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Posts posted by Twoducks

  1. I got this monster today in the mail. I'll take some opening pictures soon :D

    Do share! How is it? Worth it? have it on my loot pile in HLJ but I'm getting cold feet.

    BTW, just gotten up to date with the new diecast Hot Toys line. Iron Patriot looks very cool but that price.. OUCH!

    Don't care for the golden Iron-Man armor.

    But this one I'm very interested in:


    And looks like it wont be diecast, so it might be *cheaper*


  2. Guys, guys, guys: want so see something scary? I mean really wet your pants SCARY?! Then scroll down:

    Last change to turn back...

    Really scary...

    The Headless Valk!!



    post-2996-0-12528800-1363831799_thumb.jpg post-2996-0-85242500-1363831820_thumb.jpg

    My last time being Yamatoed :( *sniff*.

    But you can stop soiling your undergarments. It was my fault; not really a case of being Yamatoed (well, stupid overly tight neck swivel did help… but I was more stupid :angry: ). I missed a transformation step when going back to fighter mode and so did not move the neck piece before the plate that covers the face in plane mode. Didn’t apply any special force but moving the plate arm created enough leverage with the unmoving stiff neck and so, like Archimedes said: "Give me a place to

    stand, and I shall move the Earth with it (or really frakk up your expensive transforming contraption)". In my case, headless valk.

    Really like the 17/171 design but I guess they don’t like me. Guess I’ll go full customization with it now lol.

  3. Primera vez que tengo un 1/55 en mis manos (el J) y el juguetito me ha dejado maravillado. De haber tenido uno de estos de niño habría estado en el paraíso. Igual hasta habría quedado satisfecho y hoy no coleccionaría juguetes.

    De pequeño sólo pude acceder a una valk pequeñita que además era una copia pirata. Vamos, que me duró un día y durante años atesoré a la pobre masa de plástico sin extremidades en la que se convirtió.

    Ahora el 1/55..... que sólido, que proporciones tan agradables, que simpleza tan elegante, que... ruidazo tan seductor hacen las extremidades al moverlas. Los “ratched

    joints” (no sé como se llaman en Spanish lol) de hoy en día parecen muy inferiores en comparación. Y no me sabía lo de las rudas activadas por muelle.Ni las valks más señoriales tienen eso (en serio, con cada nueva valk me cuesta más y más sacar las ·$·$%$% rueditas).

    Pues nada más, sólo quería compartir como este diseño prehistórico me ha hecho sentir como un niño feliz.

  4. Man did I HATE the old toys. I had KO's of both as a kid and every time I touched them I got reaaaaaaly pissed at how simple the transformation was. "How can this be a transformer if you just move the legs a bit!!!!!" :lol:

    And yes, I would also hail Megatron in that situation!

  5. FP finally came down form their pedestal to show something to us mere mortals? We must consider ourselves blessed.

    And TFC better have the most unique and kickass Predaking to show up so late to the party. Rumors now say that it is bigger than Uranos and with "extras".

    Now I wonder if the designer of the first two planes of Uranos was moved to the predaking after doing them and BB and the crappy other two planes are the work of an intern :p

  6. Nick Cage and Hit Girl were the high notes of the movie. Jim Carrey? Interested.

    Don't know how much they will follow the sequel comic. Read a few issues but got turned off by all the gratuitous violence with no strong story.

  7. Also find it sad that there is so much need to change Herc when his whole point is being as perfect transforming as you can get. That said, I got the rage set just to try and when I discovered the great deal of articulation the shoulder extensions give the arms I had to leave them on... But they make the shoulders look too far away from the body.

    - And when you add the lower arms to have the tank treads cover the shoulders you find that those forearms hang too far outside in a weird way compared to the upper arms.

    - And when you add shapeways stuff to correct that you notice they look overly big.

    - And when you add more waist to correct proportions Herc ends up looking fat...

    See where this goes lol? "Different, but not better" like David said.

    I'll take a pic of my asymetrical rage Herc later if anybody is interested to see how I compromise both versions.

