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Posts posted by Axelay

  1. 18 hours ago, Big s said:

    Just finished the last of the 97 episodes. Overall it’s not a bad show and has some great moments. Definitely the best marvel animated series I’ve seen. It does have some super cringy moments here and there, but I’m still looking forward to the upcoming X-Men 98.

    one of the things I’m a bit on the fence with 

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    Magneto isn’t dead, and it was pretty easy to guess what he was gonna do, but it makes you wonder why he never tried it before. That being said it was way more entertaining than anything he’s ever done in a movie or show before 
    Also, I guess everything electronic is toast worldwide, so next time we see forge he’s gonna just be floppin around until he finds his old crutch. I guess everything mostly will be in a temporary dark age. Brings certain questions about characters like cable as well. Is there no more techno organic virus and is his time thingy toast. 

    Sunspot’s parents seemed pretty quick to hand over their kid to some random weirdo’s that were flying around blowing stuff up.

    and one thing I didn’t like is that it’s one thing to have one goofy set of rules for pseudo science gimmicks like time travel, but then to add the other set of rules to it was just a bit silly

    As far as things I liked

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    Wolverine finally killed people with his lil stabbies. The overall action was good for the most part and we finally get some good action with Nightcrawler. Some of those people might just wake up afterwards and find their limbs missing after that fight if they return to normal after the emp burst 


    Cable's body tech is way beyond affected by EMP. It's a hybrid techno-organic from way far forward in the future.  Insofar as I can remember from my X-Force days, Magneto wasn't able to do much to directly attack him, so indirect attacks in the atmosphere wouldn't slow him down a bit. Also, his time travel tech isn't something he carries with him but is instead based on the Graymalkin space station in orbit around Earth. (At least, that's how it used to be back in the 90's.) I honestly truly hate how "micronized" time travel tech has become to the point that it's just carried around and can be used any old time by certain characters. One of the reasons I liked Bishop was that he was stranded and couldn't get back to his own time. And Cable, while possessing the tech, had to be *extremely* selective about how he traveled back and forth because of the ever-changing nature of the timestream. The original Cable books went so far as to explain that a chrono-physician had to "plot" the right course in the timestream so that the traveler wouldn't wind up disintegrated, and even doing so meant that you couldn't just jump anywhen you wanted.

  2. On 2/21/2024 at 7:50 PM, azrael said:

    The way I understood it was

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    ...Omega has the gene/genetic material which prevents midichlorians from degradation (i.e. she's a "template"). All the other clones do not carry that gene so any time blood (or any genetic material) is cloned/transferred, the m-count degrades. That means should Palpatine clone himself 🙄, his midichlorian count would not transfer between him and his clone, making an imperfect clone. Omega, like most folks in the galaxy, does not have an M-count high enough to be particularly Force-sensitive but she has the genetic template to keep midichlorians from degrading if one were to clone a Force-sensitive.

    Using Grogu was likely their post-Palpatine attempt to create a "Snoke" since there wasn't a Palpatine around to extract genetic material from. But we're getting ahead of ourselves and that's a ways down the road.


    Right there on the same page with you!

  3. Also watched the first 3 today. I can't help but feel, though, that in order for this season to work in terms of (sequel) canon, won't it have to have a particularly unhappy ending? Unless the "storytelling out" is that Project Necromancer isn't actually a success and Palpatine has to resort to other not-as-perfect means...?

  4. On 11/4/2023 at 1:24 PM, mikeszekely said:

    I had just ordered one of those. I'll post a full review once it arrives.

    Despite the silver sun visors and the extra gear on the bumper it's apparently based on another toy that was supposed to be Bumblebee Prime. If the bumper kit is removable (which I believe it is) I might add a bit of paint and use this as a replacement for SS38 instead of SS102, as 38’s not looking so hot these days and my gripes with 102 should be fixed with DNA's upgrade kit.

    Where did you order yours? For that price, I'd be sorely tempted to get one as well!

  5. On 3/15/2023 at 11:19 PM, Mog said:

    Someone on another board suggested that the TIE Interceptors and TIE Bombers were probably from the Chimaera (Thrawn’s ship). :ph34r:

    Which raises the question, why would Thrawn commit such resources to taking out Bo-Katan? She doesn't seem like she's in a position to be much of a threat at the moment. But logistically speaking, given that Interceptors and Bombers weren't as common as TIE Fighters, it makes sense that they would have come from a full-size ISD. It makes me wonder from where they were deployed (as in how close to the planet so as not to be obvious), though.

  6. Well that certainly took a rather dark turn. Never once before have I ever stopped to think that the clones and First Blood-era John Rambo might have something in common. They were trained for one very specific purpose, and so what do they do with their lives once they are no longer ordered to serve that purpose?

    I am very curious to see where Crosshair has wound up.

  7. I'm still hung up on Kenari, largely due to one line of dialogue...


    Upon starting a full rewatch, the ship which crashes on the planet in episode 1 is revealed to be crewed by people which appear to be wearing CIS uniforms. However, in episode 2, Maarva states that the natives just killed a Republic officer. I feel like this can't be just a dialogue screw up. I really wonder if she had a hand in bringing down the ship after discovering that it was a Republic front for chemical weapons. Her transport certainly didn't appear to be armed to the point of taking down another ship, but appearances can be deceiving. I so badly want to know more about the story behind what happened with Kenari. I wonder if it will somehow fit into the larger galactic "push" to tip systems toward the Rebellion? (e.g. Palpatine's dirty laundry being aired showing that he played both sides of the conflict.)

    I guess we won't know for sure for at least another two years. Ugh.

  8. OK, I have questions about loose ends... I'm not expecting answers to most of these, but it's more a matter of whether or not anyone else is also wondering about these same items.


    - So what's the connection -if any - to the (mining) disaster on Kennari? Why were the Separatists there? Does this mean that the mining operation was a Republic site?

    - We don't know what Bix told the interrogators. I am extremely curious to know if she ultimately gave up Luthen and we just don't see it happen.

    - Still want to know who Uncle Harlo is... maybe not consequential. I totally get that not everybody in Star Wars has to be "somebody." Syril's storyline did NOT go the way I expected. I honestly thought he was going to feel so jilted that he was going to go suicide bomber on the ISB HQ.

    - No hints as to where/how Luthen got his kyber necklace...

    - Interesting that Luthen's ship has a full stealth suite. No transponder, and full sensor masking, I assume. Seems to fit the profile of an intelligence operator or bounty hunter.

    - How did Cinta get off of Aldhani?

    - Anybody else notice the unarmed civilians taking down the Death Troopers during the riot? I actually laughed out loud at that one. That's gotta suck when you're supposed to be like an Imperial Green Beret and you get ganked like that.

    - My assumption is that Syril is now going to be taken onboard by the ISB. (Which I kind of cringe about.) Wonder if he'll bring Mosk with him?

    - I wonder if next season will show how Saw Gerrera came to be so debilitated by the time of Rogue One?

    Eh, just randomly thinking.

  9. That really high-pitched squealing sound you heard a little while ago? Yeah, that was me when I saw the photo of the Hi-Metal Fire Valkyrie. The Kai will always, always have a very special place in my heart.

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