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Posts posted by rdenham

  1. Quick shot of my books on the shelves. I didn't take a pic of all the Macross manga on the third shelf cause it's a bit cluttered, and I have lots of other books there, too.

    Nice collection, what’s the deal with the red magazine in the middle of your Robotech RPG section? ;)

  2. I was going to make a follow-up comment to Graham's about body lift but didn't. I'd assume the VF-4 actually gets more lift from between the nacelles than outboard of them. Like an SR-71 does. :)

    I'd love to see some numbers for fighters, especially say F-14, F-15, and F-16, to compare different configurations.

    The area between the engine nacelles is said to provide about 40% of the F-14's aerodynamic lifting surface

  3. The history of aviation has shown that "more power" can beat "fancy aerodynamics" most every time, and solves many problems. (the link between engine power and a wing's ability to produce lift is often overlooked-----wings are not perpetual motion machines, they cannot "create" the force of lift out of the void---they are more like converters, the original source is the engine---this is why when a two-engine plane loses an engine, it may lose 90% of its climb ability---the wings are just as good as they were, but there is now almost no excess power beyond what is needed for maintaining level flight--there's nothing to spare to dedicate to increasing altitude)

    Aircraft don’t just get lift from their wings in most cases a percentage of lift comes from the fuselage.

    Super King Air 200:

    Wings: 80%

    Horizontal tail: -.2%

    Nacelles: 9.5%

    Vertical tail: .3%

    Fuselage: 10%


    Wings: 89.5%

    Fuselage: 13.1%

    Horizontal Tail: -3.7%

    Vertical Tail: .1%

    Nacelles and Pylons: 1%


    Wings: 92.9%

    Fuselage: 7.7%

    Horizontal Tail: -.7%

    Vertical Tail: .1%

    Spitfire IX:

    Wings: 97.6%

    Fuselage: 11.9%

    Horizontal Tail: -9.5%

    Vertical Tail: 0%

    Fw 190A-8:

    Wings: 96.1%

    Fuselage: 7.2%

    Horizontal Tail: -4.6%

    Vertical Tail: 1.3%

  4. In November I received a parcel sent from HLJ via EMS (regular rate) which included 2 1/72 Macross models, a display stand, and 4 1/60 VF-1A's for a cost of 9440 yen. HLJ just sent me a shipping quote of 3200 yen for 1 1/60 VF-1A ordered during the EMS shipping sale.

    It seems outrages that an order sent to the same address consisting of no more than 1/5 the weight and cubic size would cost 1/3 of the cost of the larger order since I ordered this item during the EMS sale and the stated shipping rate for the item was 2,800 yen.

    I would love some feed back because I am considering contesting this with my credit card and stamping return to sender on the dam thing as soon as it hits my door step.

  5. I just ordered a light artillery Battlepod for $11.84 from animeharu.com to go with the regular and heavy artillery regault’s I already have. The only issue I have had with my battle pods is the cannons on the first release were fixed in place where the 2nd release’s main cannons can move.

  6. I was thinking more "Y" vs "V" as the typo. Frankly--I've seen it a lot in asian languages and those two letters get accidently swapped a lot.. The USS Rooseyelt is fairly famous now among model plane owners.

    I have one of those, thank you Hobby Master

    Try MPlayerX (http://mplayerx.org/) or download it from the app store. It plays the commie release smoothly or any hi10p stuff well.

    Just a short cameo of Isamu. I shouted "ISAMUUUU!!!" when we saw it. :D

    A lot of nods and homages... not a fan of the Durandal, but a good MacF movie. Ranka-focused (a bit too much for my taste). At least they gave me the answer that I wanted, but taking the other half away! :/

    Cant wait to have the BD/PS3 game to my doorstep.

    Thank you, I will try this I had no luck with VLC which normally play almost everything.

  7. I had been waiting for a sale for months so this was great to see however I do fear the shipping is going to be brutal.

    HSG13 1/72 VF-1A Super Battroid 1960yen

    HSG65722 1/72 VF-11B Thunderbolt 2240yen

    YMT00033 Macross Display Stand 2340yen

    YMT00094 VF-1A Hikaru Ichijo 4900yen

    YMT00124 VF-1A Production Type TV 4900yen

    YMT00131 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki TV 4900yen

    YMT00208 VF-1A Kakizaki w/ Super Parts 6400yen

  8. Thanks for the info I have V1 of the VT-1, VE-1 & VF-1J Max/Miriya. If these rare VF-1's get re-released I will replace my old ones in a heart beat but I won't be spending $200-$300 to replace pefectly good V1 models anytime soon.

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