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Posts posted by Laundro

  1. I want to know more about those early Walkure days. Gimme more of that and vf-31A love.

    There is no way they can resolve the love triangle as there isn't really a triangle. Its Hayate and Freya.

    The lack of screen time for Mirage means we hardly care about her, heck im more invested in knowing what happened to Chucks sister.

    Delta is as cookie cutter as it gets, i know the series isnt done but its easily the weakest in the series.

    Watching 7 was a dredge at times but the music kept bringing me back, This show... i could care less.

  2. I would see that as difficult for him to do naturally; unless freya was personally in harms way and snaps him to pull the trigger....

    How his character will change/evolve after he has his first kill will be interesting.

    They also aren't fighting giant bugs this time round, its other humanoids they are fighting.

    Anyone get a feeling that a 3rd force is doing stuff in the background?

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