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Posts posted by Mazinger

  1. Hmm, this might be my first kit then.

    With all the HMR releases this year and eventual Delta DX's, the Yamato VF-4 just isn't in the budget, but really it's the fighter mode that I love the most about this.

  2. I'd be interested in some pilots. I have a game color version vf-19 and an old vf-11 that need some pilots.

    I also wouldn't mind pilots for my 1/55's. I know these aren't meant for that, but I'm forgiving with a lot that goes into the 1/55's.

  3. I wonder if this will sell out or warm the shelves a bit?

    For you guys in Japan, are the HM-R VF-1s still easy to find like the Regults, or marked up at a premium price?

    I'm also curious about how the line is doing in Japan versus on the MW Forums. This group is an outlier when it comes to how the wider consumer might look at Macross merchandise, so I would not assume our appetite for this stuff is matched by the average toy shop visitor over there.

    I've been wondering about the scales of production for the HMR line as well. Are HMR units been produced in low number or high numbers? Do you guys think there is any way to get at that information?

  4. Fully agree...or even use Ricardo Montoban's likeness in stasis. Making Cumberbatch just an enhanced human wanting to save his "father" figure of Kahn would've bookended the Kirk story with Pike quite nicely too. Then all we would've needed to fix would be the cross-Galaxy beaming and travel times and the movie wouldn't be half bad IMO.


    Into Darkness would have been much better had Cumberbatch's character just been another enhanced human from Khan's crew. Then we get to the end of the movie where we see them all of that crew in stasis, and as they pan over them we see one that says "Khan." I'm not even a Trek guy and I think that would have been awesome. The alternate timeline has our heroes dodging an even bigger bullet than they faced.

    Wow, I'm a big time trek fan and I wholeheartedly approve of this idea. Would have turned out much better.

  5. Just got this form cdjapan for my glaug:

    On average, it takes 1-3 weeks for
    delivery for this shipping method.
    *May take up to 12 weeks

    Really hoping it doesn't turn into 12 weeks...

  6. Paid for mine at cdjapan.co.jp way back when. Haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully they do send some sort of shipping notice.

  7. As for paint scheme suggestions. I'm thinking of something more of a minimalist look/feel. 75% Whites and 25% Grey overall look. Kind of like the colors for the Thunder Hummer custom? Or 75% Whitish Grey and 25% Periwinkle.

    I've been considering something Thunder Hummer-ish for one of my Jetfire butcherings. The starkness of that design has such a dramatic impact. Almost NASA-like.

  8. I'm not a big fan of this couple combo. It's why I don't have their 1/60 counterparts.

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but are they gonna be sold as a pair?

  9. Mirage's story arc is really pulling me in. I love the angle they are taking with her, doubting herself, struggling to be what the world expects from a Jenius Meltran. I didn't care for the Delta 04 color scheme initially, but I'm almost ready to switch my eventual pre-order to from the 31A to hers.

    As much as I pefer Hayate over previous male protagonists in Macross and other series, I can't get over that bright shade of blue.

  10. How many Gundam producers and writers are there?

    In Macross, no one other than SK seems to be trusted to tell the stories, so you are very limited there as the guy is also the head of Satellite...

    I wish there was a way to get SK/Satellite to consider having other teams of people tell more Macross stories. The universe is a big place, no reason there couldn't be multiple series occurring in the same time periods.

    Trek did it with TNG, DS9, and Voyager on TV. In movies currently, cinematic universe building is all the rage. Even Bayformers is doing it, not that I'd want so much output that the core of Macross concepts or story quality get's diluted, but a series or movie every three or fours would be great.

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