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Posts posted by Mazinger

  1. It was the price that made it so tempting. Luckily for my wallet HLJ ended the sales pricing, and as I type this it's Discontinued at HLJ.

    I'm sort of relieved the offer expired as well. I started doing calculations about I could work it into the budget with the models coming along.

  2. I'll add my $.02. I don't mind there being same sex couples in the show. I welcome positive portrayals of people that care about each other, sexually or not. They will help me explain to my kids why it's ok that not all people are the same.

    My opinions might be a tad different on many things Macross as well. I take more exception to thinks like heads exploding in DYRL or the weird drugging, near assault of Mylene in Dynamite 7 movie.

    I was very disappointed in the latter as it's just a straight up fallacy. Most assaults aren't by someone of same sex or by women. Then again, seeing Mylene put into the position of a sex object on many occasions through the series was disappointing over all.

    Anyways, as long as a relationship is not just "fan service", but actually makes for a good story, than I'm all for it.

  3. Welcome Rob. I'll gladly take the blame for hunting Rob down. A google search led me to older forum posts which I hadn't stumbled on via my usual MWF navigation and he seemed to have much of the 1/55 customization stuff I'd been looking for.

  4. Phew, got my Glaug.

    I'd started getting worried since there were so many reports of deliveries and tracking notices, but I hadn't heard anything yet.

  5. Hrm, I got that image from a retweet on the Macross World Twitter stream. I don't read Japanese and given the timing, I assumed it was about the Wave version. I'll be happy if the price on the actual Wave comes in lower. Apologies for any confusion.

  6. Thanks pengbuzz. Plastic Welder sounds a lot like JBWeld. I hadn't considered molding it to take the necessary shape so I might end up doing that if I don't find a satisfactory replacement.

    Glad to here how durable this stuff is. Makes me wish I could just bathe all my stuff in it!

  7. @pengbuzz, yes the tape was just there to hold the piece in place while the JB Weld set. Here's a close up of the actual break:


    The hing I need to fix on the Orguss is similar, but I don't have the missing shards in order to attempt this type of fix, which is why I'm considering using something like a part of plastic pen that might have a similar circumference.

  8. 27504786855_dd3f5a723c_z.jpg

    I'd been wanting to fix a few toys that gravity, time, and physics had been unkind to. First I needed to learn how to use JB Weld though.

    A recent pen-thigh mod to a 1/55 helped me with that so it was time to give these a try.

    I also have an Takatoku Orgroid junker that I got cheap a while back. It has multiple growing cracks and one side of it's waist hinge is broken.

    Wondering if anyone has ever fixed one of those. If so, any recommendations? It's very similar to the backpack hinge on 1/55's, but I don't have the missing pieces. A larger pen ink tube might fit.

  9. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/f/fb/Dagahra.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140827034619

    Was watching Rebirth of Mothra 2 and there's a two-eyed furball with no arms that takes kids to some underwater ruins where they learn that the monster that Mothra must defeat was created as a biological weapon by the ancient inhabitants before it took them out.

    I've seen it a bunch times, but only once since I finished Macross 7. I'm surprised BW didn't sue. M7 came out 2 years before this movie and even the facial design of Degahra is Glavil like. Obviously, though, Glavil's monster half owes its inspiration to kaiju films, but wow!

    Ghogo vs Gubaba

    Degahra vs Glavil
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