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Posts posted by frankell05

  1. what new valks came after the yf-30 that were matte? If the whole new line for delta is matte. I will be most pleased...

    what new valks came after the yf-30 that were matte? If the whole new line for delta is matte. I will be most pleased...

    nevermind, the vf-19, thats right

  2. Hey ya'll

    This pic was posted on this site, in regards to the monster kit, but I was extremely curious about the little ve-1 next to it. I have never seen this figure before. Is this something that s coming out? or out already? is it a toy or kit?

    Any info is greatly appreciated!


  3. Arcadia has made me very happy with their quality, I don't care what bandai makes I will get Arcadians products, they got my support for at least one of each of their releases. Though for the Vf- 5000 I would buy 2

  4. I'd be fine with bandai and their delta stuff. But there is genuine opportunity here for arcadia to do more of the rare or classic valks that have demand. vf-2ss, vf-5000b, their own versions of yf-21 and vf-11. I'd kill to see their vf-11. there is plenty for them to do, while bandai takes care of delta. plus a new series will indeed renew interest in the series, and that would inevitable lead people to nostalgia and also bring new costumers to be interested on discoverign oild series and older mechs.

    win win for everyone. odayum!, so there is so much goodness coming our way...

  5. well, I took the gamble and pre-ordered it at AE, already paid for it, so I guess i'm gonna own it! OMG those are ugly ass pictures. If a company doesn't even have the foresight to hire a good photographer to make their promo pictures look semi good, then what can you expect of their toy? seriously, I there are peeps in this site that could make that toy at least look semi enticing under the right lighting. exposed screws, exposed everything... i wants my money back.

  6. Honestly, if they are going to charge 300, I would expect some improvements in quality , anything more expensive than that, and I probably wouldn't buy it.

    I jumped very late into the yamato bandwagon, so i had to pay high prices for them, and in almost all cases yamato was a huge disappointment in quality(for me). Arcadia was a breath of fresh air. yes they cost a lot more, but I can buy something and trust that it will be built to last. I have come to expect that from them , and now I always get at least one copy of their valks. if they were to not make any improvements, at least in the quality of the plastic n(and make it that nice matte finish..), I would be a kind of pissed at paying a higher price than yamato would charge. This is just my opinion, either way I like arcadia and i will be buying this!!! now where is my stupid vf-5000b?

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