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Everything posted by zaino

  1. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    my question was more how, I assume order from Amazon Japan and then use something like tenso? Or is there a better method
  2. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    noob question but where does everyone preorder from? also put me down for the F
  3. shamelessly taken from the reddit thread, credit to SawachikaEri
  4. im really digging the new song frejya loves hayate and needs him in order to be able to sing and activate fold receptors, but Mirage also starting to fall for him. I really want to root for freja but i have this sinking feeling shes going to go the path of ranka :/
  5. that last sequence Heck, that entire sequence was pretty much everything Macross is about.
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