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Posts posted by Keith

  1. 41 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if they do that later, but what I would like clarified is the situation with the dub.. and it's probably been discussed before.  Did they lose the original dub audio for episode 4?  The way this one is described sounds like it has two dub options for that episode.

    Really though, I'm mostly just happy to see the old Manga subs back for the movie version.  The re-translation for the 2013 release felt weird after growing up with the other one.

    That was an old Manga Video issue from tje VHS release. The U.S. had the same cast on ep 4, but different SFX & music que's because of some issue Manga was having getting the raw audio, the UK release had propper SFX/music, but a different cast.

  2. This is the response on twitter.


    Which I take as the OVA being a box exclusive. Considering how much better of a deal the Ii kickstarter is (regular sized box + artbook + 4k & 2k + OVA & movie cuts] I'm not ecstatic about this....but I'll get it. What I will not do however is support their release of Zero, I'm quite fine with the recent Japanese release on that.

    As for the french edition, they're being very quiet as to whether these different shop releases are region locked, but I wouldn't risk it. I did pick up tjeir Gundam movie 4k pre-order though (which is also cheaper), since 4k doesn't have region locks.

  3. On 3/1/2024 at 5:47 PM, JB0 said:

    How nostalgic!


    Yeah, HG's official line was there won't be an english-dubbed release of Macross, because "we already have that, it's called Robotech".

    That went out the window as soon as the Animeigo license expired and ADV got it. I genuinely believe they were trying to screw over Animeigo from the start.

    Which is why AnimEigo screwed back and (mind you this is pure assumption based on what I saw from both releases) gave HG back their sh!t quality audio masters as the source when ADV did their release.

  4. 7 hours ago, Mommar said:

    I watched a playthough of the game.  Not terribly impressive overall from the look of it.  This is probably going to be a "I own another Macross game" instead of something I'd want tonplay much.  I'd wager Scramble Valkyrie is still the best Macross shmup.

    Yup, nothing especially "Macross" about it at all. I'd take a not even remotely remastered console port if the PSP ArtDink games over this any day.

  5. Ok, wild theory time, but after watching the new Christmas special 


    I just get heavy Clara vibes from Ruby. Just gonna say it, I think Ruby is Clara & the 12th Doctor's kid. Don't know how, and obviously I'm influenced by them being my favorite duo. Hell, he punched through a million years of Diamond for her.


  6. On 6/15/2023 at 4:16 PM, sh9000 said:

    Official Trailer.


    Just watched this & really enjoyed it. For some reason I thought Peter Jurasik was dead, and was super impressed with who they got to play Mollari until finally realizing it was Peter Jurasik (he really nails himself!). Aside from that, the story was fun, whoever they got to play Garabaldi was amazing, Phil Lamar was Dr Franklin' almost as amazing, theor Sinclair was pretty damn good, and their Jakar was....there.

  7. On 7/31/2023 at 6:58 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    Probably because episode 1 introduces the series and episode 4 is the first big concert and battle.  Episode 2 and 3 are a breather between them with Hayate's training arc.


    HG has said that all current/existing Macross titles are in the clear... so I'd assume it's because episodes 1 and 4 are simply the most exciting ones in the early series.

    Besides, Big West is streaming Flashback 2012 again on youtube, which has all the designs. I read they also reconfirmmed that they have full right to everything produced from 1987 (FB 2012's release year) and onward.

  8. On 7/2/2023 at 4:17 AM, hachi said:

    Thanks for that, though it's already ended. Will be looking for it somewhere...

    Anyway, if Twitter really goes to sh!t, will there be any alternatives for fast news/info? I don't like Facebook/Instagram algorithm, so I guess if the worst happens it will be back to stone age (forums and blogs) for me lol.

    Threads, it's like twitter, but you get to automatically follow who you were following on instagram.

  9. 33 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    ...and how many beskar-armored Stormtroopers did ONE Mandalorian Heavy Gunner single-handedly gun down? :rolleyes:

    24 per the kill count video posted by @sh9000

    Based on how that battle went down...I'm thinking the original droid Dark Troopers were much deadlier....one Mandalorian (Din - a formidable Mandalorian) could barely handle one of them, with most of his Mandalorian weapons failing to take down a single Dark Trooper.....if it wasn't for his Beskar spear...he may have been killed...

    So based on this decision from Moff Gideon, we can see the origins of the tactical stupidity displayed by the First Order years later...LOL



    Deadlier, but still droids. I think it's more of an issue of his own defeat, thinking himself invincible now with armor.


  10. 38 minutes ago, technoblue said:

    That was a banger of an episode. Not perfect, but fun all the same. I did come away with some of my own niggling questions…

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    How did all the Mandalorians fall for that trap at the forge? Bo Katan knew the Imperials were in her home system. Din’s sect was already ultra-paranoid, hiding away from almost everyone until the big event to retake their homeworld. The plan to secure key areas with a strategic ground force before resettling seemed to align with these established character traits.

