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Posts posted by Focslain

  1. 15 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

    That KX139 painted up like that does seem very similar to the VB-6 Konig Monster. Very nice!

    That was the idea. I have the parts for a broadside version, just haven't gotten around to it since I pretty much never use them.

  2. 44 minutes ago, HardlyNever said:

    Yeah, Macross Tau makes sense, probably looks cool.

    Kind of, this is an old pict but the force hasn't really changed much outside some additions. Like this 'monster'


  3. On 4/27/2024 at 1:29 PM, HardlyNever said:

    Just noticed this thread.  Does anyone here play, or it just about the Joytoy figures?

    Been playing since 2nd and still play to this day, usually on weekends.

    Got a little bit of all the Imperium and most xenos armies, including a Macross inspired Tau force.

    Most of the discussion here tends to be of the Joytoy variety these days. Collectors have to collect after all. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Big s said:

    I wouldn’t mind some of the ships. A good tv version of the Macross or some of the Zentraedi ships would be nice for a start. I also wouldn’t mind seeing some of the non transforming aircraft. I’m not super familiar with the company and have seen some real world kits, but haven’t paid enough attention to notice any sci-fi stuff from them

    I would love to get models of the cruisers and other larger ships. Bonus points if they manage a transforming SDF or other Macross ships.

  5. On 3/2/2024 at 11:43 PM, Cypher DX said:

    Hi guys, wasn't sure if anyone has taken on this style of 4 dimensional combat simulation for this series and was curious if anything was out there for it.  Figured somebody in this section might know.  Thanks!

    So looked into mods for deadlock in general and there are none. Seems that the IP holder has a strict no mods policy. 

    The closest thing you could get would be the Homeworld mod that was being worked on. 

    Hope this helps.

  6. On 1/18/2024 at 10:45 PM, akt_m said:

    I only played Macross Uta a little when it was released, but I never saw the later updates, if they implemented the option to only watch the MV.

    They kind of did. So you could just watch the level, BUT the tings from the notes were in the background and there was no way to turn them off even if you had them muted during standard gameplay. This was to make it harder for someone to record and post the MV. 

    Even though someone did, just take some proper alignment with an mp3 of the song. 

  7. 15 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    Check out the shipping on them. HOO BOY SHE A CHONKER :lol:


    Kind of the reason I hope she has a local distribution here in the states. Will be looking into that over the weekend since she has been released. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, Master Dex said:

    If you mean subtitled in English, no because this will be, even if it has to be imported.

    But if you mean dubbed... Honestly, I don't think anyone should expect this of any Macross series (except existing non-RT SDFM dubs).

    I genuinely think dubs of any series outside maybe new stuff in this WWM era are unlikely. 

    There was also a dub of Macross II and Plus. But agreed on the fact that none of the others (0,7, Frontier and Delta) will ever get dubs done. Which is fine.

  9. On 10/15/2023 at 8:28 AM, Big s said:

    I’ve seen both on YouTube, but it seems like it took a while for them to do much other than YouTube 


    On 10/15/2023 at 9:00 AM, Old_Nash_II said:

    HUm.. I don't know that, thanks to tell me

    I only saw the pilot of Hazbin and the Helluva Boss

    I must have passed right by

    Hazbin Hotel got picked up for a full season right after its pilot aired. So it was on hiatus until it was to be released on Prime. Helluva Boss has been having new eps made regularly and is pretty much in it's second season on Youtube. 

    Side note: The cast for Hazbin has been recast, so it's not the same VAs from the pilot. Otherwise same writers and art style, so take that as you will.

  10. On 10/6/2023 at 8:35 PM, NoctisTalem said:

    Hey sorry to revive this thread, i just recently got the Paid DLC, and is there prerequisites to access it?  

    IIRC, no. Outside having the base game of course.

  11. 7 hours ago, twich said:

    In what story does the emperor save Guilliman?

    He doesn't, Guilliman is revived via Cawl and Ynaari help. Guilliman does becomes an avatar of the Emperor at one point, very briefly, which does save his bacon at that point. If that is the time he is referring to.

  12. On 10/3/2023 at 3:29 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    The Lion?  Yup.  He's pretty much guaranteed to sell well.

    Not just because the Dark Angels chapter are one of the most popular either, The Lion is a lot more likeable and heroic in the 41st millennium than he ever was in the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.  He also didn't do nearly as much jobbing as Guilliman did on his return.

