-it-things. But you hane a point, Yamato should get off their butts and take advantage of even a flitting appearance to produce it (They already have all the molds, after all), or get the M3 game lincence and make a M&M set. Regardless, I'm confident they won't pass up on the MILF's 17S.

    I think she flew one in one of the end-of-episode shorts back when she was Gamrin's instructor. Top Gamrin, I believe.

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