    I don't want to say too much or jinx it - but I will say that all of my Macross Shapeways stuff has been test the waters of what I can do in regards to quality and design.

    I will say that my tetrajet seekers in develooment look bad-ass, as egotistical as it sounds. I want them to simultaneously fit in with the classics and pay enough homage to the originals without being a slave to the nearly 30 year old designs.

    An interesting future opens up...

  8. The conehead looks better:


    But I'm not saying these things are great. I find the origami transformation neat but no way will I get any of them. Like I said, there is too much stuff out there, or soon to be out there, and I would have to see them as ludicrously cheap to bite. That and the company isn’t known for durable toys.

    Hey Kurisama,since it looks like you are also into TF, any plans to better the look of 3P stuff with your 3D modelling god powers? Some shapeways parts for Herc looks good, but the extra torso pieces make it look fat.

  9. So anyone seen the cringe worthy tetrajets by impossible toys over at TFW;


    Yeeeeeesh. Save your pennies, fellas.

    Good (better than this at least) things come to those who wait.

    I actually find then interesting. Complex little buggers. But the 3P market is getting saturated and these are for real hardcore fans... Impossible Toys has it difficult.

    If they could make them reaaaaaaaaaally cheap I would bite.

  10. I for one prefer teasing to nothing at all. Makes me have something to look forward too. Back when Wonderfest was on, I joked about the whole thing but I did have a very good time flexing my Japanese google-fu trying to find something.

    And if it ends up being vapourware, who gives a $hit, money saved for other stuff. At least we’ve had Mospeada toys (where is my hover tank and space chopper??) and it is not like we “need” expensive plastic to be happy .

    All I’m saying is “thanks” to all you people that keep this alive with your little teases. It is good fun in a time where people just expect the whole thing right of the bat with no foreplay to get the blood pumping first (yes the double meaning is on purpose, I’m tired of the over abundance of casting couch “lets get down to business you peace of meat” porn).

  11. Really sad how TFC fuc*ed this one. No competition, no preasure to release it as soon as possible, online community making fantastic color suggestions for free....At least the chest mod that people are doing over at tfw2005 at least makes combined form look a ton better.


    The stupid and nonlocking chest shield bot can even be used to bulk up the back muscles:


    And adding some white ties the fugly scheme more:


    There's even a guy working on a new chest shield:


    Speaking of stuff to make TFC releases better and about Herc: some people don't like the out of the box look. I'm ok with it because I like the arm transformation but the rage kit does give him a ton more arm articulation. I have him with one arm transformed, the other with the rage lower arm and both arms with the rage extenders. Since Devy is asymetrical, it still looks cool and helps me to not have to choose a single arm configuration.

    That said, the shapeways kit makes Herc look even more imposing:





    Sad thing is that you have to paint them and they cost more than a Herc member. So no Super Herc for me.

  12. I was looking at energon Silverbolt not sure why they could not use that as a base for TFCs superion.

    You are so right on that! That plane mode even looks a bit like a Blackbird. They only needed to make it bigger, add panels here and there and maybe the engines but the shape is there. Now I'm sad to see what so easily could have been.

    Now MM is what I would call a brilliant torso and vehicle. Robot mode can't be bad, specially since the combined form is just strap on cars.

    Think the backpack kibble could be optional forearms to look more like the IDW drawing? The see-through elbows are beneath the overall awesomeness of combined form.

  13. ?? :wacko:

    "Smash to pieces" as in "smshed into the individual constructicons that make up Herc" :D

    I wish people stop complaining about silverbolt. Yeah he is not the best of the 5. And I get your point. But would really keep him in their non gestalt mode. ??? He still has a decent bot mode and he unless you pose your valks and other jets flying inverted big deal! I do however think the $150 price tag is a bit much!

    I have decided to finish the set. I like Phantom with its cool base using the foot and Eagle. I will repeat the shitty paint job on Silverbolt.

    I get what you mean,

    and my complaint is based more on the wallet than on looks. Like you say, the price for what you get is too much. That last pic is like a low kick: the bloody thing doesn't even need a single piece of the plane to work. I think anime52k8 put it very well.

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