    Kinda makes me wonder if we're going to get corresponding figures for the currently-active-in-the-story Daemon Primarchs like Angron, Magnus, Fulgrim, and Mortarion.  (Probably won't be too long before Russ, Vulkan, Corax, Dorn, Jaghatai, Lorgar, and Perturabo get off the dime either.  They won't ruin a good meme by confirming if Alpharius and Omegon are dead or not... even though the Heresy books kinda already did.)

    If we see any other primarchs other then the current active 6, it will be in thier HH versions. Which isn't a bad thing. I doubt that any other loyalist or chaos primarchs will return to the 40k scene unless GW needs a serious hail mary for thier 40k brand, ie an actual End Times event. The symmetry is too good right now between the loyalist and chaos.  

  13. 18 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Never been a Space Marine player myself, but I've always liked the Mk.VI helmet.

    It's iconic of the older editions of WH40K, and now particularly of the Horus Heresy since the Mk.VI was introduced by the loyalists during the Heresy.

    I'd like to see JOYTOY do some Heresy-era stuff so I can maybe get a Garviel Loken, a Sigismund, or maybe someone like Aeonid Theil... the Ultramarines had way more character in the Heresy than the boring pack of starcharses they are in modern 40K, even if the entire galaxy was actively taking the piss out of them in 30K.

    They are going to do some Horus Heresy later - WarCom Article 

    The reason for the heavy Primaris in the 40k line is that is where GW is heading. They are actually slowly replacing the Firstborn, the NOVA reveal of the assault intercessors with jumppacks and scouts kind of confirmed the theory from 8th edition.

    With the baby carrier being $400 that is going to place the Imperial Knight at around $600 plus and betting larger then the Tau'nuar model I just got for the same price.

  14. Legendary Hero is Dead was entertaining, best part has to be the opening. Other then that best temper your expectations as the series goes cringe with the MC more times then not. It has it's moments and it's a pure fantasy anime which is rare these days. 

    Also depending on viewing it had some interesting ideas on identity with the amount of body swapping it does in the second half. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, kajnrig said:

    What is the

    ? Trading card? Mobile game tie-in card? DLC code card?

    I'm debating if the artbook and illustrations are worth the extra cost or not...

    Weis Schwarz is a anime tcg, the JPN version has tons of franchises including Marcoss (Frontier specifically). It has a US version as well with a decent catalog of series. If you can translate the card you can use it in any deck as the system isn't franchise specific. 

  16. 13 hours ago, davidwhangchoi said:


    is this a good franchise? anyone heard of it?


    Pre-orders for the game opened today in Japan. It will be available in the following editions:

    Physical Standard Edition (5,280 yen)

    Base game

    MACROSS: Do You Remember Love? stages, characters, music, and aircraft

    Weiβ Schwarz PR card

    Physical Limited Edition (7,678 yen)

    Base game

    MACROSS: Do You Remember Love? stages, characters, music, and aircraft

    Packaging illustrated by The Super Dimension Fortress MACROSS character design Haruhiko Mikimoto

    Acrylic card

    Game-original special booklet

    Weiβ Schwarz PR card

    Digital Standard Edition (3,960 yen)

    Base game

    Downloadable Content (1,320 yen)

    MACROSS: Do You Remember Love? stages, characters, music, and aircraft

    The English and Japanese official websites for MACROSS: Shooting Insight also opened today. The Japanese website contains a key visual that includes Lynn Minmay from MACROSS: Do You Remember Love?, while the English website’s key visual does not. At this point, it is unclear what this means.



    Can't wait for this, hopefully the Steam page populates soonish. As for the lack of DYRL? in the EN version, that is wholely on Harmony Gold's end. IF they allow that content to be added to the EN version it would be nice. But I highly doubt it. 

    The fact that the DYRL? content is a DLC is a smart move on the developers' end. Save a lot a trouble for having the region specific content.

  17. 25 minutes ago, Master Dex said:

    They have what here in the states? Cause I ain't seen that. Cursory glance doesn't show anything. I assume you mean SDF but last I checked the was on Amazon Prime.

    Netflix Japan does indeed have the latter two though. No English subs of course.

    Yeah, but I just checked myself and series that shall not be named is not on netflix anymore. 

  18. On 3/13/2022 at 11:01 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    Smart money is on Funimation, as Harmony Gold is functioning as a release partner/coordinator for Macross and they have a pre-existing licensing partnership with Funimation.

    Well funimation for the blu-rays, but Netflix is a contender for streaming as they have Macross here in the states and Frontier and Delta in Japan.

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