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Posts posted by HardlyNever

  1. 18 minutes ago, rdrunner said:

    The product announcement just came out of nowhere this time round... unlike the YF-19 DX, wasn’t that announced years before the PO date in April?  

    This was teased at Tamashii Nations late last year, but I still agree it is surprising this announcement came without any other previews.  What we saw at TN was met with a pretty tepid response, at least here.  It does look like they tweaked the chest plate, and the gunpod looks smaller to my eyes.  They may have done more, but it is hard to tell with such  low-res pictures.

    Meanwhile, we're still waiting on products that have been shown multiple times at various shows (cough HMR tomahawk).

  2. I just got home and I'm already looking at my Arcada vf-1s with "inferior" eyes.  I'm not really sure what to do, as they still are very attractive molds.  Fortunately, I only have two, so I'm not too invested in the line.

    I wonder how their prices will hold up after this new one comes out?  I'm afraid to get rid of them before actually getting this in-hand.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    As a mechanical engineer, you are incorrect.

    Metal is used because a plastic part would not handle normal usage, or plastic would wear excessively.

    Unusual usage, like dropping, can and will still break metal parts. Especially if they're cast, rather than forged (more brittle). It's entirely possible for a metal part to break when subjected to a sudden load past it's design strength (such as impact from a fall).

    Wait, are you saying I can't throw my valks out of a window, then blame the manufacturer when they break?

    Sigh... Arcadia always cutting corners...

  4. 4 minutes ago, Scyla said:

    What are the chances we will get a VF-1S with DYRL Super Strike Parts? I would buy one (preferably Max or Hikaru) as a display piece for my office. 

    I'm pretty sure additional releases will depend on how well this one sells.  That said, I would say it is highly unlikely Bandai made this new mold with the intent of only making one.  If this one does even moderately well, I'm pretty sure we'll see more.  You can also see Bandai designed places for super parts (because that is basically standard practice for any new VF-1 at this point).  So they will probably make super parts at some point.

    To answer your question more specifically, I don't think you ever see Max's VF-1S with super/strike parts in DYRL,  just his VF-1A. Bandai generally only sticks to on-screen appearances (even if they make changes between the toy and how it looked on screen).

  5. Can't believe we didn't get a second look at this thing before pre-orders were announced.  No real info, just "here it is, buy it."

    I don't have a Yamato 1/48, so I'm willing to give this one a try.  Hopefully we'll see a little more before pre-order.

  6. 1 hour ago, borgified said:

    Don't forget that the both wings are floppy when the bombs and the fuel tanks are strapped on either Ivanoff's or Nora's and the weight of it will droop the wings downwards and other notable issues as per the 3 versions.

    I wonder how Arcadia will fix the sliding locking mechanism (metal bar) when the wings are used in extended mode as they don't have the proper locking dent on the Yammie version as they slide back into the body of the valk (very loose and the metal bars are too short IMO).  

    Are we even getting the fuel tanks and bombs on a standard release?  I hope Arcadia doesn't try any shenanigans with something that probably won't be a hot seller...

    Give us everything up front.

  7. Yeah, I specifically went with the VF-31S for the armor parts.  If the one they are releasing this month can't wear the armor parts, then I guess I'm not getting armor parts.  I'm not giving Bandai money for that kind of skulduggery.

  8. It sounds to me like you bought it "as-is," so you're kind of stuck with what you have.  If you bought any kind of product checking/validation service from FromJapan, then you might have a leg to stand on with them (depending on their interpretation of what it is you bought).  If you skipped on that, then I'd say you're definitely SoL.  But you could always try contacting them, see what they say. 

    Again, I'd caution pushing too hard if you want to use their service again.

  9. I'm not sure about a refund, you'd probably have to go through whatever proxy you used.  But honestly, I wouldn't even bother (but that is me).  There is this part in the description (from Google translate):

    •  In regard to second-hand goods, although we perform product checks,  there may be fine dirt, damage etc. other than the description. The value of the state differs, especially depending on the viewer, of second - hand goods.  Please refrain from your order if you are looking for nervous people and goods.

