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Posts posted by wongster


    as for the legs, working on putting the little joint thing in, and also fixing it. Turns out that isn't a divit there, but the leg gets smaller on that line when it goes from the air intake to the lower thigh.

  2. hey jay, i'm having a little difficulty with my own model... that little section at the back, do you think you can render me the side view of that bad boy with the legs down? ty! don't really know how these things fit together.

    the main thing is, how does that uh, little section between the legs come up when its transforming from valkarie to battloid?

    and do you think I could borrow the images you used to model the thing? I don't have access to a lot of those resources :p

  3. forums been down for a while? not sure... what happened there

    anywas heres the progress on the legs.

    the upper thighs don't quite fit together with the lower leg bits at the knee joint, going to have to sort that out. Otherewise, I'd have to say its pretty slick. :lol:

    and if anyone owns a VF-1S transformable, do you think you can 5 quick pictures of the top, side, bottom, front, and back of the little back pack thingie? I need for modeling purposes.





  4. and we have full uh, well half of the legs... details and texturing yet to be done.

    looks pretty good if i do say so myself

    thanks go out to avenger for great feet surface B))

    leg details not finished yet... coming soon, tonight or tomorrow morning.




  5. thats for your help again lestat :lol:

    oh yeah, here was an earlier attempt at creating the gun lol... I think it needs a few things like a handle for instance XD and some of the details are too smoothed.

    going to remake this. I like the surface on this better than the one on the arm XD

    ahahha oh yeah just took a coffee break... heres a low poly gurab model!





  6. hey all, one last thing... after this model is finished i'm going to add a fast pack system and also model the battloid armour. I'll render an ANIMATED transformation sequence for your viewing pleasure, and i'm planning on creating a battle scene between two VF-1S's. If anyone has suggestions concerning setting and what they would like to see in this movie plz reply with all creativity available. B))

    oh yeah, if anyone knows a company that does your renders at a reasonable price... well give me a shout.



  7. underside is best screenie yet Lestat, amazing texture work... curious as to where you got the ideas for those details? You texturing of a certain picture? ah wel I dont' have access to that kind of stuff. Anyways, for the bottom of the feet or the main engine... perhaps you should make that part hard modelled in polygons rather then texturing... seems to be a major part and I think it deserves some 3d geometry.



  8. okay... well arms are done gee thanks a lot for the SCANS rofl... well I could use some isolated pictures and orthographics of legs... anyways really would be appreciate anything you guys got. I've got one figurine but he's the anime style and has big leg syndrome... and that wont' do because it has to transform.

    anyways heres a bit of a progress report...


    reflection effects have yet to be added! anti aliasing not on... once again quick renders.

    in the process in adding wear and tear texturing... working on hands and rest of arms.

    okaaaaaaaaaaaaay sooo thats it for today, hopefully legs and arms finished by the end of the week... full arms guaranteed for sure... my modeling capabilities have been slightly impared by exams lawl.





  9. yeah, couple things guys... would really be a big help. If you have a scale model which I know some of you do :p I would really like an ortho of the arms the best you can. Legs would be nice too. Or perhaps a scan of the manual and pieces? Anyways thanks. Just as a heads up, I'm planning to recreate one of the fight sequences... haven't decided it yet, but it'll include all 3 modes and the transformation sequences. Possible a fight scene from macross zero.

    oh yeah, one last thing... I think I've seen most of the macross stuff but I was just wondering if i missed anything other than,

    -macross zero

    -first season with Rick or Hikaru in the original ver....

    -second season with Dana or w/e

    -third season of robotech... Scott and his little band of rebels

    -macross dynamite... weird ppl with guitars + older ver. of milia and Max

    -macross 7

    wondering if there are any more seasons? or are there other movies... heard about something like that on the main page. Thanks... and by the time you finish reading this... DON"T FORGET TEH SCANS IF YOU HAVE THEM TANKS!

  10. thanks roda, legs + arms coming soon!

    BTW most of this done with extender... a tool that kinda extends points. However, I'm finding that I have to do a lot of this manually to get the curves I want. Anyone know about a mesh Smooth equivalent in lightwave?

  11. meh, I just made one, aint that hard... I used to do origami all the time lol... my Japanese reading skills are limited though.... XD Slim to none. Only things i learned were from watching Macross Dynamite w/ dual subs.

  12. Great Idea... Wonder how many comps it would take? There are rendering companies that also render stuff for a small fee say, 5 dollars are so. They've got rooms full of rendering machines.

    also Jay-Lew, uh is there a difference between mesh smooth and nurbs?

    PS see my thread on VF-1S model!

  13. Hi all, just beginning to model a VF-S1 in lightwave. I'll keep you posted I suppose. Here is the head XD... a slow start but good enough. Took me about a week with school going and all, didn't have a lot of time to work on it.

    Credits for this model go to ...




    Avenger XI

    Some 1 second renders.... 0.o

    no comments on the absence of Anti Aliasing, Caustics, Radiosity or anything else... hence 1 second renders.

    heads or tails?







  14. way 3 go ceil!!!!!! GOLD MINE TY TY TY lol now I can model weapons, see I've seen all the robotech episodes lol... but I don't have any physical models to model from. all I have is pics to work with from thsi forum and stuff...

    good stuff :D

    oh and tarz or whatever ur name is.... if you're just starting out, you may want to model some smaller projects

    everyone's modeling technique is different

    and rodovan, when u make those lines in the valks body, do you hard model them? or do you use a bump map and phoitoshop it

    can someone make available a perspective wire of part of their valk? might help a bit

  15. how well do you know your program???

    everyone uses different techniques

    start with basic shapes and build them up... if you don't know your computer very well, you should probably work on some smaller projects first

    read some tuts etc.

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