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Posts posted by Twoducks

  1. I really don’t care how much they butcher a story as long as it is good. The only thing that will be true to the original is the original. Different mediums. And again, if it’s good, let them change whatever they want.

    BUT when you have to shoehorn a western main character into something that is supposed to take place in Japan then I hear alarms in my head. Especially when Reeves is as oriental as Hollywood can get. That is a big sign that the project in questions has a heavy dose of Hollywood executive underhand touching things. And that means that they will just try to copy paste things that worked for other films.

    The backgrounds look really cool but you can’t build a solid movie just on that. No way can I expect a Tarantino like movie even if they take the simple boss level fight formula of Kill Bill and put pretty Snyder visuals on it.

    It will probably be entertaining in some level but the names behind it don’t yell out “money well spend on a ticket”.

  2. Could Vehicle Voltron be far behind? Well, in Toynami time that could be a long way off.

    Now I wonder if Miracle Productions will sell Toynami their VV design. Toynami likes to cut corners that way like when they brought the Beagle ride armor instead of doing their own version.

    If they do, they need to drop all the stupid diecast on the MP VV. All that weight ruins the toy (it is not very fin to pose).

  3. I re-read the book yesterday, and the movie seems even worse having done so. How could they have missed the mark do badly? It's flabbergasting.

    Read the book, skip the movie.

    When that phrase is the best slogan for a movie you know it is bad.

    Could it at least be called a loose "28 Months Later"?

    A decent mini series really based on the book would be a nice way to finally end the zombie fad on a high note..

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