    I'd say that leaves you basically screwed, depending on the exact wording.  Again, you're not really missing much without the instructions.  You got a pretty good price (unless shipping/fees were really high), so I wouldn't feel too bad about it.  I seriously doubt they will give you any kind of a partial refund for no instructions.  

    I'd say if you want to use that service again, don't mess with it, as it is going to get you labeled as a "problem customer."  If you have no intention of using either service again, knock yourself out.

  10. You could try to get a refund, but I'd say that is pretty unlikely given the condition.  Moreover, I wouldn't worry too much about the instructions, as they aren't even that great for this particular valk.  @jenius' transformation video for this is pretty good:

    If you get stuck on a certain part I could maybe help out.  I could also take picture of a particular page of the instructions, if you really need that.  The hardest part by far is getting the gerwalk bracket-thing together.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Ignacio Ocamica said:

    I know they don't sell well but we need more enemy mecha.

    Judging by the prices, it looks like the Regults actually did pretty well.  The Glaug... not so much.

    Maybe the lesson for bandai is that obvious army builders are the way to go, so maybe we won't see a DYRL Miria Q-Rau, and just a tv green one.  I'd be fine with that.

  12. I know Google translate is far from perfect, but that is nearly useless "information."  Maybe a human translation would get the message across better, but it just seems like they are talking about how "hard" it is to make Premium Finish stuff.  Maybe they are getting negative feedback about the cost?  Who knows.

  13. Quick update for anyone else that screwed their bridge in: 

    I couldn't get the bridge screw cover off, but I went ahead and decided try to pack the SDF-1 with the bridge on.  I pre-emtively gouged out a little place in the Styrofoam lid for the brdige, but that is completely unnecessary.  There is plenty of space between the lid and the bridge, probably a quarter-inch or more.  I won't actually be moving it for several weeks, but I'm pretty confident it will be entirely safe.

    I also have all the runner parts on, and they do not interfere with packing up the toy in any noticeable way, either.

  14. I would love a page where we vote for the next premium finish, but that isn't really what I'm getting from that message.  Could canceled stuff mean old yamato products that they haven't released yet (mainly vf-1s)?

  15. The vf-31S will be my first vf-31.  I definitely consult a video (or 2) before I try transforming anything, but I'll only turn to the manual if I feel really stuck and/or I'm really pushing the limit on a part.  I also transform/handle my first (and sometimes only) version of a particular model a fair number of times more than it seems some people here do.  I need to feel 90-100% confident I understand entirely how it works.  Also, anything I open is for my enjoyment first and foremost, so I don't mind a little bit of "wear" on my valks, especially if it is the first of that mold that i have.  I still handle them with care, but I don't feel bad about handling them.

    The thing that stops me from handling my collection more is how anal I can be about poses.  These are display toys more than anything else to me, so when I feel like handling a particular piece, I remember how long its going to take for me to get it back into a pose that I feel comfortable with.  I often decide it just isn't worth handling in the first place. :wacko:

  16. 43 minutes ago, mamboeidos said:

    got the 262 and the super part for under 20k yen before shipping. Hope its a gd deal

    Seems good if the condition is new/close to new.  I've been hunting a decent deal on the Lil'Drakens, with no luck so far.  Looks like Mandarake has had the best prices for them, but I've balked on several chances there.

  17. Still on the fence about this one.  There is a disturbing lack of pictures available for something that is on pre-order now, but I guess it is just a repaint of the existing vf-2ss, except for the one leg armor and the new gun.

    I'll probably skip it and if it ends up on discount, I might grab one.  I enjoyed the Sylvie release, but not enough to want a whole squad.

  18. 11 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    i got my yesterday and the stupid thing is the main guns don't come apart. some premium feature there.

    This mold is what... almost 8 years old at this point?  I think there is plenty information out there about what the mold can and can't do.  

    Were you expecting tweaks to the mold on the premium finish?

  19. It's probably too late to be of use, but just as a heads up to anyone else that might be getting this:

    My bridge (on the PF version) was in a plastic tray like the picture above, however either the tray was never secured or it came loose during shipping, and it had fallen down in with the rest of the main body.  So it is possible (probably unlikely) that your bridge is floating around somewhere in your box and/or Styrofoam tray.

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