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Aye Aye

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Everything posted by Aye Aye

  1. This thing is a hunk, but c'mon its still friggin sweet. I am glad they even put this thing together to begin with considering how small a role it played in the anime. I love all of the armored craziness that Macross brings to the table, so if you have a VF-0S you OWE it to yourself to pick up a set. Super minor gripe, and its been said a million times: the absent red triangle tampo on the shoulder hatch...jeez its a defining detail here guys! Can a brother get a tampo???!?!?!?!
  2. Hmmm...well it isn't perfect, but it's what we get. I did specifically snatch a VF-0S for this dang thing, so despite the lineart proportions being skewed, still getting one. The question is where to buy? I like hobby search, but normally they have preorders for the week posted early, so people know it's coming up. Not seeing it added on their site. I guess it's HLJ...which I don't like too much...
  3. Frontier has better music because its composed by probably one of the best in the biz with Yoko Kanno at the helm. This thing was sunk when they did the idol group concept without bringing her back.
  4. Actually really hoping they make a movie version, and just go full Escaflowne and ditch the entire TV show plot for a completely different direction. Guess we wait another 8 years for another crack at it...
  5. You know I missed out on the Arcadia VF-1J Armored valk...never really thought much of it, but putting both the RA VF-0S side-by-side with the Amored VF-1J just seems to make sense for that BEEFY valk display...damn need to find one for a reasonable price. Did they ever do the armored Mac7 valk? Love the look of the latest Mr. K tweet too! It will definitely be at the ¥20k price point though. Gotta love that ¥45k all in Mac Zero price for the valk and the RA haha...ugh.
  6. Such a surprise to go UC, and excactly what I think a lot of us hoped they'd do. Anything other than Seed and 00 xforever. I do not think they specifically ever said it was focused on AU, and technically Turn A is sort of murky if its AU, UC, or something else - kinda like G Reco, but whatever that's getting too nerdy. Technically they also released the random as hell FMP mecha too. I know they have tried to have the GFFMC line propped up as the UC toy line, but the Line has been so weird with its parade of Unicorn releases and re-releases. The lone bright spot being the RX-78-2 The Origin version, which is awesome. Would like there to be MB's covering the entire spectrum - it is by far the most collectible of the GUNDAM toy line (sorry robot spirits). Stoked for this release, unconventional and totally breaks the mold of the atypical releases!
  7. Though all the silhouettes are for reference, it would be a shame if they did the Star, and not do the Wing Zero Custom...really want another series repped in the MB line - and no, Build Fighters doesn't count to me on this one. C'mon Bandai!
  8. Haven't been posting, but have been voting along for each episode, but after this drivel in ep.20... As a whole Delta has been a train wreck at this point. The last two episodes in particular have been nonsensical and have dimished the series as a whole. I honestly felt, given the long exposition periods the 2nd cour has been rambling on through, the story had been getting better. However, these last two episodes in particular (especially ep19) have been a major smh moment for me. I do like the idea of more Macross OVAs, especially a more serious toned, combat epic (a'la like Gundam's OVA success rate), as going between 6-7 years for new Macorss series releases, and the payoff is Delta (!) leaves little faith in the team's ability to execute on their story concepts. Now I am not going to give this the big send off just yet, as we still have about 5-6 episodes to go here, but things are not looking good my friends.
  9. Did everyone get their MB Blue Frame? I ended up picking up again from friggin GundamPlanet and got charged through the nose....just like Exia re-release. What I heard is that bandai is not releasing a whole heck of lot to stateside vendors for MB these days, keeping the love in-country. At least there was some available and it was not the debacle like the Destiny WoL bundle. MB releases I feel are far worse than nabbing valk DX's lately....ugh! Yep, it is about a month behind. My Exia preorder at GP will arrive sometime in September, and Blue Frame will be January, behind the December Japan release.
  10. Ok a couple weeks back I received the MAMOUTH L.E.D. Mirage V3 Napalm IMS kit. Man this thing is a beast. I am currently painting another Sinanju for myself right now, so after that will need to wait and see if I want to tackle this massive thing. I do have a question if anyone knows...I read on one of the forums regarding the ability to polish up the translucent outer armor of so it has more transparency, similar to the reason kits. Not sure if that is fact or fiction, but curious if anyone around has heard of this being possible. There is not a whole lot of painted builds to view (searchable from English sites that is).
  11. Aye Aye

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah I feel the same about this one...initially not very excited about the colorway of the VF-31J, but over the course of the series I began to appreciate its uniqueness compared to its predecessors. What I really want to see is some additional kitting out of the VF-31 from the series. The supers were underwhelming, but reserving judgment until Bandai eventually releases them. Would love to see something of the armored variety out of Delta, so hoping that we get something from the series to whet the appetite for a DX release.
  12. Aye Aye

