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Posts posted by Wes

  1. Can someone who's seen the preview tell me what six is saying in it? Every time I hear it it sounds like gibberish and it's annoying me.

    I think it's neat to hear that the final five are still quite human, but that turn of Ellen just killed the feeling from the last one.

    but after hearing her accusation I had to watch

    again. :lol: They should update it now with newer footage.

  2. anyone know a physical store in japan that sells like tools and stuff for the nds? I need to pick up a tri-wing screw driver and a new touch screen but I can't really order one online here yet. I looked through akibara being the electronics capital of japan but its so large that it takes like weeks to just discover everything there.

    They're Nintendo-specialized. It's hard enough to get it over here as it is, though I haven't bothered to mess with opening a Nintendo unit in ages. You'd really have to talk to someone in the know.

  3. I like to think that some deity will appear at the end and let them know that it's been putting them through hell because it despises them. And then eat them.

    And God should be played by Billy Crystal. Dunno why but it just poped in my head and it's amused me ever since.

    Organic memory transfer existed on Kobol. Perhaps this technology wasn't limited to Cylons alone?

    I was thinking that too, with the premise behind Caprica, it seems like they were trying the same thing with humans. Which begs the question, how are Cylons different than humans? Anders sure seemed to have a human brain. And yes you never see wires. Eights can plug into electronics but you don't see the Final Five doing it. I'm thinking maybe they were genetically engineered to be servants as opposed to machine-built, with enhancements but couldn't reproduce. Of course they didn't like it, war, yada yada, but they left humans on decent terms and went the other way.

  4. I don't belive Baltar is anyone special, persay.. but perhaps more of a metaphor of Galatica's humanity and it's sins?

    As a character, he has really come around..although he has grown to have areaaly weird attachment to Sixes. There is such a strong attaction, I wonder what "mama" Ellen would have to say about that.

    Don't see what she could say. What with the way she was acting with her memories erased. :unsure:

  5. Hard to pick one - Valk for the raw flying and mix of robot freedom, but the jack of all trades is master of none. Considered ZOE for the raw power of it all, that would be nice. But thinking on it the mech for me would be one of my own design - an Armored Core. Be anything from humanity's savior to genocial murderer to just a badass merch it's up to me. (though I've had a 4A itch so that might influence me.


  6. I don't see how that's sensitive, if it's their official preview that's released for next week's episode. Although I think the attach happened after the preview events, and don't worry about how the commercial gives the timings - I swear those guys don't even watch the show or something how they jazz it up in the previews...

  7. Or maybe the FTL drive will go the way of the Macross' fold drive...


    Tyrol: Ok ok, get this - it's warped to another dimension right?

    Adama: ...ok?

    Tyrol: But it creates this wierd energy-

    Adama: sooooo?

    Tyrol: Which can make a shield

    Adama: FRAK YEAH! wait wha?

    Tyrol: But not a complete shield just three small ones we'll have them controlled by these little wheels and they'll be super cool and you can see where they go wait we need cameras outside let's use the ones that follow our raptors-

    *Tyrol is seen flying thru and airlock*

  8. I haven't seen this episode yet and what I wrote isn't a spoiler. It's what's been revealed before the winter hiatus so I don't know what your problem is.

    It's not directed negatively at you. I was trying to state that just three hours after you stated that Heroes proved you wrong. Seems like more of the same bull I don't wanna see.

  9. Oh I care. In this chapter they don't have to do any cleanup for the mess for chapter 2 unlike in chapter 3. Two writers are gone and replaced with a hopefully better one. .... and Sylar isn't a freaking Petrelli, thank god. Actually maybe they'll keep him OFF the show for abit instead of bringing him immediately back. Here's hoping for better writing this time.

    Oh and Chuck, which comes before Heroes, is starting up again too.

    I see you said this before the show. <_<

    I just don't see myself watching this anymore.

  10. Oh, and by the way, Saul Tigh is

    listed on the episode call sheets for future episodes.


    Could be flashbacks.

    I still see Gaeta as being the final Cylon somehow, with how the Hybrid talked about the last one. Supprised we didn't see Roslyn's secretary with him the way she was acting. I guess they decided not to make her a superbitch anymore.

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