    Then, when the armorer left to bring the wounded back in orbit for better treatment, I figured we would see the Imperials show up. But I was expecting another in-space ambush. Watching the ground team push right into Moff Gideon was frustrating. It was like they had no sense of awareness in that moment. Not until Gideon appeared and gave his “Gotcha!” speech.

    But now that we know stranded Mandalorian guardsmen were still on the planet roaming about, I am even more curious how the Imperials alluded these guys. Surely it would have been key intelligence to know that those who destroyed your planet were back raiding its Beskar mines to create super-powered stormtroopers?

    This is the first time I feel the story could have benefitted from an extra scene or two…or three…establishing how Gideon got into the forge undetected instead of just jumping from that shadow council discussion to the other scenes on Mandalore and the big battle of the episide.


    That's the thing, 


    Aren't the Mandolorians they found on the surface who led them into the trap the  aforementioned "Spies" that the episode title alludes to? 

    I don't think either Mando side would have sauntered in so haphazardly if there hadn't been friendlies to not only empathize with, but shpw them a wuick route.


  11. Just finally watched Absolute Live (after fighting to get a copy in the first place, yeesh!) And!

    Quite expectedly I cried constantly, such is my current modus operandi, right from The Labyrinth Of Time straight through the end of Absolute Live!, many tears were shed. Are we still spoilerting? If so...



    I really liked Max's arc here. While yes, he massively overshadows the already truncated presence of Mirage in the movie telling of Delta, I honestly believe we get is "old man Max" brought in to initially fill in the loss of Ernest Johnson by bringing Exedor with him (and damn, did I cheer at Exedor's appearance), but that evolves into a fascinating sidestory of the genius Jenius as a man who's seen far more insane events in human history than anyone should. He's jaded with his skill walking in, sees his grandaughter whom he believes inheritted none of it, knocks Hayate & Bogue around a bit to boost up the recognized resident aces, then finds out that even though he hasn't missed a step, he did miss what was obvious to Arad, Mirage's genius ie seeing genius in others.

    The Siren Systsm & whatshisname behind them:


    I liked this whole plot in a culminaton of what was teased with Sharon in Plus. That wholw Macrose subplot to me seems to be something tied in with the original conflict between the two Protoculture factions. DYRL at least presented the two sides as Bioweapon Vs Bio-technoweapon. The Aphos in Zero seems (to me) to be an absolute weapon of the bio-side, while the Singer of the Stars + ruins + high performance rune-networking abilities of Windemere/PC ruins amplifier left to seemingly lonk up all life into a super matrix mimicing the Vajra seems (again to me) to reflect the philosophy of the other side of the conflict. 

    Do we know if the organization behind glasses guy (whom we now know funded Roid & Heimdel) is also behind Grace & perhaps the intial creation of Sharon Apple to start with?


    It just hits me that the propegation of a galaxy wide matrix being initiated by 3 seperate parties is a bit too coincidental. If there were any Protoculture alive lurking in the shadows of tje galaxy, I really think ir's these guys trying hard to push things from those shadows.

    Lady M.


    While it could be just a weird mcguffin, Exedor talking about how they don't know what kind of intelligence Lady M actually is, and just that it transmits at the frequencies of the Megaroad fleet, but with codes that unlocked secrets of PC ruins & The Singer of the Stars. Unless the Megaroad fleet found themselves trapped in a fold fault with the rosetta stone of PC ruins, there's really no reason anyone there (such as Misa, Minmay or Miku) should have that knowledge in isolation. So, I proppose that Lady M. Is actually....Sara & the Aphos fullfilling their function, including but not limited to drawing the Megaroad fleet into the aforementioned fold fault (as a maybe a last bastion of life if all else fails).

    Yes, I am still trying to find meaning in the end of Zero...

    That baby..


    Not only being a representation of The Star Singer but having a rune to boot, could potentially be the most powerful being in the universe.

    What I didn't like:


    Why didn't Basara appear to replace Freiya & take her place boosting Walküre to victory! Damnit Basara, you could have saved Freiya's life!

    And finally, the real winner in the story:


    Arad, he got Max's hat & respect. No one won harder than Arad in this movie.



    I really want "The Labyrinth of Time" to lead somewhere. I mean really, what the hell does the Vajra Queen need with Alto? Is she feeding him? Is she cleaning him? Is her fasconation with him due to an imprint on the Vajra network from Ranka? Hell, was the Vajra queen overwritten by the little queen?

    I cried so hard at Ranka calling out for S021-5 & F09.


  12. I haven't bothered to dig any of that up, BUT I do reccomend doing an itunes search for "8-Bit Japanese Robot Anime" by megane, there are plenty of good chiptune renditions of super robot and mecha anime themes, including some Macross.

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