    Bandai DX VF-31

    HLJ cancellation blues!!! (Pun intended b/c Hayate didn't make it or the Blue Frame - I know not funny). Feel somewhat bad that HLJ is getting the greatest backlash, but it is their fault for causing the false hope to begin with, so understandable. HLJ really needs to get their online ordering dialed in. I mean it's 2016 and that site is still operating like it did back in 56k days. No to lottery, but beef up their throughput over there b/c their hampster died trying to keep that wheel moving. Still shocked at the lack of inventory at other sites in general too on both releases. Do folks suddenly want Hayate's VF-31J more now b/c the release was such a debacle (aka FOMO), or are you seeing through the general hype of a new valk and waiting for the VF-31F (or insert fave Delta valk here)? I am trying to tell my brain it's the latter rather than the former right now...
  13. Tell me about it: the stash. Ugh. I am right now in that mode where I literally want to do like 5 kits at once, which in essence means you're sitting around thinking about modeling and not doing much. MG Sinanju is what I have going right now. That's the thing I find frustrating about the FSS kits, the lack of sweet completed builds to give you an idea of the details, or inspiration on the paint scheme, etc. I would take it there is probably plenty of nice builds and thorough review on .jp sites, but pretty sparse on English sites. When I get going on the LED I will be posting the crap out of it. Though I think maybe it might be worth snagging one of the 1/144 IMS' and take a peek at what they're all about.
  14. Yep the lack of tampo has been the hallmark of Arcadia, and I guess you're right I could take the ol' AB if I felt it needed the spruce up. I actually think the blue is pretty decent as it is on this one. The other armor bits (the greys and dark greys/gunmetal-ish areas) though, I kinda want them a bit darker. Maybe my memory isn't as good on what the scheme looked like during the anime.
  15. Way to go Arcadia! Looks good. I know this is still a prototype, but hoping they add a bit more markings or other armor details on this thing. I was a huge fan of this design from Mac Zero, really stoked this is coming along.
  16. Good to know on some of what to expect on the LED. Os that your current progress on your Vatshu? How is the alignment as well as the amount of gluing to expect? Also planning on painting it or straight build? I agree completely. The level of detail is quite nice on these kits. I wish there was a bit more articulation though, kind of bringing a bit of gunpla into FSS.
  17. Nice. I recently sent over an email to Volks asking on when the release of the IMS 1/100 K.O.G. would arrive, received the expected reply: "no release date...check our FB page for the announcement." Considering that the lead up time for the LED Mirage V3 was significant, I wonder if, based on what they have learned, if the K.O.G. Is nearing completion now, or maybe another year away..,.hmm. Do have say the molds, the details, are quite nice, especially the inner frame - WOW!
  18. Aye Aye

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Started on HS, got greedy loading Blue Frame in with Hayate, got cart jacked on both - SOB!! Jumped into the crap show that is HLJ, just gave up on trying to get Hayate (which is good b/c ummmm don't care too much about it, so yay for saving money??). Battled through the trash heap that is HLJ's server and snagged the friggin Blue Frame after 45 minutes of dog dicking around on refreshing the payment screen. HLJ needs to buy an ADC or get on the cloud with AWS or something. Also I feel that HS had like zero inventory last night - WTF! Like they were shorted on the allotment? Normally that is an easy, smooth as hell process. Was anyone able to go through HS last night and secure their orders? They were literally sold out in a minute and a half. Also while waiting for 45 minutes, the random "1 left" was spotted on CDJ for Hayate and Blue Frame multiple times, both got cart jacked form me. Bandai should never do the dual DX/MB preorder date again. That was a madhouse.
  19. Aye Aye

    Bandai DX VF-31

    ...because AmiAmi just gouges, they're always high. HS is awesome.
  20. Aye Aye

    Bandai DX VF-31

    VF-31 Madness and Gundam Metal Build Madness on the same damn night!!!
  21. Just trying to bring this thing back to see if others have completed/bought or were interested in the 1/100 Volks IMS line for FSS. I just finally picked up the massive L.E.D. Mirage V3 Napalm MH. Looking forward to tackling this thing. The sad thing is, outside of Japan there is like no interest in this series or the outstanding mecha designs. I have always admired them, but was not about to drop the serious dough on the resin kits. Wish there were a few build WIPs out there on this kit. Did notice that IM eventually will be getting a K.O.G., which is great news as well, though I have not heard anything resembling a release date of the kit. Also wondering, now that the manga actually has resumed if there is some active fan translations out there.
  22. I'll take another MB any day, but we all knew this one was coming. I am hoping with the Astray series sort of taken care of Bandai will begin adding some newer designs to the MB lineup. Will be picking this up just the same though...
  23. Yep, my order came in as well...actually it was a box full of WoL because it also contained the p-bandai WoL for my MG V2 ver.ka....really surprised how huge the MB Strike Freedom WoL is...its huge. I guess give them credit for keeping the box in good shape??? I guess I'd rather it be in good condition than all smashed/bent cornered up.
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